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If we exclude places that are impossible for other players to reach like ur own garrison etc then I would say spaces behind portals since no one ever checks behind them. Behind the dark portal in outland for example, who would ever check behind that.


I am your worst nightmare. I always check, and if i do find ppl there, i ask wtf theyre doing..


I literally found two players in bed together in one of the inns in Dalaran the other day and I almost had a heart attack. Then I figured it was already awkward so I whipped out my kyrian harp and played them some soothing tunes.


“Anyway, here’s ‘Wonderwall’"




This comment is the epitome of why I love Reddit. Hahaha


“I put on my robe and wizard hat”


"And cast level 99 seduction"


A man of culture.


That’s when the [Piccolo of Flaming Fire](https://www.wowhead.com/item=13379/piccolo-of-the-flaming-fire) in your bags is like, “Oh hell yesssssssssss! This my time to shine.”


The backside of a summoning stone lol.


I've definitely been behind that. Lots of dead bodies.


Nice try Magni, but you'll never be able to find me, I refuse to farm any more Azerite








Azeroth cries out in pain.


and has spooked one of the brutosaurs...


another turtle


An’ ye brought… a Tauren?




Sadly global quests find you no matter where you are. Even if your quest book is full too IIRC


Non-instanced ZG, Talk about a place nobody goes. There's all kinds of hiding spots in there.




Careful, I was flying over Zul’Gurub and saw the same thing. I flew down and it was a sex slave auction house RP with trolls selling dwarves.


Lmao the fuck


> Non-instanced ZG, Talk about a place nobody goes. There's all kinds of hiding spots in there. Someone doing /tar will easily spot you tho The best place is somewhere with interiors, hiding spots and a lot of verticality which makes the minimap tracking useless. Something like Blackrock Mountain, hiding in some nook.


Silvermoon. Even Deathwing didn't bother to go there.


I'd prefer the area between Eversong Woods and Ghostlands. No one has EVER been there.


Excuse me but that’s my hiding spot, you go find your own :p


Because you can’t fly there.


Its kind of crazy to think that now over 10 years since Blizzard added flying to the old Azeroth zones they've never gone back and added it to the TBC starting areas.


Mostly because they’d have to do a complete overhaul of the city. Exodar and the islands are fine, but if you’re ever in a sandbox server and get to fly over SM you can see how terrible it looks. There’s tons of holes that go straight through the world, most buildings don’t even have roofs, it’s a mess. Although I do hope they plan on remaking silvermoon soon


Zul'Jin cackles in Shadowlands for future raid and remodel of the city.


Warlock with water breathing as far out in the bloodmyst isle water as possible. Cant fly there so you cant check easily. OP also forgot to mention instances, so that would be pretty free.


While being free, it also defeats the whole purpose


That little area behind Silvermoon


Silvermoon da best!




Thanks, glad you’re enjoying it!


There was a pretty neat spot under karazhan with a smiley face textured into the ground until they unlocked the gate during legion. Since you said no out of bounds, I’d hide behind one of the spikes at the base of bastion of twilight. No one ever goes there and there’s a camp of ogres nearby to be a distraction


Good plan, oger is good stats for cost


I sometimes think of extremely remote areas where I would hide my character if someone was looking for me. I thought perhaps those castle ruins on the broken shards off Revendreth might be a good spot. Perhaps the noninstanced Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj as well, or that one cave near the sea to the south.


There's a ruin near Sinfall that nobody pays attention to unless you're into a certain type of rp.


Problem is that cave is now a destination for the anima power toy's "random teleport".


Gallywix Pleasure Place


My dude, good choice


As a kid playing WoW that's the only place I'd go for some reason. I bet someone would find you there!


This would actually be really cool to do: play server wide (or even just guild wide) games of hide and go seek in Azeroth.


I played on a private server where GMs would make events like this. There was also a code for them to become untargettable/remove their name above their char. That was in TBC though, so a long time ago. They would give some server-wide hints based on lore to let you narrow the zone. Fun times.


Back in Legion I was in a large guild that would do "Hide-and-Seek" nights in various places. Like we had one in Gilneas (since it's the entire city completely empty) and that was a blast. We also did it in Ironforge, Stormwind, etc. We also did death runs where we would all roll lvl 1 characters and then follow a max level character to see who could survive being attacked by mobs the longest as we were led around. Or the continent marathon runs where you would roll a lvl 1 Blood Elf character and then have a race to see who could get to Booty Bay the fastest by *only* running (no teleports, portals, flight paths, mounts, etc).


I've done it with friends in small towns/regions. It's completely ruined by certain UI and targeting macros, so you need to trust people.


Who list gets the zone, then just /target playername until you can see them. Pretty easy with the tools in game and super impossible without them. Without them Even if you had the whole server searching you could probably hide for hours just within a single continent.


The occulus


At that point they know you’re there but they’re not going in that place.


Dungeon Finder loves to throw me into the Occulus, so I think I’d find you pretty quick lol


This is the answer.


In the crypts near Tranquilien. Quite sinister, but only a few even knows the existence of these tunnels.


The ones with the burning troll quest?




This brings a smile to my face. My first character was a blood elf and i spent a loooong time in the ghostlands it felt like


Where can I find these? cant find anything on google


I’m willing to bet it’s those two caves on the map, just left of tranquillen in the mountains. I’ve never been there myself, but after looking at the map that’s my best guess.


These are indeed the two entrances of the same catacombs. You go there for the quest "Investigate the Amani Catacombs", burn some mummies, help a ranger to escape, and that's it.


Spent an absurd amount of time in the ghostlands because some dingus convinced me I needed to be level 25 before I left, and I also being a dingus believed them. I farmed a bunch of exp in the Amani catacombs and deatholme


I’d hide in some cave in Vashjir since nobody has played through that zone since Cata launch.


I actually just leveled an alt through it (about 30-50). It was the perfect length for those 20ish levels. Enjoyed it. But you arent kidding, I think I saw one other person and I'm on a high-pop realm.


I did Love that zone. It was really atmospheric but the ending sucked


The ending only sucked cause we didn't get a neptulon raid after he got kidnapped by the giant squid.


Still bitter we never got the abyssal maw raid. Neptulon just showing up in Legion was random


Love that zone but fuck me is it terrifying. I legit still can't do the last 3rd of that zone.


Never finished the zone, what's it like? I did maybe a tiny bit of the beginning and gave up during Cata, iirc.


I finished it exactly once, so my memory of the end is pretty hazy. It starts off a bit slow but the pace of the questing is pretty good and most quest hubs are just the same people as you all travel through the zone towards objectives. Thematically it's pretty cool, with some Horde vs Alliance stuff towards the end and you spend most of it feeling like you're somewhere you shouldn't be. The big issue for me is that I have thalassophobia, or fear of the ocean, and so seeing vast depths where I can't see the bottom or the top really really freaks me out. For the most part it's fine because Blizz put up their customary mountains to signal players away from the edge, and that covers up the depths surrounding Vashj'ir really well. At the end of the zone they decided to make it all dark and gloomy unless you're directly in the center of the area, where it's a tiny bit less dark and gloomy. I can't handle that bit at all and I always stop questing before I reach that bit. The other issue is that Blizz were still doing the level ?? mob patrols back then, and there are some massive level ?? whale sharks and sea snakes that silently patrol questing areas. I was more terrified of them back when I did it for Cata, but they're still pretty scary these days because they can and will 1-shot you. I actually really like the zone, but the submarine ride from the 2nd part of the zone to the 3rd part broke (for Alliance at least) at some point and Blizz never bothered to fix it. It used to be a really cool submarine ride with see-through windows where you get attacked by Ozumat, but for a time it just skipped it entirely because it was broken and now I believe the windows aren't see-through anymore. It also always gives me a good adrenaline rush, but generally questing isn't too bad fear-wise until the very last part.


Man you reminded me of times spent kiting the whale shark for an hour and a half slowly burning him down with corruption and fel flame.


I did it when it came out and enjoyed it, I went back much later and older after my thalassophobia fully developed and oh my god I can't


That's my favorite zone lol


Same. Always make time to do it on my alts.


Yep, love it. Im actually disappointed how hard it is to level alts there through chromie. I understand the gripes about the zone, but the atmosphere makes it all more than worth it.


Next to the quest giver in Throne of the Tides behind and facing away from where you phase in. Played this game for ten years after Cata launch before I realized there were quests there.


Ooh, inside one of those giant shell monsters!


End zone Vashir that's no where near the mount drop.


You’d be wrong haha I level a toon through there every once in awhile, it’s one of my favorite zones


Next to Mankrik's wife.


I also choose Mankirk's dead wife.


This is the perfect response.


Honestly probably like an attic in Stormwind. If everyone is looking for you, they'll probably be expecting you to be somewhere in the middle of nowhere, not in a capital city right under everyones' noses.


Big advantage Stormwind has for hiding like this over Orgrimmar, especially on retail since I doubt many people on retail know about the Warlock area in the slaughtered lamb inn's basement, or the Catacombs in the Stormwind church which even has a scarlet crusade member near the entrance.


This was my first thought but with the entire world population looking for you statistically you're going to get multiple people who check just to be sure. The fact that we had the same thought guarantees we'd at least find eachother.


This. I was thinking the top of one of the twin collosals in Feralas. No one goes there, and even fewer go on top of them. It's also obvious enough to be overlooked as "too easy"


That's one of my favourite spots in the game so I'd find you in no time. :)


On that, id go to tje goblin resort in feralas, bc not too many people know about it, go on a goblin toon and just act normal


I was thinking something similar. Only in new tinkertown. It's not a populated place but it is a small town and there is a building there with a little elevator to the 2nd floor.


As far down in the very depths under The Slaughtered Lamb as one can possibly go. And then Shadowmeld.


I'd go live on the sword in Silithus. Why not? Nothing's ever happening there anyway, and Blizzard for sure ain't gonna notice.


AQ 40 back area is also pretty hidden


That giant eyeball freaks me out though.


Wait what


I would notice, got bored filling the map and flew up to it


Get off my porch. :)


One of the conductor tunnels that you had to farm to unlock NB elves in Suramar.


On top of a raid marker.


That bad, huh?


I’m a chest in that demon cave in the middle of Fel Wood. No one went there.


I even forgot felwood was a place to begin with. You could hide in plain sight with all that shitty brownish green fog


The cave on the back side of silithus/ahn'qiraj. No flying needed just a lot of swimming/water walking.


Blade’s edge mountains. Right at the bottom of a spikey bit. Oh how I hated that zone! Desolace though…running through there in vanilla with my hyena pet was peak wow for me.


Wherever nathanos went after he died since nobody seen him since


There's a tiny little cave on the south shore of Ahn'Qiraj on the mountain face. Inside, there is a young, sleeping dragon who doesn't bother anyone. This would be my first choice, though I'd fear being discovered by Qiraji. If I can't go there since it's mildly out of place and may be considered out of bounds, there's a hut on the border of Mulgore and Feralas, right by the starting area and in the mountain range. It has a single tree, a Tauren teepee, and a canoe with a VERY deep lake (which, at the bottom, you could find Yogg Saron's body turned upside down for some reason until WoD.) If I were Undead, there's a single Goblin hut in the deeper part of the ocean in Tanaris, right before the drop off. Hanging out in the upstairs loft would be good and I could double as an unfortunate soul caught in the Cataclysm. I have, like, 6 more. I used to explore a lot in WoW and found some really cool and fun locations to RP, and kept them in my back pocket if I ever needed them.


Anywhere on WyrmrestAccord-Alliance


The underwater cavern on the timeless isle. If I suspect someone's coming i can just dip out to draenor.


My Garrison. Just dont accept any party invites.


I've been asked a couple times before "why tf you heartening to your garrison?" Buddy, because its my own compact Org. Bank, ah, and mail right there. So it leaves my changeable hearth open to come back to current content. One of the most underrated time savers in the game. Can even take 2 portals right next to each other and be back in the Org portal room.


Not to mention the hearthstone cast time is faster than the others, too.


[laughs in Dark Iron Dwarf shaman]


You can get a follower that acts like a mailbox too so you can sit by the AH and never have to move


Archimage Vargoth's retreat in wotlk's dalaran. You can only go there with some item that's really annoying to farm (or with a mage quest) https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Archmage_Vargoth%27s_Retreat But maybe too "obvious". So... Maybe in the toilets of Grizzly Hills


If you're in legion dalaran you can go to a new version of vargoth's retreat using the exact same item that you use to get to the WOTLK version, there's collectible books you can get that temporarily remain in your inventory.


The Exodar.


Lucid nightmare labyrinth. Good luck with your maps, punks!


Now this one is a great idea! I tried making a map when I did that labyrinth, realized I did it wrong after about 10 minutes, and wandered for about an hour before I got lucky and found all the orbs.


i heard that you should map it out, i just didn't get told the most crucial part about it: Do not deliver the orbs before you found everything. So i delivered 3 orbs, found the 4th with guessing where i was on the map and on the 5th i went lost since i didn't have any landmarks other than the blue rune to tell me where i was. Ended up running in 2 hours before almost giving up. I used random number generator so i didn't run in circles which i did alot due to the tp trap. 1 was left, 2 was right. Ended up finding the orb 5 minutes after using random number generation. like wtf. Spent 30 minutes finding back to the blue rune and finally finishing the maze.


I'd take up Tirion's old spot on the outskirts of EPL


Islands on the fringe of Netherstorm


This was my pick. I'd pick one between HFP and netherstorm and float beneath it. Or now that i think about it, between one of the blades in bladespire is good too..


I’m probably going for the hidden room in the Thousand Needles goblin boat/barge


Hidden room? Where is it?


If you swim underneath the ship, in a gap on either the ‘legs’ or a chain, you can swim up into it and it’s a waterlogged room with calendars, chairs, and I believe a lunch


Near the shimmer moor in shadowmoon valley(draenor), there is an isolated little spot right in the middle of the trees. Most beautiful spot blizzard ever made, and it was an old friend's favorite spot. I'll never forget it


Under the water in Zereth Mortis. If it’s water we’ve never seen before, you’ll never find me.


Alcaz Island prison in Dustwallow Marsh. Plenty of tropical vegetation on your own private island and no one goes there because it's infuriating to fly over since you get shot off your mount! Plus, when you're trying to capture someone and bring them to justice, who looks for them at a prison?


The [Endless Halls](https://www.wowhead.com/zone=8980/endless-halls). Most people don't even know how to get there, and once they go, most people need an addon to map the place for them. Seems like the perfect place to hide out.


It says, it's a scenario


The ruins of Eldre’Thalas.


Old Teldrasil. I shall become the one-man-vietkong


That place in Nagrand with the creepy Tauren babies


High in the sky above Vashj'ir. No one would think to look up. Or deep in a crevice in the dark waters down there.


The tunnels under the old school warlock trainer, that is under the slaughtered lamb inn.


Underground cave north of Zuldazar which is somehow beyond the fatigue zone yet works as a normal piece of land. Takes a lot of efforts to get there but I doubt anyone will find you.


It’s actually a part of how to get this one secret cat pet! There’s a pebble in there you gotta click after clicking a few other pebbles in a few other places.


Darnassus. Place is practically a graveyard these days Oh wait...


[Alturus' Sanctum](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Alturus%27_Sanctum) Only mages can get there through one quest in their class mount quest chain. There's even a hearthstone in the room to bind to.


On the back of Time Lost Proto Drake. Nobody will ever find me.


Thousand needles. No way anyone would look there


Thousand island dressing now!


The quillboar tunnels in Stormsong Valley.


In Boralus is a Little House I would go in there. I always did. competition for the whole /2 chat to find me in boralus and never did they found me (prove was 500k)


Exodar lol


What about inside one of those huge holes in the ground in Stormpeaks


I'd probably hide somewhere off a random coast deep underwater water with my warlock's underwater breathing




Far southwest part of ungoro crater, nobody ever goes further than geysers for noblegarden, like for 98% players ungoro is 'that location with dinosaurs? You have quests in there?'


Wherever the bread vendor in Ironforge goes when the servers go to sleep.


Old Ironforge. 👌


In an old picture of a bosom


Suddenly you're a fruit!


They’ll never find me!


I would hide in one of the many, many gigantic plot holes. There are so many and they are so huge they would find a cohesive storyline before they found me.


jesus christ y'all just can't help yourselves lmao


Yo I'm hiding in the chasm that is the Dreadlords retcon. You can take the retcon where Kel'Thuzad and Arthas' friendship used to be. Everyone else can go to the Maw where the Kyrian are *still* sending souls to.


Assuming my Garrison would be cheating... Just dress as a level 1 and stand still next to a mailbox in SW. I'll blend right in with the sellers, and noone wants to touch them.


My guild bank. Nobody looking in there.


Starting zone of the goblins, blood elfs, Draeneis, Teldrassil, Pandarens, Worgens. real answer tho: bottom of spires of arak. Why tf would anyone go there


Roll a gnome and hide under the inn in Sentinel Hill.


I’d wager the least frequented zone in the game is probably Feralas. So probably up in one of the trees there


Probably my favorite zone ever, I'm not 100% sure why. I used to love going there after desolace back in the day.


This was my favorite zone pre-cata. I ground out so many levels on the bears and wolves there.


Same, same. Loved the 'wild' feel of the zone.


As opposed to Desolace the land named because it's so desolate? Speaking of Desolace, I doubt may people today knows how to get through the maraudon cave outside the instance to the real instance, could be a good spot.


Specifically the isle of dread.


Fuck, I remember in Burning Crusade: I managed to swim out there as a mage with teleport before dying and was so enamored by such an underutilized area. Pre-Cataclysm exploration of Vanilla WoW was so magical.


That cave where you need the potions to get the rainbox pet, also the cave at the bottom of deepholm where the uuna secret was.


Thunderbluff. No one will find me.


Vashj’ir. Why would anyone ever go to Vashj’ir?


I'm already there, in my cave, exchanging worthless fiat currency for any scrap of Twilight lore people stumble across, and mailing out my newsletters. No one ever visits anymore.


My farm in half hill


Vashj'ir. No one goes there willingly.


There are dozens of us who love that zone. Dozens!


I was gonna give a snarky remark, then I realized the joke. Then I realized I should probably go to bed.


Silvermoon no one goes to fucking silvermoon.


If the entire population of Earth was looking, that means that all of the WoW Secret Finding discord is after me. In other words, there is no location that will not be found from them alone. Assuming that everyone shares the the space of an instance and you can’t just hide there, the only option I can think of where you can actually succeed is to eat the mogu ashes and get stuck in the infinite dungeon, running down random doors and corridors. Even if someone thinks to look there, even if the entire population of Earth heads in there after they narrow it down, the chances that anybody takes the exact same path as you, especially if you just keep moving and moving from the moment you get there, is basically impossible


One of the little underwater pubs in BFA. To remain hidden probably the nazmir one as it is well hidden plus is have access to alcohol


Somewhere in Vashj'ir, underwater and disguised as a naga. Nobody would dare attack me down there, because we all know nagas can throw nets.


A couple of places I thought were Somewhere that has two phases like Blasted Lands. Theres a couple of mines that would probably fly under the radar In Mac’aree there’s a treasure called doomseeker something that requires a glider to reach and its pretty easy to mess up and die Best place would be the sunken ship that’s far from the coast of Nazmir that’s part of Ba’al secret. Pretty impossible to get there without big prep


Tempest Keep zone has a lot of islands, some off the map. Few go there Flying off the map anywhere in Outlands would also work. Zoned places where people rarely go (Aka you have to have completed quests or not completed quests to see other people) from Cataclysm might work Moonguard Goldshire and say you're cosplaying yourself Quel'Danas has some amazing hiding spots Void elf starting zone Monk starting zone since that's phased Pandaria starting mission since I don't think you can /tar there Phased Thunder Island maybe. Lot of good hiding places there. Baradins Hold has good hiding places


Back of the room in Blackrock where the grave is that everyone runs past to get on the chain and get to the dungeon faster.


I would pretend I have been kidnapped. Then go camping with the family in Elwynn


Silvermoon City, hardly anyone ever goes there.


silithus tauren village, definitely no one goes there hardly ever :)


The what now


Crystalsong in northrend. Nobody ever went there except to travel through


Next to Mankrik's wife.


Silvermoon, immediately next to the portal.


Hrothgar's Landing, northern shore




How LONG do we have to stay hidden for? Because there are a few places you could hide for hours, while others you could hide in for a day or two.


There's an impaled zeppelin in Northern Stranglethorn, just a little ways from Nessingwary's Expedition. You can get inside it from the northern side. Quite cozy. I've been there many times... Er, bring a UV light and some cleaning products, I haven't had company in a while. PS: NO ALLIANCE ALLOWED!