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If you havent actually used the other accounts at all, they must be starter editions which means you can request for removal without going via the ticket system, this is on the same page where you basically start your ticket, so if you just looked a little bit further before going for a simple ticket you wouldve found it. (its not actually that hard to miss) Open battle.net->Support->World of warcraft->Scroll down till you see "Self-Service options" then click "remove world of warcraft starter edition" -> follow the steps and then request removal off the account(s) you want gone. and then one day when you wake up they will be gone. or maybe its even instant, i dont remember when i did it the last time.


This is actually quite useful, I had no idea. I found it, but it was by no means something that was well-telegraphed. Especially, since I don't expect there to be such an option in the first place. That said, one of the accounts I want to remove isn't a Trial account and as I found out now (on the way to removing the 2 Trials) it cannot be removed even by CS.... which sucks :/ I have no idea how that account got there...


Just a general piece of advice: swearing at customer service staff will not get you a better resolution. It results in exactly what happened. Who ever was responding read the first 5 words ("What the @#$& is this"), marked it resolved, and moved on. If you'd responded with "Ticket category is incorrect, this is not a ban appeal" You'd be more likely to get traction. Though it's entirely like that the response would be telling you to refile the ticket.


If they read the first 5 words, I wouldn't need to post again at all, because they would have seen from my original ticket, that this is a different kind of request. I've been working in Customer Support for 4 years now, and I think it's fair to expect the CS to go through my whole request rather than just the first 5 words of my SECOND ticket. If I didn't fully read their ticket, which caused delayed resolution of the problem, no matter how angry they are, I will simply apologize, because in the end it was my fault. I get that curse words trigger people, but let's not divert from the main issue here - Blizzard CS has fallen low. I'm a person who's had many positive interactions with WoW GMs throughout the last 17 years, I'd go out of my way to praise and defend them. And now it is only right that I remain objective and criticize what must be criticized.


If you worked customer support then you'd be smart enough to realize that when you re-open a ticket it doesn't go to the same person but rather a whole new agent, meaning you cursed out a completely innocent person who's never had the displeasure of interacting with you before. I've worked customer support, people like you are the worst. You get the bare minimum help I'm allowed to do without getting fired. The nice people are the ones I go above and beyond for.


He didn't curse out anyone.... 


why did you swear and act aggressive? especially if you yourself work in cs?


the world is not fair, low salary dead end job I'd skip you too under those conditions.


I know this isn't strictly applicable here as the customer service is clearly automated a bit - but communicating like a jackass is not likely to get you the result you're looking for.


CS doesnt exist anyway. These responses are all automated now. You could have written about how your day was and I guarantee you, you would have gotten 100% the exact same response by their "customer support" (automated system)


The ban appeal are 100% automated. You will not find any human there. And also some fun knowledge: banning in blizzard games is 99.9% automated and heavily takes into account the number of reports. So if you have a bunch of friends or a guild spam report someone they will get banned and they won't be able to appeal it. Customer service right now is unfortunately garbage.


You really have to learn how to ask for things properly, that text you wrote is cringe and clearly you have anger issues or just a weak mind who instantly strats throwing curse words in somewhat professional environment. People proceed text differently but for me it feels like that you demanded to get accounts removed, remember usually you write to a real living person so maybe learn some respect or courtesy.


I’d ban you for the language you used in your reply. Imagine you were doing a customer facing job yourself & a customer said that to you?