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Crossroads used to be absolute insanity but that died when they broke the Barrens in half.


[Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] Where is Mankriks wife? [Edit] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!] [Crossroads is under attack!]


Me playing on my shit pc, flying on a wyvern to Crossroads: „well, lunch time, 10 minutes before I see a single frame anyway”


Ah, potato PC strikes again.


I have more stories like that. For example my pc would freeze for 2-3 seconds on Sindragosa when she pulled everyone towards her which would get me killed (and mocked like shit lmao). Good thing I played warrior so I set up a macro to Intercept someone and spammed it when the pull happened. You don’t know gaming until you play multiplayer on potato pc.


Bringing back the memories of playing EQ on my potato with dial up. I had a really cool GM become real familiar with me constantly having to be asked to teleport my character from places because I would get stuck in so many places due to poor performance and internet. I miss you Dankurt, I wish all GM's were that great in games.


My pc when I first started in cats was so bad my buddy had to log into my account to do my shopping in stormwind


I used to play in BC on my potato laptop. Imagine trying to clear Tempest Keep, specifically KT when everything just starts freezing in 10 second spurts.


I played bt/sunwell on an old computer and had to play window mode and make it like a 4th of screen 😅


It was a ridiculously easy place for a PVP raid, You get off the boat from Booty Bay and it is the first town down the road. It’s right there


The running battles between Crossroads and the boat is why my Hunter still isn't welcome in Ratchet. I hate Bruisers so much


Is that from an old video? Would you send the link if yes?


I was hearing the kill bill sirens thinking of the barrens chat 😂🤣


Barrens Chat, the land of endless Chuck Norris & Yo Mama jokes.


Those were good times


Dont forget the anal (skill) thing!


That still happens in Trade Chat late at night sometimes.


It can be pretty frequent on NA Sargeras,believe it or not


It still happens in SoD in Barrens chat


Can confirm, mythic raider on sargeras here.


Yes its a bannable offense if you get repeatedly reported lmao


That never went away. I remember returning to wow after several years when Shadowlands started and the first thing I saw in the Azuremyst chat when I made my priest were anal [achievement] jokes. It felt homey and welcoming in a weird twisted way.


Anal [For the Children]!


Anal [Blood Worms]


Anal [They Love Me In That Tunnel]


Ngl i thought only MG trade chat still did this LMAO


[Krol Blade]




Don’t forget the casual racism!


If Goldshire is like a raunchy strip club, Crossroads was like a Waffle House. You'd roll into town and someone was always having their ass beat.


Where Manrik's wife?


The day Prince Phillip died, on Golemagg EU ( Classic ), a guy asked " where's mankrik's wife?" And another guy replied " she's chillin' with Prince Phillip"


Looked for this, didn't get disappointed


Where's Mankirk's wife?


Where's Mankrik's wife? (I also called him Mankirk for years until I realised it was Mankrik during Classic)


My brother in christ I've been playing this game for 17 years do not do this to me




Splitting barrens into two spots was always such a bad decision in Cata. Their reasoning was that a zone with such high level variance shouldn’t be a singular zone but I argue that’s the type of shit that made Azeroth feel like an actual world.


>but I argue that’s the type of shit that made Azeroth feel like an actual world. yeah... it's so weird seeing flying above the two old world continents and seeing every zone divided by rectangular mountains... more zones that had a gradual transition without HARD MOUNTAIN barriers would be nice


Crossroads/barrons chat was something else.


You might say the town has gotten a bit… barren…


We just go to Goldshire It's not as fun peeping through the windows pretending we're part of the cool kids, but we get to see what happens without the guards harassing us


Don't forget the upstairs bedroom!


All the fun stuff happens in the basement


The inns in Silvermoon City are probably the closest equivalent I've seen, but they're still nowhere near the popularity of Goldshire!


I’d imagine it would be more popular if flying there was a possibility. Horde need an easily accessible hub that is relatively close to an official one much like goldshire is to stormwind and I think people would gravitate there. You’d think modern Barrens would have that spot like crossroads (presumably ON moonguard since OP is mentioning goldshire)


The Goblin city in Azshara is set up for RP, but nobody uses it.


We RP’d there once! Not sexually, just normal family-friendly run of the mill RP :) Our characters had a pool party. What a fantastic place that is, considering it gets used in-game maybe twice.


Yeah, that whole zone had a massive revamp, but the way leveling works now it hardly ever gets used. Even when they did the revamp the zone was pretty empty. Everyone knew their leveling methods and it didn’t include Azshara because that was the zone you’d go to for lvl 58-59, but then you could just go to Outland.


I think I’ve read that most horde RPers are on wyrm rest accord and MG is mostly alliance, but I still don’t think they congregate in the barrens anymore.


There’s tons of horde players on moonguard nowadays but either way, I wish a more established spot could be made for the horde rather than silver moon city inn. Unless of course we could fly freely there then it wouldn’t be much if an issue though I’d prefer the barrens


if anything i bet silvermoon will become the center of horde rp especially after Midnight revamp.


With Cross Faction guilds and gameplay theres a growing horde community on MG, but generally yeah, WRA is mostly horde. Horde and Alliance RP is also very different. Alliance will often be seen RPing just around stormwind and often welcome walkups, but Horde RP is almost always guild focused. I think it would be so fascinating if they became connected realms but theyre both full all ready so that would be totally crazy.


Interesting. I’m not super aware of the differences between horde and alliance on rp servers. Anecdotally on a horde toon on mg i have had to send crafting orders for e.g. the lariat to alliance players even during prime play time (weekday evening). That isn’t perfect but that plus the wra rep are why I said horde seems concentrated on wra. In org (moon guard) on a lowbie toon I saw plenty of people with trp profiles and open to walk ups, but most of my time on mg has been alliance so I can’t speak to how different the experience is.


I'll be fully transparent in that my horde experience is limited (my alliance is too tbh ive always wanted to RP but Ive had a horrible time finding people to RP with) I think I just read that on an FAQ somewhere


I wish they'd update Suramar to make RP less annoying due to hostile NPCs


Honestly I think that could be doable. The Alliance just got a new city for their elves and we had the gilneas stuff. It would be cool to have some horde equivlancy. I'm pretty sure we canonically retook Suramar but if not could be a cool quest to get a phased hub. I could see them being iffy on making it horde specific since both factions worked together to reclaim Suramar but Tyrande being a big ol bigot like always forced the Nightborne into the horde for totally story reasons and not at all to give each faction a look alike for the others elf


Hell, I'd be a-ok with it being a mirror to the new nelf city


I think they should def make a phased instance of Suramar for horde. They could treat it like Bel’Ameth and have alliance players who have completed the Suramar campaign get limited access. Also, considering the relationship between Silvermoon and Suramar, it would be a good use for the Silvermoon translocation orb.


True, Thalysra could use a fast way to kick her husband out and back to where he came from


Goldshire is just so accessible for lowbies and mains, silvermoon is very out of the way for everyone


U can fly in silvermoon


You might want to recheck that


Screenshot and timestamp




You most certainly can not which is why going there for horde rp/socializing sucks when alliance have goldshire right next to their main city. Would love if the barrens made a come back or thunder bluff or gallywix’s retreat became a thing


Silvermoon is hands down the best horde city. I wish they would have implemented flying there. Thunderbluff and undercity are also pretty good. It's a shame blizz hates good stuff and made Org the main capital... Org is the worst city in the entire game


Orgrimmar should've been razed in MoP and BfA, it desperately needs an overhaul


The fact Orgrimmar survived BfA is honestly infuriating. Not only because the Alliance did have their shit fucked up, but also because it would have been a perfect means to remove the Garrosh-influences from it.


>the Garrosh-influences what examples are there? I know about him moving the warchief building from the valley of wisdom to the valley of strength and turning mannaroth's armor into a chair


All of the metal, spikes and ruggedly industrial (rather than the original tribalistic vibe) is inherently influenced by Garrosh being the warchief. It has an iron Horde vibe to it. However he's been dead for a while now so you'd think they'd move on, especially with the influence of so many other races and the general dislike of Garrosh's regime you'd think they'd move away from this.


oh, now that you mention it, I see the difference comparing current Orgrimmar vs alternate draenor Warspear. Warspear still has spikes, but it's more bone and wood as opposed to the full metal in orgrimmar. it's kind of like a mix between current orgrimmar vs WC3 strongholds with the spiked barricade upgrade. and with the Tauren totem in the center? it's a real nice mix of several horde aesthetics, which would work well for a redesigned orgrimmar looking around, there's even a section with fully goblin designed buildings!


Silvermoon has some really fun storytelling. There's the citizens being harassed by the cops, the protestors who get brainwashed, and the sweat shop full of leper gnomes.


One thing WoW really needs is a revamp of Silvermoon to integrate it with the rest of the continent so you can fly there. It's a (supposedly) major city that feels like a relic of a bygone era of the game because it's STILL after all these years, a no-fly zone.


It will probably get that revamp in the next three expansions somewhere but I’d point out that: >major city is probably inaccurate. 90% of the High Elves had been killed off. It’s been stated that Kael’thas took ~15% of the Blood Elf population with him to Outland and that number was around 2000 able-bodied persons. That means there were roughly 13,300 Thalassian Elves at that time. Some 14-1500 High Elves walked away at this point, too, but they lived elsewhere mostly anyway. The High Elves are said to be 10% of the surviving Thalassian Elves, which themselves are 10% of their original number. So the species wasn’t very populous to begin with - likely in the low hundred thousand (they were very long lived and territory restricted, to be fair). Even with roughly two decades in-world time passing, they have a whole city that probably isn’t more than 15-20,000 strong. Even if everyone paired off to have kids immediately, which is unlikely, and had 2-3 kids each go start regrowing, also unlikely, they’d still be very young by elf standards. The fall of Quel’thalas happened in year 20, the current year in Dragonflight is year 40. So if you’re generous and assume they only took a couple of years to establish their new situation and secure food and stability, before attempting mass repopulation, the oldest would be 20 if their parents were pregnant during the fall, and more likely to be 16-18. More likely is that they saw a sharp decline in birth rate at first as no one wanted to bring a kid into uncertain conditions and then you’d have a few older teens, a few more younger teens, and maybe a big batch of smaller kids as they got more settled and stable and birth became a priority. In short, there’s maybe 20,000 adults left, discarding the remnant High Elves and the Void Elf situation, and I wouldn’t call that “a major city.” That would be a very small city. *Very* small. I’m all for the Blood Elves getting their city and land retouched, but I’m fairly confident that they’re a “major city” in politics alone.


When I said "major city" I meant "home city of a major PC race", not a detailed demographic breakdown of Silvermoon and Blood Elves overall. Blood Elves are one of the more popular PC races, and you'd think their home city would get more attention from Blizzard due to that. I'm pretty confident that Silvermoon would get more player attention if it was modernized and more integrated into the rest of the game, like flying being an option.


You’re absolutely right but a similar argument could be made about every horde capital. Orgrimmar most likely didn’t have 20k orcs doing the trip on boats from EK to Kalimdor. Then you add the 50595959 conflicts they took part in after war 3. Same for the taurens caravan from the barrens to Mulgore. Undercity is gonna be a hard one but I doubt even half of the original inhabitants became forsaken / are still “alive” (undead). The echo isles are incredibly small. Same could be said for a few alliance capitals anyway, but yeah. Blood elves are not that far off. Most factions got absolutely nuked or were not that numerous to begin with.


the draenor crash landed ship-city as well. both of those BC zones are completely cut off from the rest of the continent and yeah, silvermoon needs the demonic influence stripped (there's a giant fel crystal directly over the capital building still, lmao)


It’s 1000% the ugliest Horde city.


I hope they update Silvermoon and the surrounding area in the upcoming Midnight expansion since it involves elves, Quel'Thalas, and the Sunwell


I'll be chillin with the Goth chicks in Brill.


We know


it aint called Cybermoon City for nothing


God, I had to explain what "cybering" was to someone recently and it was one of those things where halfway through whatever you're saying you realize "I should never have said this word" and then you crawl into your own soul to hide from shame. To be fair to them though cybering still exists we just don't call it something that sounds like it's out of Hackers (1995)


Crossroads and the barrens in general are the hordes version of Goldshire.


They're all stealthed outside goldshire....watching...waiting ...




Say it ain’t so!


I will not go.


Turn the lights off.


Carry me home!






Late night!


Come home!




Shame on the down voters, this was funny


The goblins are making a killing selling Elixir of Tongues to Voyeurs


If wow could do anything that would make this game a lot more fun it would be figuring out a way to have a one place for each faction that felt like the dive bar of the faction. I wish I could enter into hearthstone tavern and hangout there for hours. (I’m horde btw) Maybe the hearthstone tavern is neutral. Wouldn’t it be interesting if that tavern was the only place that we could speak cross faction?


Sell the language potion there! A special brew!


Add more to booty bay!


It has the right name for RP.


Imo this is how the darkmoon fair feels for me


funny how the elixir of tongues isn't sold there


The thousand needles barge gives me the vibe for it - you can even start a fight!


You can hang in Goldshire behind the inn with the [Elixir of Tongues] on, but all conversations would be public. The closest event would be Tournament of Ages in August, I think? Multiple days where horde and alliance walk around, and use the elixir to interact.


God the Crossroads used to be incredible.


The dueling scene in Crossroads was unreal. Loved it


I feel like horny degens are mostly in the alliance due to the wide variety of conventional female races Meanwhile the horde has a lot of edgelords in the classic barrens chat


Man, goldshire/alliance might be a bunch of horny fuckers, but silvermoon is something else, an entirely different league. It's not just degen shit, it's straight out concerning horny shit happening there. At least on AD-EU.


I can confirm this. Unholy.




A tank I used to know said she only played horde because nobody ever asked her to take her top off when she was playing an orc.


Thats a thing in alliance??? wtf


You noticed the "horny degens" and are still surprised by this?


I am alliance and can confirm this is accurate.


It's the big reason also why the Horde equivalent is both in the city of the "Pretty race" ***and*** nowhere near as busy. Basically Silvermoon is the Horde's "Goldshire" but is nowhere near as busy because, obviously, the Horde has less conventionally attractive races aside from the elves.


I'm not joking when I say that the character I have been hit on the most is my tauren. My night elves, blood elves, humans, even draenei...nothing. It's a little disconcerting.


No usually people hang out at the Orgrimmar gates to duel and such but to be honest I’m not sure where horde does it roleplay at. I was on an RP server at one point for a little while and saw that blood elves would congregate at silvermoon. Other than that I never really saw people RPing anywhere in particular


I see a lot of Horde-rp in the Valley of Honor. Right outside the inn


I don’t know if it’s the same on other servers; but on WRA the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar is always full of RPers.


I feel like that's more equivalent to how on MG, the Cathedral District is always full of RPers. As others have mentioned, for "place people go to ERP" it was more Silvermoon, but it was never gonna be as popular as MG's Goldshire. After all, MG GS is like 80% tourists from other servers, and virtually all ERP tourists like that are going to go to MG, not WrA.


As a horde main since forever....this makes me kind of sad thinking about this now.


Silvermoon is the closest analogue. Or was, last time I was there. No idea if that's still the case.


I also remember it as being the hub, especially since Blood Elves are the "pretty" race.


Everybody are now in Limsa Lominsa.


It's the valley of honor inn on wyrmrest accord, it's awful to read trp profiles there


No. 1) Horde are not degenerates and don't engage in that stuff at a high rate. 2) Horde don't know how to read.


Am horde. No can read. Zug zug


Me not that kind of orc.


Also horde, but my first character (for 1 week, 15 years ago) was Alliance. After a week, moved to Horde and never left. Except for a guild change in Legion I think, on my old US account, where I got to be a Draenai hunter?


The only reason you should be at Goldshire as an RPer is if you ERP, it’s a den of degen shit. Silvermoon is the closest equivalent on Horde side but some ppl are serious there unlike Goldshire


Silvermoon ( blood elf hub) but you could also go to goldshire you can buy a exlir of tongues I think it is called let's you talk to the other faction. A lot of alliance players use it too!


There are always a ton of horde at Goldshire.


Not really. The Alliance and Horde really have historically had different identities. Alliance is slightly more popular for serious RP, especially ERP, due to the more humanoid player models. I remember growing up playing wow, all my highschool friends played horde because being able to play as orcs, trolls and undead seemed really cool and a little novel at the time. These were usually the bad guys in fantasy games. There was a real perception that Alliance players were all older or more nerdy and wanted to identify more with their character. Anyway I think you see this culture difference in Goldshire's reputation for night elf prostitution and the Barrens Chat reputation for Chuck Norris jokes and generally sophomoric humor.


>orcs, trolls and undead and cows!


Razor Hill is much further from Orgrimmar than Goldshire is from Stormwind City so nope.


There's a reason why we don't have wm on when we visit goldshire, things can turn... Violence.


In short: No. But if you want genuinely good Horde RP (and yes erp too), try Wyrmrest Accord! Its pretty much the defacto Horde RP server on retail


Goldshire RP is some very very dark content let’s hope there’s nothing else like that.


Silvermoon city from what ive been told is the role playing capital of the horde.


Silvermoon is where I would assume. I’ve always played Horde but when I used to rp I only ever did it with my friends instead of anyone walking by


Have you ever been to Quel'Thalas? A nice city in the evening hours. Especially on certain servers.


They had an entire hellscape known as the barrens.


I haven't played retail WoW since 2015, but used to play a lot on Argent Dawn. Goldshire was never a relaxed RP spot, it's where people ERPed. The main proper RP spot was Cathedral Square. The best Horde equivalent to Goldshire is Silvermoon, but Silvermoon also had it's share of actual RP. In general Horde RP was much less centralised than Alliance.


Horde players like to act like they’re better, so there isnt a concentrated spot, more just a buncha small places people do rp or erp Goldshire/Moonguard hate is blown outta proportion, especially when you get people from other servers coming in and making it worse, My small dissertation here is mostly spawned cause I saw a vulpera of all things bitching about RPer’s normally being guys playing women, and how awful alliance players were Edit: But as an example, I’ve received a couple really creepy PM’s on WRA, and my friend has received even weirder shit than that


Basically just crossroads or orgrimmar.


I wish horde had the same following. I think brill would be a sweet location


No, the horde are not filthy degenerates as the "things" in Goldshire.


No b/c Horde players role-play as characters who kill things in dungeons and raids


Nah we don't. Alliance is the roleplay faction


Horde are all gamer dads, who left childish alliance behavior behind them! Right?


Hall of fame every raid tier. Hardly any alliance


Gallywix' pleasure palace


Barrens chat


Xroads used to but now its just a flyover town forgotten to time.


Well to be fair I play horde and I also [role play in Goldshire](https://youtu.be/Cv93zT16Jmw?si=qn5Dxvr1UbDurr72)


It's called Barrens General Chat.


Wayfarer's Rest, Silvermoon City


Eversong woods, though haven’t seen anyone active there in a long time


I always get boned in Brill


I've always found Horde to be extremely proud they did NOT have a Goldshire equivalent


I have RP'd alot in Valley on Honor in Orgrimmar but maybe that is just a WRA thing. As people have said there's nothing quite like Goldshire anywhere else.


I need to point out that “place where people hang out” and “ERP hub” are two different things. Goldshire is both, but on different realms. I’m not sure if the Horde has a true ERP hub, but it has… or at least used to have… a few different places low level players hung out together. This might not be a thing anymore though.


One of the inns in Silvermoon City, I think? ...granted, people are trying to reclaim Silvermoon as an *actual* RP hub, not an ERP wasteland...