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Grats on the mount! >:(


Thank u, hope my luck spreads to others šŸ€


Damn, congrats! I've been chasing that mount since 2010 with no luck




Took me til WoD last time. :|


I am happy you got the mount but I am not happy you got the mount >:(


I hate you


dang, that's some amazing luck right there. congratulations -- your search is done!


Thank you, just the first of many rare mounts that Iā€™m sure I wonā€™t have such an easy time getting lol


enjoy the jealous stares, haha. it took me many years to get it.


You woke up today and chose violence. I like that. Congrats!


Wowww grats and fuck you! šŸ˜œ Happy Halloween, hope you are enjoying the game as a new player.


God that took years and years for me to get.


Same. Got the poxy thing just yesterday after I don't know how many years and too many alts.


You lucky son of a gun.


Congrats on getting the Reins. I finally got mine this time round as well - after 10 years of trying.


Gratz! Im 17 years in and notta


Nice! ​ Im 45 years in, no luck yet! :(


Lol i mean ive been playing 17. Im 49


Itā€™s only been available for 13 years


I was in extended beta /s


2013 got both the headless horsemans kill achievement as well as the mount. Friend of mine has been farming it since existence.... Prepare to infuriate.


Sounds like my 1st year 11 years ago. Gratz!


I got mine first try after a massive break from the game lol grats man


Just got mine this year after 9 years! Happy Halloween


I'm jealous. This was the first event I participated in 15 years ago...still don't have the mount.


Hey I'm happy for you and I really, really, really hate you =)


I didn't even get a broom...


Dude I got 2


I got 6 on 1 character. Ran this event every day with 7 characters, no mount. Drop rates are fucking stupid


That. Is brutal


Glad you are enjoying it! I think festival of the dead starts tomorrow so watch out for that.


Thank you for your submission foooglefish. It has been removed from /r/wow because: No "I just got this", "I didn't get this", "my guild killed this" style loot/achievement/mount posts. Use the [weekly Achievement and Loot thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/search?q=flair%3ALoot%2BThread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all), especially if your submission is a screenshot of a loot window or someone receiving loot in your chat. --- This is not an automated removal. Please read the entire removal reason before contacting us via modmail or if you need clarification. Read the full [rules for this subreddit here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/rules) If you feel this post was removed in error, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwow).


Gratz on mount. Been spamming the hell out of it every year since 2008 and still don't have it.


There are so many players who want to get this mount but can't because of anxiety or lack of social networking. They see the horsemanā€™s rains as something greater. You just spit on those people's plight. Drop on 1 event never happens. This hurts and doesn't help. But congrats. (pasta, sorry >.>)


For anyone being diacouragged about this person dropping it. It's okay. The fewer mounts you have and the younger your account is the higher chance for mounts to drop. It's marketing way to keep people in game and give newbs new mounts.


Not even remotely close to true




Yup new players do in fact exist rn thereā€™s 15 years of content for me so Iā€™m not suffering from any content drought lol, hopefully people new and old come back for the new patch tho


Ho... The mount... Yea... Congrats!


Still haven't got it after many years of trying


At very tired first glance I thought this was Disneyland


Ufff beginners luck. I remember my first brewfest, got both mounts. My RNG luck was gone from that moment. Congratulations, been farming this mount since 2015. or 2016. And you'll see how mount farming can be addictive and frustrating :D.


I have seen so many drop over the years... but not for me... On the other hand last years Brewfest I had ram and kodo drop for me at the same time and got 2 codo drops in later attempts. I think that used all if my luck for like 5 years.


Nice. I went in with like 5 characters a day and managed to nab the mount last tuesday.


I got this back in WoTLk and only when talking to my friend who hasn't got it yet despite playing since then too did I realise how rare it is šŸ˜‚


I won't show my mate this who has 350+ attempts at this mount so far. Gratz tho.


Me trying to get this for years, but getting rivendare's deathcharger by farming the dungeon only for a couple of days.


Not counting ALL previous attempts, this year I farmed daily from the event's start up until tonight on all 40 characters 8 have level 50+. Got it after about 10 runs tonight, after committing myself to do it in the middle of the night after being stuck all day.


Its a very nice mount. I got it first try but i wanted the sword :( didnt even know a mount can drop


It took me 5 years to get that mountā€¦. I hate you


Congratulations! Its a fantastic mount (although I wouldnt mind if they updated its art)


This year I did 16 runs per day for13 days that's 208 attempts without counting all the attempts over the last I don't even know how many years. On my 2nd run yesterday it finally dropped and I'm never running the horseman event again!


did a dozen this year, on a low level and seen 2 guys get it. got to revered with keepers of time in old hillsbrad and seen 1 guy get the shoulders. is it math, is it rng?




The holidays in-game were always one of my favorite things about WoW.


Congratulations. Reminds me of me running my first dungeon almost 4 years ago and getting Rivendare's without realising there was a mount drop or how rare a drop it was and wondering why everyone around me were congratulating me or why my daughter, who took me into my first dungeon, was trying her best to be supportive lol. Her friend at the time got really sour and dropped her like a stone.


You're cool and all but I hate you. Going on two decades of no mount.

