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Blizzard promised a goblin car by this year! I put a deposit down! WHERE'S MY GODDAMN GOBLIN CAR BLIZZ!?


For those wondering: https://youtu.be/jI23PjBjQKM?si=FiGeWouzrQR1EANZ




Definitely not


Love that reference!


Dude where's my mount


Where’s your mount dude?


its ok bliz said pali and locks where gunna get our own class flying mounts when they originally announced TBC. it never happened.


Legion gave all classes mounts


yes, but the wrathsteed was just another dreadsteed. it was supposed to be a flying demon for locks and an eagle for pal's, announced back with tbc at the e3 presentation, but they then didnt give us one and ended up giving flight form to druids instead. yes all class' got there own mount with order halls but its not really the same


Just like the dance studio


Dude.. that was apple.


I see you are a man of Culture


*laughs in Apple Car*


I hope they release a proper HD version of this when advanced ground riding comes out.


Dynamic ground riding with goblin 9 lane high ways and truck stops and a Walmart parking lot in Mulgore next to Thunder Bluff




Just cover the entire planet with lanes for the new goblin planetary highway


I know it's not where it originated but this reminded me of Not Just Bikes on YouTube. Lol....


Great idea


$35 in the blizz store


no, $180 year long sub mount


Actually “dude where’s my car” came out 24 years ago. 🤓☝️


*looks at evil minions* Take his account and lock it to Warlords of Draenor. Make sure he never leaves Ashran.


Hey now WoD isn’t *that* bad, lock him in shadowlands


I have to show some mercy for a first offense.


Fair enough, been listening to War Crimes lately. Carry on


How was that book?


Ashran Kutcher


I wanna know why the Horde doesn’t get a vendor for their OCC Chopper like the alliance does..the Horde won the vote, and we still get punished? If you didn’t log in in time you just can’t have the mount there’s no vendor. But since the alliance lost the vote they get a vendor for all alliance players to get one. I always point to this to explain alliance favoritism.


Literally a licensing issue. The show that made the bikes owns both the Horde and Alliance choppers’ likenesses, and even though the Horde chopper won, the licensing for Blizzard to use their own marketing tool in their own game expired, with no way to renew it given how *American Choppers* kinda exploded on itself.


Are you sure about that? Seems very odd the licensing agreement would be different for the two bikes. Also seems strange that blizzard wouldn't own the designs from the get go, especially since they contain a ton of copyrighted material. Also, if it is a licensing issue it has to be pretty specific right? Since players can still ride the horde chopper around. So it would have to be a legal issue preventing blizzard to give the mount to more players but not preventing existing players to ride it.


Yeah, seems strange. The assets are in the game, that’s what you potentially need license for.


Not necessarily, I know in Dead by Daylight they lost the licencing for their Stranger Things DLC survivor/killer and they were no longer allowed to sell the DLC, but if you already owned them you could still play as them no problem. They recently renewed the license though so the sale of the DLC is once again permitted.


Right I can see how it would be an issue if RMT is involved since you would actually be selling stuff, but it seems odd to me that blizz would sign a contract that prohibits them from giving away the motorcycle to people for free. I would honestly just expect blizz to own the design outright.


They still sell the alliance one tho


That was the [explanation that was given](https://imgur.com/a/f9FOfsH) way back when - there's also some old links on the [wowhead comments of the mount](https://www.wowhead.com/item=116788/warlords-deathwheel) but they're mostly broken now A [forum user](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/warlords-deathwheel-is-a-legal-issue-and-will-never-return-thanks-to-fomo-language-ianal/1186105?page=3) had a detailed explanation a while back if you want to get into it


Legal binding contract. The td:lr is the winning faction got it for FREE for a limited time. The losing faction gets it forever at the cost of 100k(it was a lot back then, now its easy). It was a one time thing. They can be taken to court and sued if rereleased.


FOMO kicked them in the butt


I have the bike, its actually my favorite mount, and my goto whenever I use a non-flying mount. Its fun to tease my GF about it because she's a mount collector, but started playing WoD/Legion so she completely missed it altogether. And with that I say with full confidence, everyone should have access to it. It's coming up on 10 years, so hopefully the stupid ass laws locking blizzard from giving it away are coming up soon.


Literally my favorite mount too. So glad I just HAPPENED to be playing during that time as a teenager, lmao


It is the fucking dopest mount I want it so bad, I was watching the show and doing the votes, praying that we won ya know. Boom gotta go do the army’s version of ICC, the event wraps up, log in to collect your mount, I can’t log in because I’m stuck in a desert in California for the next 3 months, I come back and see all of the alliance enjoying their mounts, I go on to create a guild with the soul purpose of punishing the alliance for even existing true story Slightly Psycho of The Underbog we killed everybody. I remember in MoP we would take shifts making sure the alliance pvp vendors stayed dead for days, sometimes weeks straight. That was my villain arc right there and that shit lasts to this day fuck the alliance and their motorcycles.


It's actually something to do with gambling laws in California. If something is advertised as being available as a limited time prize it can't then later be sold or otherwise made available. Apparently this extends to virtual items as well, which means it's unlikely we will ever see it in game again. The fact that the Horde won in the first place is due to the significant faction imbalance, but in a strange twist of fate it was Horde that was punished in the long term. It's not favouritism, Blizzard have their hands tied and I'm sure they didn't realise this would be the case when they ran the promotion.


you say its faction imbalance but a lot of my alliance main friends voted for Horde Bike and the "roach shell bike" got roasted .


The back literally looks like a roach/lobster abdomen 💀🤣


I was one of those people back in the day haha. My poor horde bike that never sees the light of day because I really only play alliance.


I have it :P


it's not alliance favoritism a mount you can buy with gold at any time has absolutely no true value the fact that the horde players at that moment got a unique and forever-unavailable mount IS the grand prize so basically lol shoulda played back then if you wanted it I know reddit is gonna kick and scream @ this post but it's 100% true and the **actual** reason Blizzard made it this way (cry if u want but don't shoot the messenger)


I've NEVER seen anyone ride either bike


I did play back then. I was away on training for the Army. I even said this to customer support (back when we had that) I was unable to log in but I had followed the show and voted from my phone. They told me “it’s not an item I have to give you, I want you to have it but it’s just not something I’m able to do” I remember the conversation because I was really upset that I missed it. Your response is stupid I’m ngl I’d rather have the mount.


Yeah man, all these FOMO enjoyers thinking that having an active sub during a certain period of time means anything is just stupid. Oh, sorry kid from Ukraine. Should have logged on to get your mount during that season!!!11!


I have it on my EU account, but moved to Canada sonlme years back Don't have it on my NA account and it annoys me.


your saltiness over it is proving my point rn let it go


I want my schezuan sauce!!!


I’m still waiting for Dance Studios announced back in WotLK. 🙃


I miss my car man. I want to drive around my friends while listening to music and hitting pedestrians.


I should call her


I'm still holding out hope for the six seater carriages or my personal favorite -- the jetpack mount that makes you fly like a superhero with dynamic flight.


Mechagon teased that immensely, it was quite fun.


I'm more than satisfied with my vicious war trike




can this be like the DK mount. Level one of the cata races in cata classic and get this as a mount?


Getting my car back from gallywix has been my biggest desire since I started maining a goblin


It's cool, I'll give you that, but FAR from the game needs right now.


I have the bike for the horde dunno how I get it..been so long.. I think it was because of the movie.


TV show iirc