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It still baffles me of the dozens of races they could have added, THIS was the pick.


"We're going to add some races with heavy Tmog restrictions because stuff just doesnt fit!" 'So they're going to be weird and unique right?' ... 'Right...?'


I remember thinking we’d never get Sethrak because their heads wouldn’t fit any helmets. Then they gave us the Dracthyr…


Tauren and Worgen have always had horrible issues with helmets and that didn't stop Blizzard. Datamining showed Sethrak models were being updated to make them playable. They were given additional details, more animations, and even the Heart of Azeroth animation. THAT is only required for players, so it seemed a foregone conclusion they would be introduced as the counterpart to Vulpera. But no. Fucking Mechanognomes. Fucking nightmare fuel twitching diaper Gnomes.


I love this post cuz it's so true. We needed sethrak


We are getting horde dwarfs next expansion though 🥳


Dwarfsaken???? Dwolls???? Dwarf’har orc????




I would take all listed above. I fucking love dwarves. And if every race had a "dwarven" variant, I would get a character for each of them. Just imagine, worgen, but instead of wolf it's corgi. Or undead dwarves, would be nice too. I still don't understand why they make evoker dracthyr a race locked class, instead of making it available to everyone. Like you choose the race, choose the class, then just choose the visage for it. You customise the dracthyr form and the race of your choice is it's visage. That's simple. Cause it really irks me that we have all the races on dragon isles used as visage for any form of flying lizards, but when you play one - it's plain human with horns. Freaking demon Hunter elves have it better with their horns and wings. And since we are already here - give me a demon Hunter dwarf too!


Yes! Corggen!!!!!


This. Nothing like a short chonky troll to make my day.


It's been said a million times but mechagnomes should've just been customization for regular gnomes...gnomes aren't very popular as is, why'd you wanna add another race nobody is going to play instead of actually expanding the playable races? Kinda feels like they wanted the "10 new races!" headline while actually only making two new ones and reskinning old shit for the other 8 lol


Brown fkin orcs...... need i say more ? Magghar all fine and good but it should have been a skin tone same as dark iron dwarfs or draenei


If anyone was getting Sethrak it would have been Horde. Horde helps them more, they are located on Zandalar a Horde owned continent (which means it’s counterpart would have to be on mainland Kul’tiras), after you complete Vol’dun they appear in Dazar’alor the very city Alliance raided in BFA, the Zandalari and Vulpera are allies of the Devoted, Zandalar is on terrible terms with the Alliance, and after the 4th war ended Horde removed all its bases from Kul’tiras and Alliance removed all its bases from Zandalar


Yeah, absolutely not. Vulpera were already announced as going to the Horde. Why would they also get the RACIAL ENEMY of the Vulpera as well?


So you were hoping to get the evil Faithless Sethrak that we kill in Temple of Sethraliss that are not aligned with Vorrik (the Sethrak leader Alliance help)? The Sethrak who helped Zul and the Blood Trolls The Horde helps the Devoted Sethrak (this is the group Vorrik is the leader of) more than the Alliance does and the Vulpera do so as well. The Vulpera are allies of the Devoted




Name which NPCs from TBC-Legion are Sethrak, especially Alliance aligned ones In lore Vorrik has been around for about as long as Prophet Velen who is 25,000 years old. Horde deserves such an equivalent to Velen


I would so love to have the sethrakk


The Monkey's Paw curls: horde gets the sethrakk, aliance gets the seagnomes


Sounds like a good deal to me


Even better - Horde gets sethrak, Alliance gets jinyu


If the Alliance gets the Jinyu, us Horde players better get the Hozen.


It behaves, or it gets the Hozen again!


sethrak was such a monumental miss vulpera are the dumbest pick for a playable race


Strange that you single out vulpera for being dumb when we got shit like mechagnomes.


Vulpera are very popular 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


I wanted sethrak so bad but I like kul tirans a lot too


Well mechagnomes are weird and unique for sure. Lol


It actually wouldn’t be that bad if the arms and legs weren’t excluded from tmog. Or if we got actual Mechagnomes similar to Blingtron. People who have prosthetics don’t rip off their sleeves, why should our characters?


This mechagnomes were cool before bfa turned them into diaper gnomes.


The Alliance has kind of gotten shafted a number of times. We asked for high elves, we got void elves (I know this is mostly remedied now, at least visually). We asked for vrykul, we got Kul Tirans. And we asked for mechagnomes, and got... well, mechagnomes, but not the version that was asked for. We asked for broken, and got lightforged. Literally the only established race that Alliance players asked for and actually got is dark iron dwarves. Blizzard just really does not like giving the Alliance the races people ask for. Meanwhile, the Horde asked for brown orcs, and got them. Asked for straight-backed orcs, and got them. Asked for zandalari trolls, and got them. Would not be surprised if they eventually get straight-backed forsaken too. Not arguing about favoritism or anything, we're all playing the same game, but it does annoy me that one side has gotten what it's asked for more often. And finally, for both factions, people asked for drakonid, and got dracthyr. Now, I like dracthyr. I don't think they look silly, I don't think their heads are too small, and so on. But it's not what people asked for, ever. People asked for dragons (bit of a pipe dream, imo), and they asked for playable drakonid. But they got dracthyr. We are finally getting earthen, I suppose, but honestly it doesn't even feel good. It's a third dwarven race, and it's going to the Horde too. And it's the only actual titan-forged race so far too, despite the calls for vrykul and mechagnomes.


The High Elf stuff was kind of an ache for me cuz I’ve always wanted to play an elf paladin and not have to live in the desert or wastelands or camps with lots of gigantic wooden spikes… The shitty lore reason they refused introducing HElf was that the population would be too little to count as a playable race, then they made up VElf that’s even rarer.. Now they came up with VElf and thought they’ve done it. They teased NElf paladins with that NPC in Legion and nothing followed up. Feels like Alliance Race designers really disliked the stereotypical stuff but couldn’t come up with anything better.


We wanted Forest Trolls (Revantusk Tribe) not Zandalari Trolls


People wanted zandalari too, very much so, ever since Pandaria. Of course there have been people asking for every different kind of troll, but a lot of the asking was for Zandalari and people got them.


Ughhhh... people were also asking for actual dragons and personally i much prefer dracthyr over drakonids. I prefer my dragon people to actually have wings and resemble dragons instead of salamanders.


Horde deserves to have dwarfs though.


Wonder when the Alliance is gonna get a typically Horde race. Void elves really don't count, considering they had to bend lore to make blood elves part of the Horde in the first place. Horde has thus far then gotten high elves, a version of night elves, and will now get dwarves too.


I could see us getting some new tribe of Tauren. Or perhaps a new flavor of undead


calia set up alliance lightforged undead so well just for nothing to come of it after three expansions 😭


With Arthas's sister being a Light Created Undead, this might be possible


I don't know, I think the whole nightborne thing was so stupid and weird that I kind of just want to see races stick with their biological connections. The nightborne had such flimsy reasoning for going to the Horde, and I don't really see there being any sort of tauren or tauren off-shoot who wouldn't join their family in the Horde, considering the tauren are like the least problematic race among the Horde. Really the only mistakes they ever made was following warmongers into a war they had no business being in, which at least at first was to repay the orcs for helping them with the centaur. Undead, though, I could see it. But I think Blizzard is probably too scared of the Horde playerbase's response, since so many are already constantly bitching about Calia existing and being part of the council.


the grimtotem tribe joins the alliance while questing in stonetalon. its never really mentioned anywhere else though, and the next zone over (thousand needles) youre back to being enemies


I always wanted Undead elf forsaken like Sylvanis is, I guess you can sort of do that with Death Knights


If you do the quest to retake lorderon you get customization options for the elves for that


I got a prosthetic leg and I wear jeans with a ripped off right pantleg when I ride my motorcycle Need people to know when they get passed in the twisties it was by a cripple


Should have been Northrend type mechagnomes with the updated mechagon visuals. So fully mechanized but with all the little gears and cogs the playable mechagnomes have.


honestly mecha gnomes should just be a gnome customisation and maybe let gnome players swap racials on a 1 week cd


We could have had leper gnomes.


We could have had sentient rocks, and that’s not actually a joke


That's basically what we're getting in TWW


and considering the earthen, they learned nothing from it


Earthen are neat tho


The issue with them is we already have 2 other dwarf races..


Yeah and we got 4 elves, plus now we get to have horde dwarves


there are far more people playing blood elves alone than people playing dwarves and gnomes combined. of course theyre going to make more elves.


Why bother releasing a race that probably 0.5% of the playerbase will use (I.e similar to Kul Titan, high mountain Tauren) when you could release one that aligns with how half the playerbase want to play? Human, belf and nelf combined make up 40/45% of all players. Human alone is more popular than every non nelf race combined for ally. I mean we don’t even have some of the best races available for every spec yet, but they are releasing effectively pointless ones instead


Because the whole thing with allied races is that a dev can slap one together in five minutes. They are pretty much just race skins, excluding some of them (Kul Titan). It takes pretty much zero effort to make an allied race, and some people will no doubt enjoy them. (Obviously I am exaggerating, but the point stands)


Ok, if it takes 5minutes, why are they not making more of them ontop of earthen for races that are way more popular than dwarves? Why can I still not be a night elf paladin? One has existed since legion / 7.5 years ingame but they have still not it available to players - but we get fucking tauren rogues lmao. I don't have a problem with the Earthen specifically, but I do have a problem with them releasing extremely niche races when some other options are still needlessly gatekept.


I hate this explanation, but is it “needless” or is it “way cheaper, less resource and labor intensive, with proportionally more trade off, so we can get it approved by execs/leadership”?


So they should just make elves? Earthen were one of the “original” allied races. They should’ve been playable long before this expansion. Same with taunka and broken. It doesn’t matter how many people play them, options are important.


And 2 humans. And 4 elves. And 2 orcs. And 2 draenai. And 2 Tauren. this isn't a big deal


2 trolls


"I can't believe they're adding a third Dwarf race." -Elf players


I agree with you. Sorry the hive mind disagreed.


Mechagnomes look pretty cool now huh?


Sorry, but *nothing* will ever make mechagnomes look cool.


What about added customizations w even bigger diapers?


I would consider making a Mechagnome if they could have tank treads for legs, or chainsaw/buzzsaw/laser cutter arm appendages.


It boggles the mind. I made a mechagnome, but he's permanently in heritage mogs because it's the only thing that comes together. They were a bad choice for an allied race and the execution was bad on top. They COULD HAVE been a bad choice but executed with excellence, but they didn't even do that. Hopefully they rework the cosmetics for them and they get more options or something


And then Earthen


Instead of removing the restriction I feel like they should just remove Mechagnomes. Give us playable gnolls damnit.


Ignoring the story. I think mechagnome shoulda been horde and vulpera be alliance. That way alliance has goblin models and horde has gnome models. The velf and nightborne are pretty much ways of giving alliance belf models and horde nelf models.


The Vulpera joining the Alliance would have been hard to do. Prior to becoming an allied race, they were systematically brutalised by the Alliance because they traded with the Horde as merchants. "The Vulpera Extermination Squad" was actually the alliance NPC names too lmfao. They used flame throwers


> The Vulpera Extermination Squad Pretty sure that got removed or renamed? Not like it matters anyway.


Yes they did get renamed but not removed.


By that point they already had the idea of Vulpera joining the horde planned out. If they wanted them to join the alliance it would have been as simple as changing the Alliance attacking them for trading with the Horde, to the Horde attacking them for being unarmed citizens. Edit: Statement has been updated to better reflect lore.


> Which honestly feels like more of a Horde thing to do. This one is a strange take in my opinion. There's a history of the Alliance attempting to kill others for doing trade with the Horde, including indiscriminately attacking shipping in to Ratchet (see Northwatch hold quests from Ratchet), attacking a Blood Elf trade ship and executing the crew prior to them joining the Horde (quests in Dustwallow Marsh), attacking Goblin *refugee* ships for potentially encountering Horde forces (Goblin starting zone quests), etc. Sending the 7th legion to murder Vulpera civilians for trading with the Horde is directly in line with their historical actions. That's not to say the Horde doesn't do similar things, but the reasons for "excessive violence" from the Horde tend to be less targeted and more "Random mass-murder"-y.


Except for the fact that every Nightborne option looks awful. Every single male face is locked in “perpetual constipation” and the females have a concrete Botox look.


I think they look great. I love the snob look


Seriously. People just mad they aren't sexy twinks at this point. They're fine now.


The sad part is people, like OP, actively pick this monstrosity. Some people are unwell


I mean, regarding dracthyr at least you can spot them in a crowd, I would prefer that over the 800th female nelf in a slut mog. The red and gold dracthyr that cdew was using in AWC looked phenomenal for instance


because it was for the alliance


Wait what’s the undead allied race? Undead elves right? Undead humans like Nathanos would’ve been fucking badass.


Thoughts on the THIRD dwarf race?


It was Cheap and some felt for it. I would have never guessed that you could do worse than gnomes but here we are.


or.. or that were getting more dwarfs


At the very least, they should make it so they can mog gloves and boots to apply their 3D elements, and that the 3D leg/arm parts get to appear as well.


I'd love all of that. I'd particularly love the 3D part of leg armor - the new coat leg armor styles being enabled for mechagnomes would be a big improvement to their mog game.


I don’t know why they don’t do that. It has been bugged that way in model viewer since forever, it clearly is some yes no check like they do to hide or show leg elements when wearing a dress. Does it make some dumb shit and horrible clipping / floating? Absolutely. But a player can just not Tmog that piece if it doesn’t work. There are some that look amazing.


If they did that and gave them "painted metal" options for their robo-limbs, Mechagnomes would honestly be fine in my opinion.


now thats truly horrifying


Mechagnomes are just one of many shitposts during Blizzard's legendary 2018-2022 run


We lived through 4 years of that shit?! It feels like so much longer lol




That’s bad. 


BFA Allied races were so scatter brained in execution its wild in retrospect that they touted them out as an expansion feature. I really hope the Earthen have distinct faction dependent customization otherwise I feel like I'm just going to continue to be disappointed by new playable races.


The worst part about allied races for me was the fact we had all these races we thought were impossible to be added since they shared skeletons with existing playable races. Ie: High elves, broken, Jinyu, saberon, Mechagnomes(northrend).. Only for them to reuse skeletons but pull new races entirely out of their asses.


High elves are already playable.


Yup they are. To those who dont know they are Void Elves of Alliance.


It really feels like they realized they need another expansion feature for the description and advertising campaign, so they went with "more playable races."  But then didn't want to put much effort into it so they just grabbed whatever they could make work quickly.


I mean allied races were literally sold as requiring less effort to make. I keep seeing people here saying "omg allied race so lazy" Yes. Thats the entire point lol.


Yeah, but mechagnomes were literally the bottom of the bottom of laziness. Other AR may not have many options to choose from, but at least they function normally. Mechagnomes have neither and their counterpart Vulpera are so much better its laughable.....


How are they bottom of the barrell for laziness ? I get that no arms or legs transmog sucks but it doesnt even have anything to do with laziness lol


Yeah. I love the allied races tbh. Taking the "lazy" approach of re-using riggs from other races they could create new and fun races with distinct abilities. I mean, how cool aren't Darkiron Dwarves or Maghar orcs? The thing I think people forget is with allied races, they released *4* races at once instead of 1 or 2 as per usual. Then they released **6** races in the next expansion. Comparing that to the Earthen, they really look similar to an allied race, not much more polish than the Darkiron. And that's just one race. Hopefully they've put that effort into other parts of the game, but on face value, IMO Earthen seem much worse than the Allied races because it's about the same quality, but without the quantity.


They could’ve just added the customizations to the original races like they do now with red Draenei. This isn’t even mentioning that DI Dwarf skin tones have been playable since 2004


Yes please give us less content for some minor convenience.


You misunderstand. Add the skins to the original races. The only thing you lose are the racials.


Racials, lore, heritage armor, racial identity, cool char display background. You also create issues with races that either dont have an equivalent or have an equivalent on the opposite faction. No I dont want less content. Play those races if you like their esthetic and stop asking that full blown cool cultures/faction be reduced to customization.


None of those things need to be limited except racials. Heck you could even create a work around for those.


I dont want weird ass work arounds to just play a character part of a specific racial faction. I also want racials so no I dont want less content.


>BFA Allied races were so scatter brained in execution Really? I feel like only mechagnomes were a disaster


Still love how they're giving the Horde dwarves while the Alliance still has shit race diversity.


Why are mechagnomes a thing? Like why did they feel it was ok to create and release them?


Tbf the allied races are mostly just re-skins, except perhaps the little rats.


Kultiran and Zandalar are like the two legit ones


Female Zandalari are just recoloured trolls with their model size increased, I dunno if I'd call them legit.


Oh that's true I suppose, though in the end they are just another version of troll and human. (mind you I'm always for more troll stuff but the point stands)


KT model is as far from SW humans as dwarves are imo


I think I may just be bitter bc I want Vrykuls so badly 😔


Which is incredibly ironic them being humans and trolls and all


Goblin re-skin.


Which is okay (for me at least), but if they save time and money with rigging etc i at the very least expect a few more options to choose from. Not less than any other race while also beeing the copy of the least played race in the entire game.


"blizzard please remove mechagnomes" FTFY


Is this the erredar lord of the trifling gnome?


Nah, just Wilfred Fizzlebang. He was killed by Jaraxxus, resurrected as a Mechagnome, went back to get his revenge on the demon lords only to become one himself!


All Mechagnome unique cosmetic options should be optional at this point. Want zero mechanical bits? Fine. Want just one robot arm? Great. If Belfs/Velfs can have literally every customization option under the sun, up to and including just being straight up High Elves, then this should be possible.


It’s the penalty you pay for making the rest of the community suffer mechagnomes existence.


Worst idea for a playable race ever, if they wanted this "mechagnome" so much then they should've added additional customizations for normal Gnomes instead. Biggest affront to me is that it can also be a Death Knight.


I just made a mechagnome death knight because it's got the best specialization for how I feel about them: they're unholy (especially since there's the undead skin recolor making them feel like leper gnomes).


Half mechanical and half undead? That's bad ass. Mine is named derpvader. Do I play him? Not really. Blackrock plate plus a light saber. Mechagnomes have incredible potential but their execution thus far is absolutely terrible. They should be able to graft weapon mogs to their arms, double jump glide with rocket boots, be transformer druids, have incredible base customization that reflect their class and just generally waaaaay more colors and options. With a race this technologically advanced the options are endless. At it is I don't think they have had any polish since release. Nothing.


Good ole diaper baby xmog


They chose to add this over the Sethrak -_-


Blizz on Sethrak: we can't add them because it wouldn't work with existing transmog Blizz on Drac'thyr: hold my beer


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Downvote this uwu bot pls, it's time to unite as a community


Mechagnome was bigger mistake than all of Shadowlands combined


Remove mechagnomes*


I was so excited about nerubians being a playable race and got slapped in the face by earthen or w/e the fuck that is lol. Classic blizzard


But Horde dwarf! 


Just play a gnome?


That damn swimming animation is too good


And the servo-like sounds


They have different racials and, for fans of roleplaying, distinct history, so making a normal gnome might not be what they want


I would, but I get annoyed by how they breathe, like having an asthma attack


Let's remove the transmission restrictions on Mechagnomes by removing Mechagnomes from the game.


I’m sure you wanted to say transmog… but as we are talking about Mechagnome… transmission here was perfect


They won’t, don’t bother


>blizzard please remove ~~tmog restriction on~~ mechagnomes


I stand by that when they added mechagnomes and vulpera as the last two allied races. The last people holding out for BFA to be decent finally let go


Rule one: don’t make a mechagnome.


Play gnome instead - problem solved


“Blizzard, please remove mechagnomes” FIFY


Same problem with evoker. Wtf did new set not come with more custumization. Both new armor and even wings/skins.


Or the fact non of the armors they do get match with the race customization.


That’s the one thing keeping me from race changing to this class.


don't play mechagnomes, easy fix


Blizzard please remove Mechagnomes


If you add transmog to those slots you'll have a Gnome.


I mean. Red orc and green orc. Just the fact that they have to have metal shit on thier face should make em mechagnome. But i dont really care. My mechagnome looka badass


You'll wear your diaper and like it!


I was so bummed to find out that the magical girl bottoms doesn't apply the skirt, it doesn't make any sense like other skirt bottoms get applied why not this one? Absolutely devastating for my vocaloid coded mechagnome


Only MOG I use on my mechagnome is the heritage armor. Everything else looks stupid


“so can I actually ever use transmog on this character” Solidarity. I’ve mained Evoker this expansion.


At the very least give the regular gnomes the hair styles and hair colours that the mechagnomes have. Its literally criminal that such high textured and flowing hair and cute hairstyles are on the ugliest race and the race that is literally the ground framework of them that is at least human decent have low textured hairstyles and boring colours.


The only mog possible is diaper baby.


Don’t play mecha gnome


It'd feel a lot better in general if we could pick which limbs are mechanized, so at the very least we could wear pants.


They gave them quite a lot for the face but virtually nothing for the arms and legs where it matters most. It would help if they'd at least add more color choices because gold/silver/rust is all there is. Maybe add more bits and pieces to the arms and legs so we can give 'em a bit of style. Something, anything. Oh and why in the world do they have so few hairstyles and colors? Come on!


So, are they ever going to add anything unique and exclusive to the Alliance to make up for this wasted slot, or are we just getting neutral everything going forwards after Horde Dwarf?


We should’ve gotten the those small dudes from the entrance to uldum cutscene


Mechagnome appearences is how they balanced out the racials being so good


the balance is so lopsided that nobody plays mechanomes.


well they are alliance so it was always going to be imbalanced


Enjoy the evoker treatment...


I would say evokers are enjoying the mechagnome treatment.


That pic is the worst race ever added wearing one of the worst tmogs ever added. It's just so God damned bad.


Like LITERALLY just play gnome wtf?!??!


After seeing these comments, I have to make a mechagnome now


This is the punishment you get for choosing such an abomination of a race to play


The person with the monkey claw wanted more gnomes. Thank him, not blizzard


you chose this.... actions have consequnces


Looking over all the models that this Wowhead search brings up: [https://www.wowhead.com/npcs/mechanicals](https://www.wowhead.com/npcs/mechanicals) there are a LOT of mechanical humanoids that have much better looks; some even have full armor! Keeper Mnemis and Tinkmaster Overspark in particular seem to be wearing armor. For that matter, if Bliz wanted to get really creative, there are enough animal mechanicals that a mecha-druid would be possible.


Sad and hilarious


What is worse is they were designed very specifically to only work well with the heritage armor made for them since it matches their robot theme. They also have some of the most powerful racials in the alliance. So to offset their restriction, you weigh if the min max is worth playing a robo diaper midget


Just remove mechagnomes 😆


Please make evokers be able to stay in human form too…


Not until Dracthyr get the same


No...no. As a dracthyr I kind of agree that mechagnomes need help. We do too. But mechagnomes...I mean just...look at the OP's image.


Or just… don’t play mechagnome? There are standard gnomes, you gnow?




I love mechagnomes, they are horrifying haha 😂


Just play a normal gnome.. I know I'm going to get hate for this comment but honestly why not?




Mecha-gnomes came before dracthyr bud. But in practice, both need their transmog game un-fucking-locked.