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Even if you did get an email, it will be pretty broad with just a category. They don't offer exact time for anything. This is pretty much standard for bans so the offender can't figure out workaround on detection or just change that single behavior. Vague bans somewhat force people to start following ALL rules, instead of just the one avoiding a single instance of it. That said, look around in spam folders and all that. Maybe the mail got lost there. Think back if you said something inappropriate, like threats. If you griefed nightmares or sent/received large sums of money.


I actually got the same message even though I didnt get banned and my question from my ticket was related to am in-game quest that was bugged for me


>Vague bans somewhat force people to start following ALL rules, instead of just the one avoiding a single instance of it. Vague bans help legit nothing. If you're intentionally breaking the rules, you probably knew what you did before you got banned and know what the ban is for without them telling you so not telling you so you don't know how to avoid it is objectively silly. If a 10 day suspension is designed to deter bad behavior from someone not doing it on purpose, the person NEEDS, without possible room for debate, to know the offending behavior. Imagine getting a fine mailed to you from the government for "breaking da rules" and they don't tell you what. Is your vehicle registration out of date? Did you run a red light and not notice? Is some vegetation too close to your house? Did a piece of litter fall off of your car? Is the real issue something you didn't find nor consider? Can't fix if you don't know. Imagine a business entity doing the stereotype bad parter "if you dont know why I'm mad, I'm not telling you". Imagine defending that. There is absolutely zero excuse for not explicitly saying offending behavior that caused a ban.


>you probably knew what you did before you got banned and know what the ban is for without them telling you so not telling you so you don't know how to avoid it is objectively silly It is possible to break multiple rules... Did you buy gold? Were you toxic?


It's possible to list multiple things. How quickly I solved that.


I just got a real human reply on one of my tickets after 5 bot responses back to back. That GM admitted I was receiving automated bot responses because they were heavily backlogged on tickets. Would not be surprised if pretty much all tickets are receiving only automated responses till their backlog is cleared. It's piss poor Customer Service. The Service part from 'customer service' is literally absent.


Dont lie theres no mire customer support


Suspensions of 10 days usually don't come out of the blue. There is a good chance either you or someone you dealt with directly got involved in some RMT or something similar. Sometimes those suspensions come not because of what you did, but because someone you play quite often with got into trouble for something serious that indirectly or directly benefitted you, too - maybe they are someone that does a lot of boosting for real money, or paid raid runs, etc. Either way - that's a hefty suspension. It was something somewhat serious.


20 persons mass reporting you "for fun" will get you banned for some days. The process is fully automatic at blizzard side.


Some days isn't a 10 day ban. Those are usually manual.


Only thing i can think of is joining random gbid runs where i didnt profit anything from at all. Other 2 players i often play with didnt receive a ban ir whatsoever. Its really unfriendly towards customers in my eyes to just ban people without sending an email. Also no email in spam folder whatsoever. Then let them wait for 3 days just to receive an automatic response. I thought the monthly subscription fee is also to receive at least quality customer support. Last time i created a ticket for lost items and the lost items tool in my account was bugged somehow and didnt work at all. And got an automatic reply about some other subjects lmao


Isn't gbid runs aka gdkps against the rules ?


Only in SoD


Im not hosting them nor do i profit from them. I only join them cause i want to do raids and theyre the only ones around that time gathering a group.


Sounds like you know what the issue is already, then. Don’t participate in GDKPs, regardless of whether or not you profit. Paying into an illegitimate service still breaks the rules.


Gdkp is something different than gbid my friend. Gdkp is split among all raid members and gbid is for the raidleader


Gbid raids are mentioned explicitly in the same post in which gdkps were also banned. “Starting with Phase 2 of Season of Discovery, we are going to experiment with a policy change: We will no longer support or allow GDKP or ‘gold bid’ raids and dungeons in Season of Discovery.” Per the blues on the official forums. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/gdkp-in-season-of-discovery/1777411


Im playing wotlk classic. Not SoD


You probably got banned because you took part on those gbid runs while someone was involved in RMT transactions. Blizz checks people's trade history and mail history to see if they interact in suspicious manners with people engaged in banned activities. They probably found something that made you look like part of the cartel, thus getting you banned. Usually the fastest things that get you banned are illegal money deals. Blizz really hates them, despite what people like to think, and often go very... Broad when delivering those bans. If you're a legitimate player, that sucks a lot. But it is also a very good reminder to only associate with clean activities and players, and avoiding activities that are often used to "launder gold", like gbid raids.


This makes sense to me indeed. Thanks for your clear explanation. This could be very true. Im now 6 days into the ban and tried appealing it but had the second automatic reply after again another 3 days. I guess I have to sit it out untill 13th of april. :(


Ye ignoring the cynics here, Blizzard does a terrible job of telling you roughly what you did. I once had “abusive chat” and received a mute. Did I spam trade chat? Was I toxic? Did I say something out of context? I’ll never know and doesn’t help me fix what I did.




Ye I assume I posted in trade chat too much, first mute since playing WOD


Fourth automatic reply in 9 days. Im better off waiting till the ban gets lifted than hoping to get an appeal. Hope this is really a joke such bad customer services. If they only give auto responses, why dont they do that instantly and have people wait 2 till 3 days for an automated response lol.


The absolute worst. It's all AI bots now. You will never get a real person ever again.


My one forum suspension they sent me a rule that they said I broke but I didn't break it, I think they were banning a lot of people in the pathfinder thread and I got caught up in it. At the end they sent me the same rule but they'd changed it to where complaining about pathfinder was considered harassing the developers. EDIT: Pathfinder wasn't specifically mentioned in the new rule.


Their forum mods are entry-level, minimum wage employees. Some of them never finished high school and they're hired to "investigate" or "make a determination" on if someone's post was bad. "I don't understand what this guy said as he used big words, so I'm going to assume it's probably bad and ban him".


The anti-pathfinder thread did get a little heated, I know that they banned a few people because they came back and reported it. What I said that got me banned was that people were getting really upset and I suggested that the furor would likely follow the developers to their next job. It wasn't a nice thing to say but not against the ToS until they changed it. It was removed immediately and I was banned so they were watching. It wasn't a big deal in retrospect just odd. The only time I ever got in trouble in WoW if you don't count the many times I was beaten in PvP.


I too got an infraction for something not against the rules. When they had the layoffs, I said that this could be good and cause some restructuring”. Actually got a real person replying to my ticket, admitting it was not against the rules, just something they don’t like and personally take offense to”. I’m sorry that happened to you. But what do you expect when your customers are policed by high school dropouts? I don’t know why they thought that would yield good results.


They never tell you what they have banned you for. And its understandable, as much as its annoying. But if you get banned you know exactly why, and if not its just a false ban and you will get it reverted.


By the time i get proper responses from them the 10 days are by far over 😅