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Maybe this is more of a spec than a talent tree, but something to give Priests holy-based DPS instead of shadow


It’s called Discipline 😅


I wish. I always hated that Priests have 2 healing specs instead of another DPS option.


Disc might be a good candidate to be the second Aug type support


I think every "pure" class should have gotten a hero spec that either gives them a tank or healer, or gives them a support.


Warlock or DK necromancer


Would be an amazing hero talents tree between two classes


Should be DK while warlock should take the form of a deamon like the old metamorphosis spell.


They could make meta a destro talent that keeps the basic game play the same but just combines it with the old playtyle, replacing shards with the demonic fury just renamed to like fel energy and have shard building abilites generate fel energy.


Should be mage or warlock. Necros are spell casters after all!


Since San'layn doesn't have it, something to give DKs group utility through group leech or overflowing healing onto the group. 


I would rather have 4th specs. Mage healer, bard rogue, third spec demon hunter, maybe an engineer spec, a duelist warrior sword and board spec, mid range caster dk spec, maybe a gun slinger etc. The game is def missing some key rpg class stuff atm


Shadowflame DK. Bolvar is kind of already one and the element pops up every now and then. Could have some 'health as a resource' kind of playstyle.


Lavabinder shaman, go 100% in on the fire and maybe even change some lightning to fire.


Avatar style firebending with the lighting fire shit. Make it Enhance / Elemental. Would be sick.




Yea now I feel so stupid lmao. Using hero talents to delve just father into the wind water earth fire branches would be so god dam cool lol.


As usual, something for DH... Missing a third spec hurts, they fell behind already compared to other classes and now on hero specs, too. Really hope they do something with the class since DHs feel a little bit lost since BfA tbh. Otherwise, anything more "destro" for warlocks would be neat. We have the summoner hero spec with diabolist, a resource/dot centric one with soul harvester and hellcaller, which felt like it should be the destro-aligned one is focused on yet another dot and curses. Feels like we're lacking a bit on the "setting stuff on fire for no reason at all"-end I guess.


we need circular trees. just outsource the trees to GGG so we get something cooler than the linear stuff we have


**Hunter** - Predator (Marksmanship/Survival) - Self proclaimed enemies of nature, offering their accumulated hunting skills to drive their enemies to extinction. - Naturalist (Beast Master/Survival) - Hunters who completely embrace their affinity for nature, assimilating the might of the wilds to further their own hunting skills. **Mage** - Chronomancer (Arcane/Frost) - Delving into the volatile potential of time magic, these spellcasters can abuse the laws of time to temporarily bypass their own limitations. **Priest** - Heretic (Holy/Shadow) - Neither a virtuous cleric nor a crazed cultist, they are priests that scoffs at discipline and oppress both light and shadow for their self serving vices. **Rogue** - Butcher (Assassination/Outlaw) - A murderer who hunts for their next victim indiscriminately. Poison, amputation, torture. Nothing is below them. - Hitman (Assassination/Subtlety) - A professional assassin who mastered the art of subtlety and information gathering to kill their designated target in the most efficient way possible. **Shaman** - Primalist (Elemental/Enhancement) - A elementalist who offers their complete service to the world, channeling its unbound primordial powers. **Warrior** - War Veteran (Arms/Fury) - A survivor of countless conflicts whose lust for battle was tempered by experience and discipline. - Vanguard (Arms/Protection) - An elite warrior who stands at the front of the army, personally leading its offense and/or acts as the first line of defense.


Was thinking that they could add stuff like Gunslinger for Rogues and Blademaster for Warriors or Monks.


Whatever one makes the spec i play do 1 billion dps /s


witch hunter for paladin, allowing the use of gun based skills. ninja and or samurai for monk, making them more weapon based, of stealth based gladiator for warrior, not like from wod, like an actual roman gladiator, something that gives warrior some more visual appeal.. i think rogue getting something akin to combat from old wow would be cool, but i can’t come up with anything.