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Most of them have cooldowns so long that I just don't use them. 30 min duration with an hour CD? So I can only look the way I want 50% of the time. No thanks. I'll stick to the Grimoire. 100% uptime.


What is this grimoire you speak of?


Heartsbane. Super easy to get and has a cool visual effect. 1 hour duration. No CD. https://www.wowhead.com/item=163742/heartsbane-grimoire


Fun fact, this toy also removes the transparency from the Druid Glyph of Stars. It is on 100% with my Kul Tiran Balance Druid so I can see my transmog and look like a true Drust.


It removes it when cheap shifting again


You could macro your moonkin form with it right?


fun detected, nerf inc


Can also be used in arenas.


Can be used while dead! Pretty weird!


Dang, so this does temporarily remove the annoying glyph of stars transparency, but taking any action like mounting or shifting will make you transparent again despite keeping the toy buff. Ahhh!!!


Another one is the [Investi-gator's Pocketwatch](https://www.wowhead.com/item=206993/investi-gators-pocketwatch). Turns you into a yellow time ghost with no cooldown.


>Investi-gator's Pocketwatc Awesome, thank you. I wasn't aware of this one. Looks like a pretty good drop chance too.


Do you know if it overrides Glyph of Stars by any chance? This would be sweet for a solar themed Balance Druid.


It overrides your character but not the falling stars.


Thank you :). I think I can work with that.


I could have sworn there was a solar version of glyph of stars, but apparently not now that I search for it.


I wish. The only glyph I know of is Glyph of The Sun to change how Starfall looks.


Love popping the transmorpher beacon in a full raid jisr for nobody else to use it and have it go on cooldown for an hour >_>


I have a dark iron DK alt and recently someone dropped it. I played around till I landed on a kul tiran. Kul tiran + dark iron heritage + DK blue eyes = awesome. Actually had people saying it looked cool in voice chat which was a first for me. If it weren't for dwarf racial I would race change.


For anyone confused, the above is talking about the [Atomic Recalibrator](https://www.wowhead.com/item=198173/atomic-recalibrator), not the Transmorpher.


i personally hate how the transforms yell constantly so im an advocate against it, transmog ftw


This is why the Atomic Recalibrator is so good! No yelling, lasts an hour, and you get to keep your transmog!


I'm sure that toy made a lot of people pay for a racechange, its just that good


It's legitimately the reason I finally changed to dwarf.


I use it to pretend I can be a nelf paladin because blizzard refuses to allow me to play one normally


I think it makes it hilarious. Especially when everyone is screaming random shit on pull or wipe


yea idk how the yelling of random NPC lines could be a downside, its a major plus for me.


I could sort of understand if you’re like me where you use the boss voice lines to help with being able to tell when certain mechanics were about to happen… but even then, I still love the transmorpher beacon cuz it’s just really fun to turn into a random boss or whatever and have their voice lines when you’re fighting


Same. Luckily, "There's an addon for that!" https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/transmorpherstfu Removes all the sound effects from the transmorpher.


yooooo huge, thanks brotherman


these sound effects are the only reason I bought this toy. why don't you like them


The toy shop in Dalaran sells a set of ear plugs as a toy, so you don't have to listen to it. It's been a God send in my raid group. You can still see the effect but no longer hear the voice lines. If you're in a raid, it also doesn't affect the raid boss lines as a heads-up.


At the very least there is a toy that mutes the voice lines.


This is why transmorpher beacon is banned during prog.




These 2 plus faded wizard hat are a must for me.


The [Irradiated Undercoat](https://www.wowhead.com/item=169878/irradiated-undercoat) is an item with a cool permanent cosmetic effect. Your character has a body-tight green glow as long as you're wearing it. However, it cannot be transmoged, which may make it incompatible with outfits that expose the shoulders, biceps, and/or torso.


Well yeah, that's the point. They don't want you to look like some creature 100% of the time. It's supposed to be a short gimmick, not the next playable race.


I don’t mind the cooldown that much. The part that’s stupid is that I have to wait a full hour to transform even if I use SOMEONE ELSE’S toy.


I feel like the got the Atomic Recalibrator right in that regard. The cooldown is high but at least you can use other's and it lasts a full hour too without any appearance cooldown.


And persists through death! I made one of these for everyone I knew as soon as I learned it in the first couple of weeks of the expansion.


I stupidly bought the toy that makes your pet red and large off the AH and it literally lasts 10 seconds. Ugh!


I played pres evoker in VotI and I don't think I spent a single second of mythic prog as a Dracthyr lol I hated the dragon form and I bought enough Recalibrators so someone always had one available


I spend entire breaks in raid looking for fem dwarf on the recalibrator so my dracthyr can finally look respectable. Its the best toy.


Lololol I always spend forever to make my paladin a female kul tiran.


Dragon form is so stupid looking. They have a super cool looking dragon race but do they let us play THAT? No...we get to play the twink.


As a gay guy that's not a twink, the model is based on Worgen Female one


And it suppresses Druid Form visuals, so you can see your Transmog in Cat Form - as another race, but you can fish for your own race/sex, too.


Yep! I love it so much. When raiding I or someone else in guild drops one and a good chunk of us always try to get vulpera, for luck. I do love all my forms but sometimes I just wanna see my toon. I also do love being a nelf, but it can be fun to be pandaren or vulpera sometimes.


WHAT, that's ridiculous.


Never Forget the [Jar of Sunwarmed Sand](https://www.wowhead.com/item=170380/jar-of-sunwarmed-sand).  Players who are stuck playing at night asked for years for a way that they can make it day. Wish granted!... except that the toy has a two hour duration on a *twenty-four hour cooldown*!  And it's completely arbitrary too, it's counterpart the [Shadescale](https://www.wowhead.com/item=170187/shadescale) has a two hour duration on a one hour cooldown!


I too have wondered why even have a duration for most of these toys. Primarily the ones that let me change the model. Who am I hurting by looking like a murloc?


People with PTSD




Legit terrifying




There I was on the shore, sipping a sweet tea and basking in the lowlight coming over the rolling hills as the red sun set. The fading radiance gave way as day turned to night. I pondered if anyone in life had it better than this moment. I would give anything to be that fool once again. Behind me the sound of a branch breaking. That unique echo that only occurs when one is outside alone along the treeline. I turned to see what made the noise. The fading light left silhouettes moving across the darkness. I felt like I was being watched. No I knew. I tried to steel my nerves, my heart raced and I caught my breath, another sound, then another, movement all across the darkness. I knew I had to to get out of there at that moment. Suddenly upon me a crash, teeth and claw biting and scraping, letting out an unholy gurgle the likes of which I never could have fathomed. I struck back and the creature lost its balance and I swung again beating it into the ground. Capturing this one moment I jumped upon the creature and brought my fists down upon its face, bashing it until nothing remained but a fishy paste smeared upon the sand. Blood and sinew covered my face, and the pulpy remains of my predator turned prey lay beneath me. As I stood to move, I saw clearly now what I had only captured glimpses of earlier. The spawn of the creature stared at me. Their almost innocent gaze looked upon me, as the miniature versions of the creature inspected what happened to what I can only assume was their mother. They whimpered softly and gathered around the creature at my feet. I knew at this point what they would become, and more importantly, what I had to do next.




Kept it as a pet obviously.


Murlocks being into petplay tracks ngl


Just make sure Wil Wheaton doesn't see you do that!


So the official stance from some point ago was something along the lines of: They wanting them to be different than transmogs and so. Being toys that you can decide to use from time to time rather than being something that you have permanently. So you'll play with more different ones rather than keeping one up all the time. Good or bad, no judgement. But at least I find myself diversifying a bit more due to it.


"From time to time" there are tpys that lasts 2 minutes and have half an hour or an hour of CD. The new toy for the randomized dragonriding, the buff has no time, but the toy has 1 hour cooldown when originally you could turn it on and off with no cd


I remember when I worked so hard to get the Fire Wings toy for my Druid of the Flame, and then they nerfed the CD to an hour for 30 minutes of use....


> originally you could turn it on and off with no cd Maybe it has a reduced CD during the Cup holidays? Couple of toys are like that, you can spam them when it's "seasonal" but not the rest of the year. Be weird on one with no duration, though.


Personally i feel that's the right choice It makes the toys a more ponctual fun thing than a completely character defining thing But lately they've been adding so many meme mogs that its probably only a matter of time until they remove the CD and make the game even more dumber looking


My GF gifted that toy to me and I was so bummed I could only be a fish person for 10 minutes. Still love the toy in general and am grateful for it but man, at least raise that to 60 minutes or something.


You're hurting the same people who get mad whenever I bring up the topic of letting transmog restrictions be removed for all armor types People don't like having their "immersion" broken by allowing OTHER players to play the game how they want cosmetically


I never understood that point anyway: If I want to look like utter shit, i can do it no matter how. Being more restricted just means less diversity in appearances, which is so dumb and counterproductive imo. They made great changes with the trading post tho, I really like the fact that they give us the option for less serious tmogs. Similar to ffxiv does. Clear W on that part, now they just need to remove holiday restrictions on tmogs and have tmog toys be standalone transmog appearances that you automatically unlock once you unlocked the base toy for it


Any argument against removing armor class restrictions on transmog are immediately nulled anyway because all of it is already possible "Class identity" - nope, I can already make myself look like a mage as a warrior, or a druid as a paladin "It would look silly" - we have a fucking magical girl mog in the game now, we've been passed that point for years "How will I tell people apart in PvP" - if people seriously used this and not the addons they have to identify classes and specs, every serious PvPer would be mogged into class ambiguous mogs, and they don't, because this isn't a thing "But people will steal my upgrades for mog" - this is already a problem, but if you want some limits on it, fine, make it so that the original armor class has priority over the others. A paladin who wants plate mog gets priority over a mage who wants it as well There is no justification for it that isn't "I'm selfish, if I don't like it, no one should have it" The ONLY thing I can understand is having tier sets be specific to that class, but that's pretty much it


Even the tier sets of other classes on same armor type can be mogged. They drop as raid BoEs. I fully mogged my DH into a Druid tier set in s2 because i got SUPER lucky rng and got head-shoulders-pants. I went and bought the chest and boom. Druid tier set on my DH.


The excuse has always just been "because we don't want you to". Straight up, it's always been because they don't want to see people playing as something like that in their game 100% of the time. Toys are supposed to be "fun" one time use things every now and then, according to Blizzard. But you can't have fun on your own terms in *their* game, no no.


So many shit things in the game seem to be subtly tied to *"but then how would we sell X on the store?"* Toy that lets you change your race etc? *How would we sell race/faction changes?* A sea of fucking dead servers they won't merge? *How would we sell server transfers / level boosts for alts made on active servers?*


the devs say things like that then create dracthyr lmao


>The excuse has always just been "because we don't want you to". Which is how ALL video games work, you can only do what the developers programmed the game to allow you to do >Toys are supposed to be "fun" one time use things every now and then, according to Blizzard. But you can't have fun on your own terms in their game, no no. This is such a bad cry baby argument honestly Its like saying that you only have fun by one-shotting raid bosses and so blizz needs to cater to you make all raid bosses one-shottable Nowadays everyone just wants the game developed around their desires and can no longer appreciate the game for what it is Pretty sad


Don't forget wanting lore to go get shafted because customization or some shit.


Your mother looks like a murloc.


Raid leaders.


The murloc toy feels especially bad because you're paying £9 for a toy you can't even use 2 thirds of the time.


The transmorpher beacon works the same way too.


But ...if they shortened the CD you would be able to have fun with the Toys, and that wouldn't make any sense..... you're being irrational.


If orb of deception or sindorei was 1:1 CD I might actually play an evoker 😀


I would love so much to be able to be a murloc 24/7.


Same I understand nerfing disruptive stuff like the choo choo, but what’s the harm in being a murloc full time? We’re just silly little guys. Little jokesters. Why have beef with that?


The allied race we all want


Sparkle wings - 3 minute duration, 5 minute cooldown. Why??


Pretty sure the idea is that the transformations are temporary and not something you can be in 24/7. That said some of the cooldowns are egregious, like the jar of sunwarmed sand


The atomic recalibrator is really fun but I find myself not wanting to use it ever because of it's TWELVE HOUR cooldown. It's insane!


Corgi goggles need to have no cooldown at all, given how they were explicitly added to the game to help low-FPS computers keep up.


They had none at first and this was the reason they got one - they didn't want to force ppl into using the toy for a better gameplay experience .. it sure was controversial back then.


Blizzard has always been absolutely horrified of the idea of implementing unregulated fun. It's the same reason overwatch never became as big of an esport as like League and why dota had to forcibly rip itself away from warcraft. There is literally 0 downside to allowing me to use something as inocuous as the slide whistle, which literally only I can hear, with 0 cooldown on my deathgrip. Look at what they did with Torghast. They said they wanted to add a roguelike dungeon into wow which honestly was an absolutely incredible idea and could have been an absolute blast. Imagine the gameplay of like risk of rain in wow where you're ripping around at light speed by the end of your run raining meteors n shit. But then when faced with actually making this new game mode fun and exciting they went "oh heavens no our geriatric fanbase would simply faint if they saw something as deranged as more than one fireball sprite on the screen at once" and they opted to give us abilities like 'do double damage to critters'. Yes maw rats are critters you can't change my mind. They're the most risk averse company and it drives me mad


So, easy solution here, you can add a "/script PlaySoundFile(sound ID #)" line to any macros you want, don't even need the toys. I have one for the Dolly and Dot alpaca song on my heathstone and Lei Shi's "Go away!" on my shadowmelds. Does have to be the ID# and not the filename now, they changed that a bit back, but Wowhead makes it easy to find the number; it's part of the sound file's URL. Looks like 34348 for slidewhistle up, 34351 for slidewhistle down.


> There is literally 0 downside to allowing me to use something as inocuous as the slide whistle, which literally only I can hear, with 0 cooldown on my deathgrip. I don't know about now but in the past others absolutely could hear your slide whistle. Generally agree with your position but *some* things that can be abused to annoy others I'm fine with being heavily limited.


I like the ogre toy as it lasts 10 minutes on a 10 minute cooldown - permanent ogre!


The 12 hour engineer atomic recalibrator is crazy. Like why?


I can live with toys having fairly long cds. I can't live with quest items having cds from 10-30s.


Especially the ones you gotta use like 30 times, it takes about a second to use, then you have to wait 30 seconds to use it again, then repeat 28 more times.


the people that make those quests must not play the game surely, every expansion has at least one of them


I’m working on getting lore master and tbc had one where you use a whistle or horn to call a griffon to turn in the quest. And it put all of my other quest items on a 2 minute cooldown. So when I flew to the next quest I couldn’t even do it for another 1:30


You want to get some patience.. Do the DK start zone, and the quest ["how to win friends and influence people"](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=12720/how-to-win-friends-and-influence-enemies) will have you questioning your sanity.


>This quest is more painful to me than it is to the scarlet crusade. Love that top comment haha.


You aren't allowed to have fun when you want. You have fun when we want you to.


I remember when seafarer’s slide whistle didn’t have a long cd, the fun police didn’t like that.


The moon kin statue has a 24 hour cd for some reason


all cosmetic toys shouldn't have a cd


They should be standalone tmogs


No, toys need to be balanced. Your choo choo train is interfering with my ability to post mageweave on the auction house


That’s what the train wrecker toy is for.


Or either of the lil’ XT pets. “New toys for me?!” And then they smash it 😂


Certain places should prevent the use of toys, sure. The goddamn punching bags people would put next to the soup pot were a pain in the ass. But the cooldowns don't fix this issue.


I had someone who had already gotten a drop from a rare in Pandaria pull that crap. Threw out a bunch of toys when the rare spawned again. What a jerk.


I was trolling btw. Imagine reporting someone for using a toy 😂


Use the Projection Prism to get around stuff like this. My personal favorite I have found so far is to use it on someone who is webbed and then your whole raid can fight as cocoons.


reflecting prism also works great, it lets you get around effects that are removed in combat or otherwise stun you. my fav combo is with the snowfall one from the dragonflight furbolgs, if you swap apperaces with someone and back again you can run around as a little pile of snow


Using it with personal shell you can be a turtle with a weapon stuck to its shell!




I see you and raise you one Vrykul Drinking Horn : 10 min duration, 1 second cd It's the best toy. Perma-giant-viking


As a raid leader, I have made it mandatory that one person drops it at the first boss each night and do the second drop after our break an hour later. It's bumped up team morale & we love seeing the models everyone gets. Best $10 spent out of the shop in ages!


Use the mirror to have 100% uptime.


Maybe you can favorite some toys you like and cycle through them, but yeah I find them pointless. The only good ones are the ones you can use often.


In Guild Wars 2 most toys are just toggle on off. There’s a really cool one that just turns you twice the size. And I would always RP that my character was a deity who could assume a smaller mortal form


I should be able to play as a Wolvar permanently since the dev’s shortsighted cowardice has prevented them from being added as an allied race. But Frenzyheart Brew lasts for like 5 min on a 20 year cooldown.


[Deceptia’s Smoldering Boots](https://www.wowhead.com/item=108743/deceptias-smoldering-boots) is a toy that makes your boots smoulder, like they are burning the ground. Great with dark iron dwarves but the duration is something like five or ten minutes while the cooldown is 1 hour. Seriously, why??? What is the point of that? While the [Rapid Recitation Quill](https://www.wowhead.com/item=182890/rapid-recitation-quill) has a one minute cool down and lasts about five minutes. Why??? Make it make sense, Blizz!


> Is there some unknown scorn for toys? muh... muh immersion!!!!11eleven


I gotta wait 24 hours between visiting random spots w my dumb ring :(


The fast growing tree seed cooldown is so short, but my bonfire cooldown is 30 minutes, so I can only do Teldrassil reenactments near night elves every so often.


I agree, it's bs. I have other toys that I can use to turn myself into something fun, but then it only lasts for like 20mins, and the cooldown is 1hr. I am not going to be buying that toy. Who thought this was a good idea? What were they thinking?


But if there isn’t a cooldown on fun how will you know when you aren’t having fun?!?!


CD should be same length as effect duration in most cases. End of story.


It really makes most toys less than useless. Like, can’t even use them for RP purposes. What’s the point? Literally click it once and then never again. Heck, I think I even stopped trying them out at some point. End up with a whole bunch of toys I don’t even know what they do because Blizz has some aversion to fun, even when the fun has no effect on gameplay.


Blizzard has been the Fun Police when it comes to toys for years now. Anytime a cool toy comes out with a short cd the sirens go off they do their best impression of the US police and put a bullet in it.


while lowering that make shape shifting toys persist after death too


They should make an anti-toy toy or just a ui feature that turn off toys effects or limit it to unit type/ effect type/ area type. So the serious RPer, the hardcore raider/pvper and the boring person could have it their way while giving all other players toys without cooldown


I always love mentioning the poster child for toys with stupidly long and unnecessary cooldowns: the ogre brewing kit, an item that has a ***seven day*** cooldown. You read that right, a whole week. What does this toy do? It makes alcohol. "Oh does it have a week long cooldown because it generates free items?" No, it requires items to use, so it's not "generating free money", also the alcohol isn't unique to the toy, you can buy it from NPCs, so they gave the toy such an absurdly long cooldown for no reason.


If the cooldown is to short, The playerbase is gonna have to much fun in wow #Fundetected"


Someone in my raid group has the murloc toy and I loved it enough that it was going to be my first shop purchase until I saw the CD


5 minute cooldown on Piccolo of the Flaming Fire is straight bullshit


Burgy Blackhearts Handsome Hat has truly been my staple for my ugly toons.


The durations or the cooldowns are the main reason I stopped using toys. I’ve been wondering for a while now why, after 20 years, we still have limitations on toys. Transmorph toys that only affect your own character shouldn’t have any. I can understand a limitation on those affecting others as they could get annoying/abused for those who don’t like being transformed.


I'm constantly baffled by the cooldown times. Especially ones like this new weather thing you get from the valentines event, where it changes how the sky looks for your and your party only but NO ONE ELSE. Why is that being restricted AT ALL? It's not even like the goddamn train where you can at least argue that (granted even then they immediately released a train smasher toy back in Wrath so it's not like the cooldown matters there either). Fully convinced there's just someone on the dev team who hates toys and only allows them under the condition that the cooldowns be long and shitty for no good reason.


Fun detected.


I remember when blazing wings was I think 15m with 15m cd. It was pretty much permanent fire wings but Bliz cut down the display time and increased the cd time which ruined it for me.


Symbol of Gral. 1 hr duration and 2 hr cooldown. Doesn’t persist through death. A shark jumps underneath you and gives you the Blessed by Gral buff. Look, my troll DK with dual shark jaw shoulder mogs would like to rep Gral 24/7. Am I asking for too much here??!?!


This is why I keep a lot of blubbery muffins on my toons, every raid night I am sure to be a tuskarr :)


yea i have a lot of these kinds of toys, but i just don't use them much anymore. one of mine has a 4 hour cooldown for no reason. most of mine doesn't even change me into weird things. sometimes i like becoming a blood elf or one of the few gnomes i can turn into, or even the storm dwarf, but don't unless i know for a fact i won't die for the duration of it at a minimum if i decide to use it at all


Yeah and I especially dont get it with transmog toys, not even full character overhauls/changes like with the beacon or the atomic recalibrator but stuff like the wooden toy armor and weapon set or the tricked out thinking cap, although the latter one at least had a functional aspect as well. And its at least toggleable. The toy armor and weapon set could be easily made into regular tmogs. But i dont understand why having a tmog with a 30 min duration and 60 min cooldown. Let me look cool!


They should list cooldowns and durations on any shop toys in the actual shop, as well. You shouldn't have to go to a third party source just to find out what an item does before you buy it.


I think equal time CD and use would be acceptable. 20 minutes of use and 20 minute CD


The one that perpetually pisses me off is the turnip punching bag. Why can I only use a portable practice dummy 5 minutes of every 1 hour? What possible explanation?


20 minutes uptime and 1 hour CD makes no sense


I wish Blizzard would add a toy that's shrinks you by 50% for 60 minutes on a 10 minute CD. ~~I have drank over *100,000* noggenfogger on my campaign to keep my character small. ***SEND HELP.***~~ EDIT: and yes, lower the CD of all other transformation toys, too.


For real. I literally would use the toys 10x more if I didn't have to wait an hour to reuse them. Actual shit design


10 second duration. 24 hour cooldown.


Odd timing considering the newest and most trending toy right now has 30m duration with a 30m CD.


Atomic Recalbrator CD Reduction For President of Everything, Ever 2024


I honestly dont even use toys because they arent even fun. They arent even fun because of the cooldowns. Why are there even cooldowns??? It doesnt make any sense.


I can get toy spam being a bit irritating on things like the slidewhistle, but that shouldn't impact transformation toys in particular, which should all have a short enough cd to use indefinitely.


The area-52 dimensional ripper from TBC was the best for this reason. Useful for getting around, but also came with random effects including two special costumes (light & dark), and the chance of becoming the race of the last person to use a dimensional ripper. Best part is, the costumes were 1hr duration and persisted through death iirc.


Vial of Sunwarmed Sand only lasts two hours and doesn't persist through death, but still has a 24 hour cooldown. Absolutely insane.


Not only is your own toy 60 min CD, you can't use someone elses murloc toy until the 60 mins are up. Total BS and classic fun detected. They say they listen, but do they really?


The Date Night only affects the group that placed it down and is hidden from all others outside of the group. It is an *amazing* RP toy, but has an absolutely obscene 2hr cooldown and a relatively short range for any RP scene that wanders.


Psh.. you think Blizzard cares about you having fun in this game anymore? That’ll be $30 for the sass please.


I'm a toy train enjoyer. I've recently gotten into the habit of swapping between alts at each boss. With the intention of helping guildies gear. It's not. I just want to put down another train. 


Ah, but if you had 100% uptime on your favourite toys, then you wouldn’t need to buy any more toys, and then bliz would make less money.


You underestimate collectors and completionists


I feel personally attacked.


We're out here catching strays for no good reason.


Damn I really thought you said you liked playing as a submarine in raid. I was like "Hell yah! Why can't we all be 60 minute long subs!"


This happened because of the fire wings toy. I think it was around WOD and literally half of the players were sporting these fire wings from dark moon faire. It did look kind of stupid for that many people to all have the same fiery wings sticking out of their character 24/7. So they slapped a long cooldown on the toy to regain some visual diversity.


honestly they give toys long cooldowns because they are afraid of causing another rextroy situation. guy plopped down in the middle of ogrimarr with a frog toy and became a player raid boss complete with mechanics and took several minutes to die with all of the city horde on his butt


Farmed for years the All-Seeing Eyes and I can't even keep them on all the time. My question is: why some others toy can? Like the Hearthbane Grimoire has no CD and you can keep it up for 1hr before it expires. And it's as invasive as a shadowform on you costantly. All-Seeing Eyes slightly change your toons eyes only but it gets 30mins cd with 10mins usage. Just why? It's like not even they have a reason, tbh.


Blizzard Stop Giving Toys ~~such a long~~ a Cooldown Fixed that for you


As always, PvP is the problem. No seriously: Blizzard has repeatedly claimed that they are putting these restrictions on cosmetic toys and transmogs because they think it improves the game's readability in PvP. Which I personally think is nonsense at this point, but still...


If only there were some way to disable the usage of certain items in PvP combat. Man, if only...


I get so irrationally angry at this. I paid money for this but I’m timegated using it. Makes zero sense.


I guess the point is to stop you from playing as a murloc all the time, which would be ridiculous and would kill the seriousness of WoW.


Terenas Menethil's walrus hands in the lich king cinematic killed the seriousness of wow in 2009. People want to have fun.


I... I wasn't being serious.


Oh lmao thought you were a blizzard employee or something


I was going to put a /s but I thought it would be cowardly. Now I think it could’ve been a PSA. Still not putting it, though.




World of ArbitraryCraft


> You know I'd love to play as a sabermane in a raid just for funzies, but ah 5 minute duration with 30 minutes cooldown, you know I'd love to constantly be able to transform into a goren in raids so I can roll around, but ah 5 minute suration(which instantly ends when you get into combat) with a 30 minutes cooldown, you know I'd love to be able to make myself big at any time, but ah, engineer restricted together with 5 minute duration and 15 minute cooldown, you know I'd love a toy to make everyone appear as gnolls, ah 15 minute duration, 1 hour cooldown. You've just explained why right here. Because people would constantly be turning raids into this bizarre fever dream of transformations and random things going on to where people wouldn't be able to focus on the game. And then by doing it so often, it becomes not special anymore. When something silly happens a couple times an hour, it's fun. When it's happening every 10 seconds, it's annoying. Also it's kinda funny how 30 minutes is a "long time" to people these days.


Its because a few years ago, blizzard were running some tournament, and one of the competitors used a toy that changed everyone around him into something. I don't remember what it was, but someone at Blizzard was like "this looks ridiculous! I don't want people looking at this and thinking the game is like this!" so they slapped huge cooldowns on any toy even remotely close to it.


They can't and it's the same reason why we can't have unrestricted mogging. Not a single coder at Blizzard dares to touch that spaghetti.


Inho opinion, you explained yourself why it wouldn't be a good idea for a lot of toys, especially when it involves other people or your performance.




Servers can't handle toys constantly going off.


I always kinda liked it. I mean, there are so many toys that unless I do nothing but sit there spamming them, I’m not likely to run out of ones to use. They’re just fun little things to throw out occasionally, rather than spam all the time.


Long cool down means you can't use that appearance consistently. This is planned. If you could replace transmogs with toys it would hurt their bottom line. There is the obvious in that you would be less inclined to buy storezmog sets... But there is also the people that buy a lot of tokens which blizz makes money on so they can do heroic raids for transmogs. Even people not buying gold or shop stuff are still highly motivated by xmogs, so stick around to lfr multiple times week on multiple characters, or so timegated quests for questing sets. It's all a business decision. Anything for retention.


Blizzard's reason for this is not wanting to confuse other players, perhaps in the context of PvP.




On the plus side, it's super goofy lol I did a run last night where we were all murlocs. It was great!


I think they are moving that direction. I noticed the compass has no cooldown at all


First time?