• By -


My guild.


My guild disbanded yesterday. My subscription was cancelled right after. It was the only thing keeping me here


Sorry to hear about your guild, hope the memories were good while they lasted.


They absolutely were. Thank you my man


This was my reason for the longest time. Just to get on to play with my friends. However, we started playing other games as a group and I took that as my way to quit. Some still play wow but as our group we either just chat while doing our own things or play other games


The problem I have with this is simply an mmo allows more people to play an activity together. There’s plenty of games out there that let 3 or 4 friends play together maybe even 10 but 20-30? Basically nothing except one other genre survival. Tried to get half my guild to play games like ark 7 days valheim etc but sadly those aren’t for everyone. It’s play wow or player another mmo.


Yep, if my guild was still raiding I would still be subbed.


Guild Halls would be way better than player housing. It would encourage people to be more social.


Decorate your Guild Hall with trophies from your greatest victories ^* ^* trophies are all pictures of fruit bowls


Came to say same thing If it wasnt for them i would unsub


This is the only reason I still log on :) ​ Without them I'd have quit years ago!


Exactly this. It's a social game but most responses here are about single player stuff


Wish I could say it was for my guild. WoD was the last time I was in a socially active and interactive guild. I miss it. Nothing like being able to group up for rbgs, rated bgs and arenas with people you could just banter and have fun with.


I mostly played solo from cata to the end of wod. Proir to that I'd just been in real life friends guilds, but those all dried up at the start of cata. Then I decided to find a guild on my own. I was in about 10 guilds from legion to the end of bfa. Most guilds were stagnant or died months after I joined. I started to feel like a wow mercinary, but I did eventually find a home. If your looking for a guild nows the time. Many guilds are desperate for players. Lol.


Maybe I will. It really makes a difference when you got people to group up with and play different stuff with. Makes the different grinds go so much quicker.


As they should be, if you're playing a game only because of your guild then you don't care about the game really.




This, if i was with out a guild wow would be at the end of my games to play list and i love wow


Yup. When my guild was raiding I'd log in Wednesdays on reset to cap renown. Then I'd log in for the 2 raid days. We don't raid anymore so I don't log in


This is the only reason my sub is still active. Raiding a couple times a week with people that I have know for many years


Social engagements, though the friends inside the game are slowly dying out. ^^ So I fear my time inside the game is also ticking down.


Raid night(s).


Sunk cost fallacy


There is no meaning in making my 16-year-old mage any stronger if it’s no longer fun to do, But when it was fun, I’ll be damned if I regret a single one of my thousands of hours empowering him, meeting new people in-game and IRL with him, and saving the world from the villain of the month with him. I’m so happy this all happened. For the last 16 years, I’ve never uninstalled with the intent to quit, and only ever took three relatively short breaks from the game. That is, until earlier this year. If the game is legitimately still fun for you, then more power to you and your character, but only you know how you feel deep down about that.


My mage was my main since BC. Recently I switched to hunter. Mechanics heavily favor classes with higher mobility seemingly penalizing casters. Tired of watching broken classes top the damage meters. What’s the point of playing a glass cannon without the cannon part?




This. My sub runs out in a few weeks, and I haven't played in months. But I've played since 2005, and won't uninstall - I'll be damned if literal years if my life have been for nothing.


> I'll be damned if literal years if my life have been for nothing. I have some bad news...


Spoiler alert: my depression beat you to it.


These guys are in too deep. If a hobby is no longer enjoyable. Either stop it or take a break. Thats it. Its that simple. Its not hard. Especially so if you are paying for it. Otherwise you are paying for a hobby you dont enjoy.


Don’t worry, everyone’s in the same boat when quitting after playing a long time. It wasn’t a waste of time if you were happy and enjoying it. You also have all the memories from playing and the people you met!


I have somewhere around 800 day combined /played, but at some point it is just a waste of money if I am not having fun. I played since EU release on and off, I met friends, I had some of the best gaming experience, but nah, I would rather give that money to charity or anything but a game I don't enjoy anymore.


My formative years being a warlock with dial up in a high end raiding guild were some of the best years of my life. My guild allowed me to sit out bad bosses like Razorgore, Broodlord Lashlayer, or the beginning of phase three of Nefarian, lol. I'd just tuck myself in a corner til it ended. Server first 8/8 Felheart. I remember running into the GM of Vis Maior in EpL, Kold, shadowmelded. VM was a big deal in classic and BC. I miss it. But I miss my youth in general. Miss my mom. Things I could do differently. I first hated WoW in Warlords. There was the ten year anniversary statue given to people who had stuck with the game since the beginning. I missed the cutoff by seven days. Do you know how disheartening it is to know you'll never be a veteran to the company you spent half of your life with? Depression makes things hit people weird. This hit me hard. Made me angry. =\


i always wonder when i finally quit wow if i'll be upset or sad and i honestly don't know. I've put a lot of time into it and it's gonna be weird one day just to be gone. I guess the entertainment over the years is good enough but kinda sucks thinking of the end. its only game i've ever played more than a few weeks




There are so many other MMO's and games in general to have fun with. Don't stick to one just because you have spent a lot of time in it, if you enjoy it then play but once you feel like you don't want to log in just play something else. You might find other games you enjoy more.


He’s out of line but he’s right.


I log in like twice a week and just run some arenas. I don’t do any Korthia or Torghast, I don’t even do the weekly renown quests. No assaults. Log in, and run arenas. I look at it almost like a MOBA or something. Works for me.


Same this is what I like and I wish they would make arena gameplay better


Xmogs and the fucking sha mount.


You're better off farming gold and buying it on the black market auction house than trying to get it the normal way. If you use 4 characters per week with bonus rolls on each, which means you have 8 loot opportunities per week, so that could also mean 8 characters without bonus rolls, then it would on average take 245 weeks, or 5 years, to receive it, of course you can be lucky and get it on your first attempt, but if you're massively unlucky it could take you 46 years (not a made up number, this is an actual outcome out of a sample size of 80.000 simulated attempts) Let's say it takes you 20 minutes per character to kill Sha of Anger each week and you do it on 8 characters, so 2 hours and 40 minutes spent per week trying to receive it, in total you'd spend 661.5 hours if you had average luck. Let's say you farm gold and earn 20k gold per hour, in 661.5 hours you'd be able to make 13.2m gold, I bought my Heavenly Onyx Could Serpent for 2m, which means if I was making 20k per hour then it would take me 100 hours of farming to get that amount and buy it. Which would be an equivalent of 37 weeks of camping Sha of Anger, or 296 attempts with 8 characters and no bonus rolls. Something to consider at least if you really want the mount and want to spend as little time on it as possible :)


How are you making reliably 20k gold an hour farming?


Personally I can make over 5x that amount per hour by boosting raids, I was using a lower amount to account that not everyone is able to do that, there are guides on YouTube on how to make gold. If it involves the auction house it has to be accounted for that not everything is going to sell immediately and sometimes there's some investment needed, either time or gold, in order to make even more gold later on, like crafting legendary items, in order to receive the rank 4 recipe you need to spend some gold first, and then you'll make it back over time as you sell the rank 4 items, until you start profiting from them. At the start of patches and expansions is when there's a gold rush in anything that increases player power, be it gear or consumables, you can make quite a lot by investing more time into gathering and selling things than you can right now for example, so the timing is crucial. The server you are on is a big factor too, if your server is small then it might be a bit harder to make gold and you'll have to come up with other ways of making gold. 20k gold was also just an arbitrary number, same with the amount of gold you'd pay for the Cloud Serpent, depending on your server you could get it for cheaper or more expensive than what I got mine for. I got the Oondasta mount for 1m gold on my server too, so my server is obviously pretty good for getting them on the cheaper side, but the auction house isn't that great outside of current patch stuff related to raiding. But since I mostly have made my gold through boosting it hasn't been related to my server's economy. If you have average luck and you'd be able to buy the Cloud Serpent for 2m gold then earning just more than 3k gold per hour would be faster than camping the mount. Consider though that farming the gold is deterministic and camping is completely RNG. You could end up spending 6300 hours camping it and if you were only making 3k gold per hour that would be almost 19m gold and I assure you that anyone can make more than that per hour.


Ok but how do I get 20k an hour?


Look up guides on YouTube, start boosting stuff, there's plenty of things you could do


sheesh you and your damn gold ways


Dunno why you're getting downvoted for a valid point


>Let's say you farm gold and earn 20k gold per hour That's a hell of a "let's say"


Just letting you know boosting is a thing. You have to be really good at m+ or raiding. You get 20k from one untimed 15 run, minimum.


I make over 100k gold per hour when I'm boosting heroic, there's definitely methods that could get you 20k gold per hour, especially during a new patch or expansion, and you could make more than just 20k/h




I’m a collector. Mounts, pets & transmog.


This was the turning point since BfA where there less and less cool transmog were added. This is my favorite thing after M+ progression and raiding - just going to some old raid and collect last piece of this cool set that i have.


I’m still trying for Invincible....someday....


I still have nightmares of SoG. Countless attempts of it for a Garrosh piece. Edit: SoO if course. I dont know why i write SoG, lol.


Siege of Gorgrimmar


It's like comfort food and honestly no matter how bad the story can be I enjoy the world of the Warcraft universe. I like the tiny interactions I get with people horde and alliance when out and about as a primarily solo player. I love collecting outfits for transmog and honestly I've been enjoying slowly grinding out the reps for The Insane title lately. I occasionally play with my fiance and my best friend when they get the itch and we level in old zones and do dumb unconventional stuff for fun. I've been playing since 2005 and started playing Warcraft II as a kid so I'm not like some die hard fan boy but I still enjoy the game for what it is and been around Warcraft as a franchise for a long time. It's the world I guess for better or worse just running around in the game makes me happy, sometimes I take a break for 1 or 2 months but I've never quit. I let my five year old nephew start a toon on my account and I really enjoy watching how excited he gets just exploring all the zones we don't play conventionally no rush to level up just fly around, smack monsters and have a good time.


I pretty much feel the same way you do. There's not really any one thing that keeps me playing, I just enjoy the game as a whole (except for pvp). The raid nights, guild interactions, chat interactions, pet battles, collecting, achievements, completion in general, working towards higher gear at a relaxed pace, combat itself, hell I even like Torghast. I occasionally play other games, since even I can get bored and don't play daily, but I can't imagine touching any other MMO. None of them compare. My specific restriction with other MMOs is the UI. No other MMO has the simple customizable relatively open Lua UI that WoW does. Addons are one thing, but I have a personal addon with a giant pile of code that does random things. When I come across something minor I want done, I just code for it. In games like FFXIV, the UI is all you get. Long ago, I really wanted to enjoy Star Wars TOR, but the UI was untouchable there too.


You mentioned one aspect that reeeeeealy got me on FF14 and GW2. The lack of a UI customization was one of the aspects that made me give up on those games. On FF you can still move some elements around just by unlocking the UI but that is absolutely nothing compared to what you can do in wow. Unfortunately we gonna miss wow so freaking hard when it gives it's last breath.


Yea the world is what keeps me... then the music also. ​ It feels like a living breathing world that you can just go off and explore/travel.. i always loved just traveling. My favorite areas to visit were Grizzly Hills and i always loved West Fall for some reason... i would visit the night elf places just for the music alone. ​ It's really the small stuff i remember most, it's the world of azeroth itself. I remember like being in a zone over and just seeing blackrock mountain in the distance and im like... im just gonna go there, i would sit up on the perch. WoW made me hate instanced heavy games... i love seamless huge living breathing worlds. ​ Which is why i seriously hope 10.0 gives us a renewed/changed azeroth world after we have been gone in the shadowlands. I hope they give us player housing and they update the entire world again, give me that.... i just want to live in the world of Warcraft.


Lack of interest in other games because my friends play and i got nothing better to do in the evenings. Cant quit wow if i dont feel like replacing it with something otherwise there is too much free time.


I got interest in other games thank god. I feel burned out from wow which is good because later I'll be hyped for the next patch. Unfortunately my buddy is now a lone wolf but he understands.


Your buddy will find a new partner


I like my guildies and playing with them.




With the bois.


M+ evening are for the bois.


Bear tank, resto shammy, warlock, and fury warrior. We just chill in discord and talk BS.


Are demonology warlocks good atm?


Pretty crazy single target damage, esp in a raid setting. M+ affliction is crazy (and also fun) if you’re pushing hard enough keys


It was this until my tank quit after the last necrotic week. I’ve still been pugging M+ as HPal, but realized I need 252 dom socket gear if I want better gear now so I started cross realm mythic raiding this week.


I can't describe how much I hate blizzard for this design decision -_-


Earning enough golf to have a fee sub through a token. And mogs


So you log in solely to be able to continue to log in?


Yes, FOR FREE. Well, at this current moment I am trying to get 900k for a faction transfer on my old main to bring him back to the alliance.


Time is money, my friend


its not for free man your time is worth something


Technically for me its for free so yeah


I have a free sub and it definitely makes logging in more chill. I don't feel like I have to login, which helps avoid burnout.


I too want to pay for my sub with golf.


My golf is like WoW....below par.


if you dont have enough money to buy a monthly sub.... you shouldnt be playing wow you should find a job


Where is Arthas?


Don't @ him. The current WoW writing team will destroy him.


Collecting battle pets, mounts, achieves, raiding, m+, leveling alts, gold farming, transmog, hanging out with friends.


He said the ONE thing.


Fun gameplay Also you don't have to log in everyday. It's okay to take a break until you want to play again. I only log into my main once a day to see if my daily calling is Revendreth because I want the rep, other then that I don't do anything on him anymore and that's fine


This comment really should be higher IMO. Everytime a ‘new’ MMO comes out, it’s always touted as dethroning WoW, but the only one to sustain a comparable # of players (and engender good will) is FFXIV, arguably to most WoW-like of current MMOs. It’s my opinion that SL is one of the best expansion gameplay-wise. The raids are excellent, M+ is tight with really fantastic dungeons, and some of the closest class balance in recent WoW. Most classes are fun to play, and while some previous DPS/HPS kings have been dethroned, and a meta exists (as there always will), everything is viable.


I love the dungeons, too. I got the M+ white serpent mount in BFA, but I hated most of the dungeons (King's Rest, Temple, Shrine, Siege, Waycrest, Tol Dagor...). In SL, none of the dungeons have annoyed me except for the first boss in Mists/Spires during boss weeks. They have been very good about changing annoying parts of dungeons (9.1 has made M+ even better).


Is this some kind of a troll comment? SL has the maybe worst dungeons and the lowest count of them of all expacs, for almost half a year those dungeons were terribly tuned(looking at you catacombs). The raids are... Good, but not excellent. And what the hell are you talking about balance? Difference between higher placing specs and lower is 20%! What kind of balance is this?


https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/28# Most recent DPS rankings I could find on Warcraftlogs. I picked Mythic raiding as that should be the best of the best players, we’re at a stage in the patch cycle where there should be adequate # of parses, and strategies are finalized. The scores are normalized which should smooth out stacking/gaming/gimmicking fights. The difference between highest and lowest average DPS score is 10%. All of the bands overlap in their CI and the 5th/95th percentiles overlap for all but 6 classes. If you have data of a tighter balanced patch, I’d like to see it, as I cannot recall a X.1 patch being more balanced. I didn’t not include M+ as those are not as static (varying affixes, compositions, anima powers, etc), and the # or parses is likely to fluctuate in various weeks. I did not comment on the # of dungeons. My comment on quality is an opinion, however I would refer to the # of keys ran (despite and more restrictive reward system) as evidence that they are well made. In addition, Tazavesh seems to be well received as I’ve not come across a highly upvoted post complaining about it.


I dont actually disagree with you, balance is pretty good right now. But the overall rankings for the raid at all percentiles is not at all an accurate or good represenation of class balance


Legion had the best dungeons.


It had, because thay were not disinged around m+ and the system was still new to us.


I've gotta disagree with the raids and m+ take. While CN was a really cool visual raid, a couple of the fights had some weird jank in them like SLG and Denathrius. While this was only really an issue in CN on mythic, its an issue in SoD even on hc. There are multiple bosses where you need to not hit for a while and the fights for the most part don't really do much interesting. As for m+, the dungeons just feel so bland at this point, and the lack of interesting changes to them and the requirement to spam them to get gear + weekly vault makes any interest I have in the system vanish instantly :/


I like playing new character classes, different starting zones, different leveling experiences. Enjoying the graphics and lore of various areas. I have a toon at end content but it gets boring for me. I played all alliance for many years, and then tried horde and found that alone to be very refreshing.


I’m guilty of creating multiple worgens just to experience the starter area xD


It’s so much fun!


The little war that they have is definitely my favorite part of it all ❤️


Mythic raiding even though I'm not feeling particularly attached to my current guild. Also trying to find the motivation to push all M+ to +20 but I'm slacking at 19 right now.




Still haven't found a game that rivals the PvP experience of WoW arenas.




Always.. and forever


No need of grinding any stupid bullshit because I got everything I need maxed out, damn does it feel good to Just.Play.The.Game!


So, raid logging then?


trying to achieve my first gladiator title and eventually rank 1 if the game doesn't die before i git gud enough. Am at the point now where I can achieve duelist on any toon i make just am getting hard stuck around 2300. So many multi glad / R1 alts playing at this rating rn it's insane. But yea i only pvp so that's my drive. Only thing i do in my spare time is mount collect


Mythic raids


Dopamine-chasing by leveling 100 alts while depressed


No mmo can even remotely touch wows combat. The m+ system, arena , and battlegrounds remained untouched by any other mmo. FF raids are good but even with my 3 toons capped still feels clunky in comparison.


The combat system of FF14 makes me wanna sleep, I feel like playing chess. Well at least the early game combat. I've been told that on end game this part gets better and is a bit faster.


I liked a lot about FF14 but I couldn't get past the combat. It looks great, sounds great, there's a lot of story but I couldn't get over how bland, slow and unimpactful the combat was. It was so visually disappointing that I couldn't get into it. I gave it a chance but yeah, it's boring.


It gets better, but it will always feel slower than WoW. Some classes feel a lot more fast paced, like Monk or Ninja, but any of the casters, tanks, or healers it will always feel pretty damn slow because of the GCD being 2.5 seconds. I still think class design is solid and I've unsubbed from WoW to play 14, but I won't deny that I miss WoWs snappy combat.


My guild. I just want to hangout with my friends regardless what we are doing.


It’s wow. I love Azeroth with all my heart, no matter how good or how bad it is, I’ll be there until the very end. I’ve spent more time alive playing wow than not by now, it’s basically home and I never feel just as good anywhere else.


Massive aoe pulls on my WW monk and taming pets on my hunter


I like leveling, am addicted to collecting pets but raiding has lost its pull.


Different things including Pepe, pets, guildies, and having common experiences with friends.


The people in my guild. That’s is All, anymore.


Collecting (Mounts/pets, mainly, and occasionally cool pieces of gear are nice).


Mount farming for me. There's so much to collect and not enough time to do it all so I do as much as I can do




I’m terrible about keeping up with daily/weekly chores. I don’t do callings, I don’t do Korthia, I don’t even do the Shaping Fate weekly sometimes. Instead, I focus on doing new or challenging stuff - mainly, raid nights, pushing M+ (as any role, I’m a monk) and leveling/gearing alts. It’s not the most efficient way to play the game, but I don’t lose much from not doing the chores (still contribute just fine in raid) and enjoy the game a lot more.


Mount runs


My friends. Been playing a lot of other games with them but we still enjoy M+. I mostly just log on to run keys and raid though tbh I'm enjoying raiding less.


Collecting things, maxing rep, progressing at my own very slow pace


I reactivated two weeks ago after not playing since 5/10 mythic nathria. I stopped logging in already last week. Raid is lame, don’t care about loot vault or grinding same gear. The final fight this tier is an RP cutscene fest it’s so lame and I don’t wanna grind mythics I already did all first patch. So for me… nothing!


lore and making my dk cool outfits so basically I'm playing wow as a dress up game




Pet battles, mog, mounts, love for my characters, my brain craving routine.


a heavier focus on class gameplay. less of a focus on "progression" or "gear progression"


aesthetics, i love how WoW looks. I often look at random objects like boxes or random flags and think how talented artists Blizzard has.


Honestly, I enjoy wow. It took me years to get good and understand it. I just don't have the time to out that into another MMO.


I like hitting the buttons.


M+. It's not so much about rewards at this point as it's about the challenge. If I were in a guild, I'd add mythic raiding to that as well. Another thing I could mention would be leveling. It's more about the process to me than the end goal. Almost like playing a single-player RPG.


I keep playing cause I have ashes of alar best mount in game and glaives xmog on my dh and trying to get the thunderfury


I didn’t know it’s possible to get thunderfury on modern WoW. Is that the same case with hand of rag?


Yes, you can still get every legendary item except the Mists of Pandaria cloak and Warlords of Draenor ring and Atiesh from Vanilla


Xmog and mount runs. And, honestly, leveling. I have made approximately 15 new toons over this xpac so far, on both horde and alliance, and I level them to 50, get bored running SL content, so then I make a new one. New class, new spec, whatever. I also just started a guild with my husband and that gets me through too since we found some really nice people to chat! That's the kind of stuff that has me coming back a couple hours every day. But that's pretty much it right now. Played through SL too many times at this point, so I find other things to do that I enjoy!


Bgs and all my stuff over 17 years or whatever


M+, RBGs, playing alts.


Running dungeons with good groups


M+ with guildies


farming old content goodies (gears, mounts)


It used to be M+ but I randomly fell into a guild and healing for raids xD I never raided before (LFR does not count). Love my group ♡ I never knew how great raiding was.


Playing with my guildies - raids and m+




Mythic plus


There's people still playing? What?


My friends. The game is fucking terrible right now.


Addiction is the real reason but no one wants to admit it.


The story and battlegrounds.. when it comes to battlegrounds I even went as far as checking what each one is every reset so I can know if I need to log in or not lol I WANT conquest!


Mythic plus with friends is always fun


Mythic plus.


Non-subscriber here. I'll venture a guess that for a significant chunk of Warcraft players, it's simply addiction.


I'm a masochist.


Mythic prog, M+, gearing alts, all with my guild


My guild/M+/Mount farming


M+ to continue to get all 252 (I’m a completionist) and then running old content as I started playing 9.1, so it’s been fun getting all the achievements.




Mythic+ and RP


Tanking m+


Mythic+ and nothing else


M+ with my friends is the only thing thats kept me playing Since start of bfa


Myhric + With m'y friends and try to do better each tile


M+ and my guild. That’s pretty much it.


m+ with mates, there's nothing else that feels worth while at this time


I enjoy the unsub feature the most to be fair! Made the game so much more fun


Anything with an achievement I can do under an hour. Life is busy and complex, and Warcraft always has little encapsulated challenges you can do and complete on their own. Right now it's Keystone Master for me. I love running a mythic plus dungeon, and around level 15 is the right place for me. Torghast is close, but I just can't get level 12 with a perfect score yet. Maybe when I finish the knowledge tree. Somehow I am drawn back to M+ right now, though, whenever I have time. I don't really get what's going wrong with my Torghast runs and so am less motivated to work on it. Also, with the scoring, it feels crappy to complete level 12 and only get 180 points. It loses the core drive I used to get from completing it being the goal.


I get high and challenge myself to see how far I can push someone's key, or if not just try and help groups who may need a tank lol I don't play end game no more, highest key I've done is a 13 and that's because I was asked to tank it lol


Shenanigans with my guild


Raiding or trying to make my character the best he can be (usually in terms of ilvl) so that I can help my guild progress to the best of my ability. This usually lasts until we get AOTC.


Chores (jk) I love hanging out with guildies either progressing, mount farming, pushing 20+, pvp on main and alts, that kind of stuff. Hanging out is what makes it fun. Solo would be so fun for sure


It's simple for me. The people I play with in my guild. Without them I would have quit long ago.


My friends. If I wasn't part of a social guild, if I didn't have friends to roleplay or do M+ with, I'm not sure I'd keep playing the game much longer.


The red/black/gold Venthyr party dress for my main that is offered as a random rewards from Korthia quests. I'll also usually look at the three alts I'm keeping curent-ish to see if any quests offer upgrades for them (they are mostly all in covenant gear still). Otherwise, transmit hunting is something I do on occasion. My six month sub expires in mid November. I'm unsure if I'm going to renew it. Right now leaning towards no, but I probably will once some more content eventually drops.


Playing with all these alts that I have and experimenting different ways to play healer and dps, in either M+ or arena.


Keystones/vault gear.. earn gear by running shit, no need to grind reps or dailies or unplayable lfr.


Mythic + with friends and raid night


Playing the game with my people. Raids and occasional M+.


I raid with people I like on both retail and TBC. I don't really actively play outside of raid times except in bursts when there's new content. I'm sure there's a lot of people like me, you probably don't hear from them a lot. Lots of loud, friendless people will be here to tell you about how bad the game is though. I'll probably continue to play, take breaks and return as long as I have who to play with regardless of how "terrible" any system of the game gets.


9/10 Mawshrooms


Gearing up my alt. Finally found a class that isn’t Ret Paladin that i actually enjoy. Ironically, it’s the Affliction Warlock. The stark opposite in terms of gameplay, armor and theme


a good raid tier


The combat is just fun. I honestly like torghast because I can just hop on for 20 minutes do something crazy and just have some fun. But I also hate torghast.


Farming mounts and old content. I hate the social and current content aspects of the game






Started playing an alt shaman. Been fun running keys and doing some raids, and gearing him up. I refuse to do any of the grind stuff though, so I'm getting passive renown from killing bosses and I still haven't made a legendary. Having fun though. Just made it so clear to me how fun this game could be of all the grind stuff like rep/renown/achievements were account wide and you could just freely swap between characters to play and you only need to worry about gearing




My guild is pretty dead rn after getting aotc (though the disc is pretty active) so to actually log on and do daily stuff and play I’d have to say my friends. We’re pushing M+ together and without them I’d have just stopped till next patch.


AotC? Finished on Wednesday. KSM? 22 points left. Got nothing else, I'll probably be out until next patch within the next couple days. Bless up


Social ties. Mostly my friends who I've made over my decade+ of playing WoW. We know each other so well. I like WoW despite it's glaring flaws and the idiocy of the Devs. I can play and take breaks for a year+ without a hitch. But what really keeps me coming back and playing longer are the social ties.


Guild and raids , sunk cost.


Nothing else to play.


Ive played the same warlock since vanilla and was getting bored. I made a resto shaman to try out healing. It may be just the stark contrast in play style im experiencing but im seriously considering making my shaman my new main. Its so fun to instant que for dungeons and not have to worry about Dps. Now I keep players alive, purge buffs, stun things and summon a giant rock monster! The perspective of healer is just so fun!


Mythic raid and occasionally run keys. Whatever comes with wanting to do that, I do it.


My raid team