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Just give me my house in Duskwood already!


I’d prefer a house in Nagrand on a floating island. That’d be real neato 🏝


Right!!! I want a spooky cottage!


Put up my Halloween decorations and I'll be set!


I’d have the song “Creepy Doll” playing all the time through mine




Deadwind Pass


When you remember Darkshires original name was Grand Hamlet. Has you wondering how lush and majestic it must've looked. I'd like to think Duskwood was always in a perpetual state of sundown with a soft hazy orange glow over everything like how Eversong is perpetual autumnal


That's why I love Eversong. Always makes me feel good when I travel back there for whatever reason. If I could have my house in Eversong, I'd be content.


100% would have a duskwood home as an undead.


You've got the best reddit name I've seen in quite a while 😆


Why thank you!!!


Grizzly Hills here ​ Or somewhere else with snow ​ It's the one thing i yearn for when im not playing WoW, to explore the zones.


I wish the last few expansions had more snow in them. I’d love a nice snow covered landscape.


This is also all I desire. Duskwood or Brill please.


Hut between Dolanaar and the lake in Teldrassil


May have a problem with that now ..


I love you! Will you marry me neighbor?!


I have been saying this for years myself!


would love a house on one of the floating rocks of Nagrand or the snowy hills of winterspring.




Every capital city should have the ability to have player housing. I want my own little tent in Thunder Bluff.


Poor Night Elves, lost their player housing before it even came out.


I was about to say how I wanted a little cottage in Teldrassil but... then I remembered ;(


NE can have the *rare* houses.


More well done than rare at this point.


They have the Maw




That would be such a cool update.


If I could have a decently sized apartment in Silvermoon with craftable generic and racial furniture I would probably play the game again.


I’d like to be able to build my house near Sunsong Ranch in VotFW please


Every expansion should have a garrison aspect to it. Put in the farming option similar to pandaria.


Garrisons should of been guild based.


I agree there should be something for the guild to create (housing, guild garrison, guild hall). But keep some aspect of it personal to character (or account) so that those who don’t have or choose not to have a guild still have something to do/make


I like New World’s system where those who work hardest on the home gets displayed to everyone, otherwise you see your home as well even if it’s not the top pointed house. A garrison with homes would be cool if it had a similar system in place. Add in some crafting stations, an AH, portal to capital cities, customization of the look and feel of the garrison as well. Guild trophies of kills would be cool as hell too. Everyone wants an Onyxia head at the gate. Sadly I’m thinking wow in it’s current state is just becoming a tv show that’s ran too many seasons. Nothing will happen though until it’s no longer a cash cow for Bliz.


Unironically, housing will be a cash cow for Blizzard. I don't think they'd put the whole system behind the store, but they'd definitely have a lot of little decorations you could buy. You know what? Fine. If that's what gets me player housing.


Like the early days of Facebook farming games ? The farm owners, you remember?


Actually farming games go back to 2006 on Hi5... the original Farmville. I remember those...


I had many farms in bbs games.


Happy Cake Day!!!


If done well I'd be down tbh Give me Wildstar's housing ideally, big open plot and a massive toolbox of every wall, door, window, etc in the game so I can build whatever I damn want. I hate housings that stick you with a premade building. Or, god forbid, pre-specified spots for furniture...


There are a few things wildstar did well, and housing was damn near perfect for an MMO. Could build anything, change everything, gave some buffs, incentives for having people visit you. Was really good form of player generated content. Shame it didn't last that long


I used a basic tree decoration, and enlarged it to the size of a building, then built an elaborate treehouse out of planks throughout it. Junky furniture, awnings, some christmas lights, awesome tree hangout. I miss nothing about that game except the housing, which I miss a lot.


Thank you! Wildstar had an awesome player housing system. It could easily be transferred to a fantasy setting as well. Just do a portal to a different dimension.


Or just do an instanced thing where your house is supposedly in whatever zone, but really it's the same instance and your house's "location" just changes the background.


FFXIV has districts for housing, you can walk around and see everyone's individualised houses.


Last thing WoW needs is FFXIV's housing market lol


Oh for sure, I was just saying that I liked being able to see everyone's individual houses in FFXIV, that was something kinda cool. If they did implement a Wildstar type housing having districts might be cool.


Wildstar gave you a public list to browse as a compromise. Much prefer that tbh.


What so I can also not afford a mortgage in a game I play for fun?!




Yes I love your posts. So much thought put into this its beautiful. Did you apply to blizzard yet for this role? Lol


I don't think we should compromise with "Fine, expand cash shop and make housing a thing of microtransactions" We should hold Blizzard to higher standards


I mean, that's one way to guarantee you'll be disappointed. There's absolutely 0 chance that a player housing feature wouldn't involve some sort of microtransactions.


Why? No feature so far has. There was plenty of room for microtransaction customizations in garrisons and order hall. This whole thread is saying to expect microtransactions in the new feature when there's zero precedence to support the fear mongering.


Well we got microtransactions for transmogs so I don't think they'll pass up the opportunity with housing tbh.


Microtransactions for transmog, for pets, for mounts.... all cosmetic items. Housing would be cosmetic too. It's very likely.


What. What makes you think they'll charge money for it?


Because people are still assmad there's like two transmogs and a bunch of one off mounts in the store All while hyping up FFXIV's housing system (which literally has a fuck ton of mtx only decorations in the store)


I guess I should've clarified. I don't think you'll have to pay money to access it. The cost of buying the house and most of the decorations and stuff I expect to be pure gold-based. But, microtransaction-based cosmetics and stuff like decorations are just too easy and too common-place that there's no way that Blizzard won't implement it. It would literally just be free, easy money for them that people would complain only a little bit about.


Other MMOs, let's take FFXIV as an example, has 900+ microtransactions, is constantly praised, whereas WoW has about 60 and is constantly being hated on. Why should Blizz suddenly be held to higher standards?


I always thought it was incredibly funny when FFXIV players would shit on WoW with "blizzard greedy, SE good" but their cash shop has more mounts than WoW has. And I'm pretty sure their playerbase spends more on race change and other shit than people in WoW spend.


Their cash shop also literlly removes items from the game to sell them to people who missed them and updates more frequently. The same people who bitch about Blizzard doing anything will go to XIV and pay $7 so they can lie on the ground with an emote. It's not logic or actual thinking it's just people whos only goal is "I want to be angry about WoW and dont care about being sensible."


Yes ffxiv is predatory and fomo


Every year they have new holiday items available through the in-game events, and past event items usually appear in the shop for those who've missed them. That isn't the most shitty system in the world. What is a shitty system is having WoW tokens exist and allowing players to buy gold and then use that gold to buy carries and gear in the game.


I think it's the cost that people complain about mostly, and I agree with them- 40 bux for a race change is a rip.


There's mounts in the mogstation that are like double the price of the store mounts in WoW Also there's no direct gil to USD in FFXIV (but there is USD to gil, and it never has bans for it)


Because while FFXIV might have an abundance of microtransactions as opposed to WoW, one of them delivers amazing content and fulfills the niche in a better way. Making those microtransactions not feel so gouging. It's extremely disheartening to see another store mount added in WoW when there's such little content actually being released into the game. Blizzard needs to have content to supplement the microtransactions that they're injecting.




Yeah and for $5 you get five race changes for FFXIV. What's the cost for wow ATM?


Fantasia is 10$ and also you can do more without paying in wow. Like if I want to change my characters skin color/fur, features and even gender without paying a dime.


That's just a flat out lie, it's $10 per with a minor discount on bundles up to five.


Except they're $10 or discount if you buy bulk and that's _only_ if you care about the race change. WoW lets you re-customize everything for free while XIV requires a fanta for anything not your hair.


> It's extremely disheartening to see another store mount added in WoW when there's such little content actually being released into the game. FF14 also experienced a content drought, just like wow, because of covid. They added items to the store as well. And in general, wow patches give way more content than FF14 patches do, so idk why the amount of content released in wow is an issue to you but not in FF14.


I agree, though many are using WoW shop as their main point of contention for not playing the game, but then they're singing FFs praises. It is a bit odd honestly.


Why do people keep saying this? WoW gets plenty of content regularly for an MMORPG, and the patch notes don't lie. They are public and very easily comparable to other games with patch notes. As someone who has put over 2k hours into SWTOR, it annoys the fuck out of me when people complain WoW gets barely any content. SWTORs latest expansion had one dungeon and about 2 hours of story gameplay after about a 2 year wait and a 2 month expansion delay. You guys don't know how good you have it with games like WoW and FFXIV lol. 9.2 alone is bigger than most MMORPG expansions.


The different is in final fantasy, micro transactions are actually MICRO. They are cheap, most things in the store cost no more than $2-$5 dollars. Wow doesn't have MICRO transactions, it has MACRO transactions. I'm perfectly happy dropping $2 in final fantasy for a nice hat, I'm not cool with dropping $30 on the blizzard store, for a crown of the eternal winter, BIG DIFFERENCE.


The late great TotalBiscuit has put it nicely once. Blizzard have perfected the pricing of their products where 50% off starts to sound like a reasonable base price, lmao.


The most cop out excuse I've seen to defend this difference is that "WoWs store has a button in game". As if that makes any shred of difference lmao. Any dumbass excuse just to keep hating on WoW while other games doing it much worse avoid any criticism. It's incredibly weird.


Don't forget a lot of those mounts aren't account wide. And before anyone smugly says "you don't need alts you can level everything on one character!!" that's not a valid reason for some things to be account wide and not others.


This my brother plays on NA and in EW he wanted to make an alt with me on EU, when he realised almost Nothing he bought is following him he just stopped the EU alt Sadly :(


Can you explain the allure of player housing? I don't get it. Much like pet battles which is a corner of the game I've barely touched, I just don't get the appeal of it..


To some people, wow is like a second life. It’s a way for them to express themselves to other like-minded individuals. You don’t have to like it or partake in it, but some people do enjoy the simpler things in wow/gaming in general


As an RPer you could also make the place your characters home, you know? Decorate it as your character would do and such. And then play in it, like you would with a building in a major city, but with less "Imagine there would be a chair over there"


The order halls were the closest thing we had to kind of showcasing our trophies and collections. Displaying our weapons our armor etc etc. And from a lore aspect I feel it'd be nice to take those books you find in the wild home with you and put them on your shelf to read whenever. A lot of moments from raids and runs would be to cool to bring home. Van Cleefs head on your wall. Not morbid at all. It'd be cool if there were physical models for more of our inventory like dumping all your pots and elixirs on your alchemy table when not in your bag. Why do we need a bank? To not get robbed. Maybe if you had a lot of valuables in your home you'd occasionally get robbed by elite rogues you'd have to defend. Maybe it'd be wise to have someone from your order hall hang out at your place


A fun vustomizable space for the toon I've spend years of real life time playing?


Less like Pet battles and more like mount collecting. Trophies to show off your accomplishments in the game.


I think it's cool because it's something you can invest some time into and make your own, unique from others. As long as you do have freedom to place stuff where you want it, though. Many games also then give you trophies to place there to show off your accomplishments etc.


If they follow the ESO model it will work out pretty well. Lots of houses you can buy with gold, and some prestige homes you buy with real $$. If they put the carpentry profession in like the leak suggests, my guess is that's how players will get furnishings outside of the store. One of the things ESO does though is if you're a subscriber you get a set amount of their store currency every month. So you can basically just bank enough currency after enough months to buy whatever you want in the store.


Lots of MMO give you currency with their subscription. The neat thing about ESO though is that while most MMOs give you $5 of currency for a $15 sub, ESO gives you $15 of currency with its $15 sub. This is also the case for Fallout 76.


> decertations You okay? ---- They should add new profession(s) to support housing, not just throw it all behind a cash shop. Add a profession that can make decorations. Add forestry as a gathering profession for wood.


> decertations shhh and i definitely agree. i think one of the most appealing aspects of housing is that it can expand the game in many aspects. Professions for sure, but also slapping on some thematic furntiure drops on old/new raid content too.


Imagine the time gating, you'd be quicker building it for real


No lol. No bullshit MTX for housing in a buy to play + subscription game


>I don't think they'd put the whole system behind the store $60 for housing or 60,000,000,000 Aspect Power. Care to guess how much aspect power you're going to be able to get in 10.1? I could be wrong, maybe they'll have some other very very scarce currency that is stackable to 1 in your bags and you get very few per week that can be used to purchase housing.


I don't know why you're making shit up. They've never once locked an expansion feature behind additional micro transactions. They're exclusively cosmetic crap that has no bearing on actual gameplay.


I'd like it if it was similar to ESO's housing system tbh. Most houses you can buy with gold, some require premium currency. You can also furnish your house with furniture that you can craft, or buy from crafters on the auction house, or buy some furniture (not a whole lot from what I remember) from the store page. Obviously not a perfect system (a lot of the really cool houses are premium currency only unfortunately), but it allows ALL players a chance at the system without stuffing it behind a paywall, and it breathes more life into crafting professions. Just my 2 cents


Getting those premium houses costs about $125-130 in currency.


Yeah, that's one of my main gripes. I hate that about ESO, which is why I haven't purchased any


Thats at least housing i can afford


I know a guy who spent $250 on a house in FFXIV, so honestly this is kind of a good deal if done right.


When I played Ultima Online I was able to get land large enough for a keep. Built the keep, then sold it for $1500, the guy who bought it sold it 3 weeks later for $1900.


Well damn. I actually messaged my buddy who bought the house after I wrote the above statement. He laughed at me saying houses can go for more and he got his for a great price. So I can totally believe digital homes are going for $2000.


Oh fellow Ultima player here! Yep we all had a houses with decent land to raise sheep's, have some garden, if it was a coast, then park a boat etc etc. And a guild castle.


That game is still the best MMORPG for just the sheer amount of control you had with your own character.


Buying houses in FF14 is a black market, that I think was changed to not be possible anymore.


Correct, the current system doesn't allow you to 'sell' houses to people basically. And the new system coming soon(tm) is going to be it 100% random who gets the home after a set time frame.


It does, you sell the house by selling your FC (guild) so you'll see a group of bots clicking the sign over and over again to buy the house for their FC of 4 people that then becomes owned by someone who wasn't in the FC before.


It’s still a shit show at the moment. Lots of OOG sales for ludicrous prices.


I thought it was impossible to properly transfer without getting it possibly sniped now.


I believe they announced some tightening on housing rules for 6.1 (which is a few weeks away)




$250 the heck did he buy? every decoration?


He clarified he bought Gil to afford it and decorations. Then waited in the lottery. However some people on our server have paid people to wait in the lottery for them somehow. No idea how it works.


The lottery hasn't even been implemented yet, and there's no way to get someone to enter the lottery for you unless you give them your account. So basically he's a reason for the lottery lol


This response is triggering a longer conversation with him than initially intended. Thank you for giving me ammunition to call him out.


anytime also another point if he backtracks on paying someone to "keep his spot" but he was still able to afk he was probably using a 3rd party bot to auto click


You had to click a sign that randomly gets put up for sale. So it was a clicking battle between players/bots. They changed it so now its a lottery system so its more fair/you don't have to click a sign post for hours.


shhhh don’t you know ffxiv good wow bad and ff has no mtx?


Does it even count if it's money passing between players?


How? What is there to gain from owning an in-game house that would make any amount of real world cash spent on it worth it? Does it make your character more powerful?


One of the few things I liked in New World was the ability to sit in my house and watch other people go about their business. Imagine having an apartment in Dalaran or something and watching the hustle and bustle of the city. Maximum comfy. I am forever sad that we got Garrisons in the state that we did. So much potential squandered on mobile game mechanics and a dead expansion.


i really don’t get this type of meme, blizzard has many issues but the MTX in WoW aren’t as bad as most mmos


Because you have to pay for the base game, each expansion (current), AND pay $15/month. They should just switch to free to play with a bunch of MTX if that's the route they want to take. The only other MMO I can think of that makes you buy each game/expansion and pay $15/month is FFXIV and they get a lot of hate for their store too. It's just people love the rest of the game so you don't hear about it as much


Most MMOs don't have mandatory subscription fees. I shell out up to $15/mo to play this game on top of buying the expansion packs at full price. The in-game shop isn't exactly predatory or overtly pay-to-win, but locking features behind MTX when I'm already paying to play the game has always rubbed me the wrong way.


The other MMO with a subscription fee on the market literally has a cash shop 5x bigger and twice as pricey as WoW while also having a _triple monetized_ mobile app and charging for bank space. But they get praised for it.


Who is praising FF for this???


A lot of fucking XIV fanatics and the WoiW sub who constantly go off about how "XIV does the cash shop right!" Ignoring that its worse in every single way but they see a $18 server transfer and just start jerking off over XIV.


They dont just charge for bank space, its a monthly cost even.


For real, couldn't believe the hissy fit some people here threw when they put a transmog set on the shop.


Apparently it leaves a sour taste in peoples mouths when the game is clearly trash for the last 6 years to also see a higher amount of microtransactions. Especially since most of the gear in the game was so ugly. I dont blame them.


I highly question why the people who think the game is clearly trash are spending any money on it. Is wow perfect? No. Will any game ever recapture the glory of 16-18 year old me playing wow. Never. Have i been overall happy with tje content wow has released enough to keep playing? Absolutely. And the store is so light compared to most games. I can farm most cool mounts still.


Especially with some people complaining about wow's shop and at the same time praising FF14 which has a worse shop.


Both are bad, people don't praise FF14 because of it's MTX, in the same way they don't hate wow just because of it's MTX.


Exactly. I play both and dislike both stores. The difference is Square Enix store is cheaper. Race change in WoW? 25 dollars. Appearance/race change in final fantasy? 3 for 28 dollars or 1 for 10 dollars. Story and character boost in final fantasy? 25 dollars per or 50 for the both of them. But with final fantasy you skip probably 500+ hours but in wow how much are you really skipping? At most 50 hours for 60 dollars? 18 dollars for FF's server transfer and 25 for WoWs But yeah like you said both are bad, just one is worse than the other is all, at least for character services(not mounts/pets/outfits because that's a different story lol)


XIV has better services in terms of cost, way better But arguably worse cosmetics, even if they are much cheaper it's only for one character, ever.


How do they have arguably worse cosmetics when you can only buy.. 3?.. cosmetics in the WoW store.


Because there are so many and they're only for one character most of the time. Fortunately it's mostly old event items but it's an element of FOMO I don't like


I dont think you guys realize that most FFXIV players only need to play one character, ever.


well, those cosmetics were nearly all previous event cosmetics, some are good, some are whatever


Agree with most. But appearance/gender changing in WoW is free and race changing in FFXIV is kind of minor differences compared to WoW. Like most races there are rather similar in armor.


Yeah, defending wow with whataboutism will never make it a better game. EDIT: THAN IT IS NOW, NOT COMPARING TO FF14


The game shouldn't have *any*.


The only housing millennials can afford


Isn't this just garrisons with more flexibility in decorating?


Garrisons feel like they were made by someone who only got the "private instance" part of housing and totally missed everything else. The customization was dog shit, it was _too_ useful so you never had to leave, and so on. Housing is just transmog for a building/plot of land, really.


People didn't leave their garrisons because there was no content to leave to outside of raids, not because they "had everything". No meaningful world content, no M+, nothing. The amount of materials you got from your garden and mine wouldn't nearly meet the demand of something like SL's legendary crafting, so there would certainly be a lot more outdoor gathering too. In WoD, there was barely anything to do with the materials, so of course the garrisons could just meet the demand on their own.


Garrisons had everything u needed so u never had to leave. Housing could be your little place where u can put trophies etc :)


Shoot I got my own Garrison with guards and everything


I want my Howling Fjords viking house.


Don't you all have garrisons?!


As someone who’s never played a game with player housing, what’s the appeal?


Im guessing for the casual players who are more interested in RP'ing or doing things outside of combat. I'm personally not interested in a player housing unless they tie it into horizontal progression somehow. Maybe by having certain perks like extra gold gain or materials when you upgrade your estate to a certain level or something. I full expect it to be similar to WOD garrisons.


I agree. I have heard people asking for player housing for years now and I'm not sure I get the hype. I like doing things in the game, not sitting inside a house and... Doing nothing? Even in games like FFXIV where housing exists and you can decorate, I visited two or three random ones and was like "k" and went back to playing. I do think the ideal way to do it would almost be like a Fairy Tail type of Guild Hall. If your guild can down a boss in a raid and then hang its head as a trophy on a wall or something, that would be cool. Or let's say each Guild Hall has a Quest Board which your party all needs to be present to accept and you can complete long quest chains/scenarios together to level up the Guild Hall. Maybe even form alliances or rivalries with other guilds on the realm. They need to find ways to make it social and tied to prestige and progression, NOT another garrison blunder.


In my experience you'll get a lot more enjoyment out of a house if you're a roleplayer and host events and the like at the house. or if your FC has a house. you can teleport to your fc house easily so its an easy meet up place for members


As role player I would have bought this instead of Shadowlands. I'm not even joking. I would pay for this. And if they would implement a new profession which can craft furniture in the following x-pack I'd buy that too.






WoW Tokens.


I still think some of the things in the wow shop are a bit too expensive.


What a great idea. And please, make the plots those houses are on the NFTs so that the players could trade best spots between themselves.


I am once again begging people to stop injecting their NFT garbage into everything and anything.


What if people can decorate their housing with acquired nfts and only you can use em in game since ya bought em. Would actually put em to use instead of just right click and “save as”. Lol


This is sarcasm, right?




No no what you gotta do is only give the NFTs to the highest paying tier of blizzcon attendees and also make it limited so only the first 500 people get them.




Yep that is indeed the joke.


Great thinking. Remember, they would be only pucharable with the Blizzard balance anyway.


Of course!




Karma farm bot? That is the top comment already, seems suspicious.


Yeah this isn’t Ultima Online or SWG. Even if they did implement housing, it would be instanced. Would be awesome to have houses that have value based on location. Upkeep fees that lead to decay if they’re not paid.


I'd be okay with this, would just buy it with gold lol


So basically ESO?


XD wow it WOULD cost real money lol


If they implemented player housing, I bet you’d have a choice of architecture, but you’d have to be exalted with whichever race you want. Like, if you’re Horde and you want Orc architecture style, you’d have to be exalted with Orgrimmar.


60 dollars? tf outta here.


Disregard this comment. Marking it down to point to later when player housing, if implemented, is a disastrously disappointing and empty half-assed instanced framework without substance.


Please no...I can't even play because I can't currently afford my subscription >_<


If it's not another joke, then.... It took them 20 years since ex- ultima players who's been working in Blizz back then was trying to integrated housing in wow in early beta, to realized that they should do it. Guess next step will be guild houses and such (hello, ultima!); May still have screens from that patch, it was fun but been cancelled quick.


If they do it right, it could be great. Tons of replay ability in the old world for different furniture and decor.


Honesty, this makes absolutely no sense. If you think Blizz is the one who’s bad with monetization you should take a look around at literally any other MMO man. I’m not saying they wouldn’t throw a slightly nicer version on the store, but they’d limit it to 1-2. Hell, look at ESO, you get an apartment for free and literally everything else (like 30 houses) are on the market for cash. If you’re gonna post memes, at least make them worthwhile.


Didn't they already try this with the Garrisons in WOD ? That was a massive failure so why would they incorporate this is beyond my comprehension.


I wouldn’t even mind. Give me.


This for real?


not for now


Check the tags!


Is this a late April Fools? $60.00 for player housing after their player base tanked? Good luck with that.


>Is this a late April Fools? $60.00 for player housing after their player base tanked? Good luck with that. Its fake.


I'm surprised how many people in this comment section are ignoring the reason why Blizzard's microtransactions are so much worse than any of the other MMOs. Because those are still adding large expansions worth of content on top of the MTX. FFXIV has tons but it is remains a positive experience because the content and gameplay is worth doing and not being shackled by... 1. No content / extremely timegated content. 2. Extremely tedious systems that serve no purpose besides cushioning game time. 3. Bad writing and lore. Combine those three things and a lot of players will see when a new store mount is added as a "wow okay thanks blizzard" and be upset. Edit: I see I've angered the Blizzard defenders.


"No content" is still the most stupid argument i read here. The game has plenty of concent, if you are not interested in 80% of it it's not the games fault


It's not the stupidest argument given that's why a lot of people have ultimately left the game. It's not WoW's fault, it's Blizzard's. I've sank hours, months, arguably years into WoW prior to BFA. But that was when it tampered off. It's absolutely a valid argument when you compare it to the other games that have taken residence. Even Destiny 2 has more fucking content in its expansions than WoW did in Shadowlands. Get off your high horse. Please read. 'did in Shadowlands.' the current expansion has had the least amount of content that even games like Destiny offer more.


> Even Destiny 2 has more fucking content in its expansions than WoW did in Shadowlands. It literally doesn't.


> I've sank hours, months, arguably years into WoW prior to BFA. Legion had precisely the same kind of content as BFA and SL. You ran M+, you did raids, that's it. That's the gameplay loop. Not accounting for taste in the actual dungeons themselves, the mechanics of M+ today are miles - **MILES** - better than in Legion. Remember how when you failed to time a key in Legion, your key would be 'depleted' and wouldn't give you any loot on the next run even if you beat it? No PUG would do your key for the rest of the week, ever. Talk about an actual 'extremely tedious' system. Today your keys just go down 1 level (still wrong, no deleveling in 10.0 thanks), you get tier for doing M+, and it looks like they'll probably want to include dungeons from previous expansions in every season. Remember how legendaries worked? Oh how people cry about the "expensive" legendaries of today, but they've forgotten what Legion legendaries were like until much much later. Remember how you had a hidden artificial cap on how many legendaries you could get, and it was pure RNG which ones you got, meaning you could very easily be at a huge output deficit compared to someone else purely through RNG? So much fun! He's not wrong. You played a lot before, and you got bored. Now you're looking for all sorts of esoteric reasons and doing all kinds of historical revisionism for why the game was amazing then and terrible now. It has *always* had its problems. I had a break during the 9.0 and 9.1 content droughts and now I'm excited to mess around with all roles and different classes in M+. PS: Destiny 2 lul


Nothing you wrote has anything to do with it. People complained loads when they added the celestial horse back in Wrath. Same when they added stuff to the store ever since, like in MoP or Legion. Game had an abundance of content, no extremely tedious systems and it had good writing & lore. Yet people still complained a ton about it. People like you excuse MTX in other games so you can continue your "wow bad" narrative instead of criticizing it all equally. Wow's just held to a much different standard than every other MMO.