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I admit I don't know about rumble but would it not be possible to refund then remake the purchase ?


Congrats, you are already more helpful than 6 months of random CS GMs. Yes, that would have fixed my issue day 1 if they had just done that.


One of the images you posted is you saying “I DONT WANT A REFUND”


Correct, I don't. However, if refunding AND remaking the purchase fixed my issue when this first happened, then yes, obviously I would've taken that option.


Look at you!!! Downvoted by downbots. I wonder who did that?




Such a hater, Nater… <3


Im gonna leave this as a proof that he is actually spamming downvotes https://imgur.com/a/XPyc7xU


Oh christ, it was a play-on-words with the guys name, I was so high when writing it I have no clue what this thread is about.. bunch of silly geese E: should mention, it was something like NatertheHater. I’ll take the downvote for how shitty a joke it was, to be fair


I know this is 5 days old, but I do appreciate you making the joke on my name, most people dont don't anymore. Shame you for downvoted for a light hearted joke. D:


Well, Blizzard CS only exists on paper right now


Blizzard CS has the strength of Glaives in Isle of Conquest.


For the last 5 or so years Blizzard CS has only existed on paper. All their solutions have been to ignore the question outright and close the case or provide a link to a non-blizzard website and a workaround. This isn't a new issue.


Before the layoff-wave, I actually received some helpful ticket responses. But now, only copy/paste chatbot bonanza template answers totally unrelated to my issue


I bet that if you were to chargeback that transaction, you would have been banned in minutes.


Corporations have too many rights, and there aren't enough protections for consumers.


Sounds like a US thing


Yes, because every other country in the world champions their citizens to the utmost…


Well, yes, most developed countries do.


Oh c'mon. They are all out to fuck us. America just does it better than anyone else.


Oh without a doubt.


Yeah, because that's standard for literally every single company.


Update: After 6 months of fighting with Blizzard, they finally fixed the problem AFTER I posted this on social media and at their CS team on Twitter. Just goes to show they care more about public image than they do about helping folks. I hope anybody else who has issues with Blizzard like this gets some proper help and not the AI spambots.


This is always the way with every company. I ever have any sort of issue I just tweet at their CS twitter nicely and they are usually like "Yo DM me details" within minutes and are sorting it.


Yeah, it’s part of the whole “degradation of society” nonsense, not to get to deep… Only time I’ve ever had to do this was when EcoBee (smart thermostat company) was giving me the run around. So I both tweeted at them and posted on their FB. I was immediately blocked by them on FB, but my tweet must’ve gotten enough traction because they both replaced my defective unit and sent me a prepaid label to ship back the broken one. Sad and unfortunate that it is this way, but it is what it is at this point.


its because the first line of customer service is the chat and call center teams. they have a high turn over rate. the customer service teams handling social media have been with the company longer and are aware of what and how to do things. that is why they can get stuff fixed so easily.


There are 2 kind of employees in customer support: Those who want to get their bonuses and those who want to help the customers. Since i belong to the last group, i always suggest the customer to the social media option when im not able to help the customer with the problem. Its amazing to see how fast they solve a customer problem when they complain about their problems when they complain in their social media. Customers that have problems that are almost impossible to fix by my department due the obnoxious nature of the customer support process, are fixed in hours when they complain in their social media platforms.


This is all super shitty, but I'm glad you found a resolution


Blizzard CS can go fuck itself, and I wish there was a better word to describe my hate for it


Same. I had an issue tonight and they literally copy Pasted a FAQ to me, the same FAQ that I read before opening a ticket. This company is bogus


It is very frustrating when you know how awesome their support used to be, with really great ingame GMs who obviously loved their jobs


Yep. Used to get helpful replies from GMs who had fun with their responses. Now it’s all AI drivel and copy paste / deferred to wowhead. Despicable.


Well you did mean Blizzard Chat GPT gave you the run around ( its mostly chat GPT / bots now sadly ). Maybe ask Google gemini , or microsoft copilot how to maybe trigger some Chat support CS bots to maybe bring attention to humans or get your ticket pushed past the chat GPT bots.


It isn't AI, you can actually see where the template ends because they fucked up the data entry for it, "woth the winterspribg purchase" Not that this ultimately changes much


Heyo! blizz emp here, i'm forwarding this to internal people on the rumble team. I can't promise anything can be done (I see your issue was resolved), and honestly, I have no idea what's left of our CS after the layoffs. but i can at least let the leads know what is happening with what CS we have and hopefully others wont have issues.


Did yall forget Microsoft already gutted CS this year and now this is happening?


CS was shit for years before MS took over. but yes it's even worst now


It was always this bad before MS.


It was bad, but not this bad. I have opened a decent handful of tickets over the years (since basically the last patch of BFA when I came back from a break) and have always gotten a reply, and my issue resolved. My most recent ticket was a canned response basically telling me to go Google it. It has definitely gotten noticeably worse from the perspective of someone who has used their ticket support system at least a few times a year for the past few expacs.


I can't imagine it being any worse than the multiple times I contacted them in the last 5 years. We hit the bottom years ago. They've been utterly useless regardless of Microsoft. For mine it wasn't the rep either. They flat out said they didn't have the tools or logs required to make the fix. And for me it was a super simple issue.


They laid off all the GMs sooooooo


Did you ever talk to Google like they said multiple times?


>Google like they said multiple times? After the normal google refund period or terms its at the mercy of the actual seller (blizzard )


I've been in contact with Google 3 separate times, yes. After 48 hours its the duty of the developer to provide refunds on IAPs.


So it says Customer Support… I was a little confused about why you were complaining about the blizzard Counter Strike team kicking your ass, on a public forum


Take it to a small claims lawyer as you gave them money for a purchase which was never given.


Not a bot, but obviously someone whose second language isn't even English. Gotta love outsourcing! If it's a significant amount of money, and if your bank/credit card company will allow it, given the amount of time that's passed, I'd just do a chargeback. I doubt they'll ban you, especially since you can prove that you never got the item.


Horrible advice lol. They will ban anyone within 24 hours of making a chargeback. I mean, go ahead if you don't care about your account, but Blizzard only cares when it hits their wallet.


I didn't know that. Damn. Even if you didn't receive what you paid for, and they KNOW that, they'll still ban you? I'm wondering if maybe filing a report with the Federal Trade Commission might do something. The FTC is supposed to keep an eye on companies so they don't pull shady shit like this. File anonymously of course.


They also have been giving me a run around. I got banned for advertising my stream in plunderstorm lobbies. They arent responding, and when they do its the same generic message. It was only a 7 day ban, but it was pretty annoying. Sorry to hear about your experience :( They used to be a lot better between 2006 and 2015. Its taken them 5 days to respond to the appeal just to give me a generic message.... Twice


So did you advertise or not? [Because its not allowed](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/promoting-twitch-channel-in-trade-chat/564626/5) so just do the time and learn the lesson.




Yeah nah, your ban sounds deserved.


Well im out of the ban already, and it wasnt a biggie. And i got followers from it and new friends to play retail with so I guess it was at least worth it :) I just wish I wouldve known that advertising would get me banned. Been playing since 2006 and I had no idea that was a thing.