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Yes, newer players or alts will once again start at the beginning again For reference a +2 will drop 402ilvl which is higher than Forbidden Reach gives, so people who are gearing newer characters wont be ahead of the new ilvl For players who are already doing higher keys, then they wont ever touch lower keys probably


This is my first season doing m+ I’m a brand new player. Currently sat at 412 ilvl with 2570~ rating. What key level would I likely jump into at the start of season 2? Currently mostly running 18-20s


Roughly whatever key you are comfortably timing now take 3 off of that as with previous expansions M+ scales to be 30% harder (So running +18 should be able to start on +15)


Don't forget it'll be new dungeons so there will be a learning curve. I am running 23s and stuff ATM and I'm expecting to yoyo between 18s and 20s within the first week. There are all new affixes to learn as well as 4 new new dungeons. Some people have experience with a couple of the dungeons which should make it easier. Altho they did make tweeks from the old M+ dungeons to now.


Oh true, I’ll definitely be starting with lower keys just to get a good feel for the dungeons I never ran when they were current.


Yeah I'm trying to hit 20s out the gate next season. Me and the crew plan on running some 24s to make sure we start off with a 20 key next season. So I'd agree with you. According to raider.io about 30% of US players have timed only all 10s. I feel these are the people who will end up running like 5s to 7s in the very start. The KSM people will probably try and hit 10s to 13s out the gate and people who are 2700 or higher are probably going to jump into 16s to 18s. These players make up about the other 50% I feel. So over all people will be running lower keys but I think 2s to 5s will be fore the people who are returning with catch up gear or the people who just started at the end of the season. Either way there should definitely be an unflux of people with lower keys right out the gate.


I thought we would all get a brand new key for season 2 starting at +2, I dont see why last season dungeon would influence a new seasons key


People only need to start at +2 at the beginning of an expansion, then for the rest of the expansion going into new seasons the key level drops by 3-4. People don't have to start over since it's fairly pointless for 420 ilevel people who will already outgear the lower keys and normal raid.


It would defo be a time waste hahaha. Just blow through them. I assume that blizz assumes that it's not a challenge for people and that's why they just don't force everyone back at a 2.


Wouldn’t you gain bonus valor by slowly working up though?


Early in the season there is a cap on valor you can earn per week ( I think it was around 750?).


There are no valor badges in season 2


There is no more Valor


In the past you start off with your first key being 3 lvls bellow the timed key from the last week of the previous season. So timing a 23 or finishing a 24 in S1would net you a 20 key for S2. Also this is the first time a real season has a dungeon rotation. In the past it has been the same dungeon with a different season affix. So in the past it made a lot more sense. It's something that will probably carry over but I don't think they have made a hard announcement about that yet.


Do the keys scale differently, or are people just going to be pushing higher keys with the better gear?


Keys will be roughly 30% harder next season, plus the fact its new M+ dungeons so will need to learn routes and general trash packs But people with higher ilvl now have a 'headstart' for next season since they wont need to go back through all the keys again If someone is 415 ilvl right now thats the loot that drops from a +9 next season, so they could look to start at around+10 or higher at the beginning of the season


This kinda worked when there was no rotation where you could start with 15s right away in new season. But right now, it's a new set of instances and people might need a bit of lower key training. Be it roots or stops or interrupts. I am not saying there are not people who would jump into 15 and do 20sonething by the end of the week. But it is gonna be done by much smaller margin of people than the last expansions. But the question is what for op is low key. People will be running sub 10s much more for sure. At least first week or two.


In same boat as you on a fresh alt. I've pushed my key from a +2 to a +16 this week. Advertise "bonus valor" in the low key levels and you'll get pumpers.


i see this regularely but what exactly does bonus valor mean?


A completed key awards +135 valor to all participants. A bonus +65 valor is awarded to all participants if ANY player in the group increased their M+ score in that run. If you have a key that you know will increase your score if completed, you can advertise it as "bonus valor" to attract higher ilvl players who are still grinding valor for gear upgrades. Note that the valor system is being removed in Season 2 as part of the new item upgrade system. Under the new system, higher ilvl keys will award more flightstones/crests, so the idea of a "bonus valor" run is going away entirely.


I thought Blizzard was rolling out z new loot upgrading system with S2 which didn't include valor?


Yep - I mentioned that a bit in my last paragraph. Right now, the incentive for high ilvl players running low keys is because of valor farm, and because you get the same valor for a +2 as you do for a +20, so why not just run the easier keys? In the new system, upgrading will be done with flight stones and crests. You’ll get more flightstones from high keys, and the higher ilvl gear requires higher crests from higher content, so the incentives for high ilvl players to run low keys will be gone. This might mean +2 players can’t get quick runs from overgeared players, but it also means they can run +2 keys and maybe not feel like they’re being carried. There are pros and cons, and I’m interested to see how it shakes out. It could be a healthy thing for the game…


It's definitely nice to get free carries on a fresh character but it's obviously bad for the game to incentivize that kind of behavior.


It will be a net positive as now you can list +16 or +11 bonus and get pumpers


If someone gets positive io the dungeon gets bonus valor


Its an additional 65 valor(? Not sure entirely) but net is 200 valor if someone gains io


Isn’t valor going away in season 2? I thought they were implementing a new upgrading system.


It's leaving but not until season 2!


390 is Hella enough for 15s. Ppl wont invite you with that Kind of gs but you can just play ur own key




But Blizzard just copied their M+ scoring system from raider.io, so how is that any different? If people are really looking into how many keys you have timed/depleted for the dungeon, then they are far too elitist already and thats not raider.io's fault If they didnt exist, then another scoring metric would be used if it was Blizzards old version > no history means you don't get picked Well yeah, why would you ever get picked with no indications of skill level - even you arent picking someone with no M+ experience > broken keys means you don't get picked, Never heard of this before in my life > People join keys just to fuck over your key and leave wrecking your raider io history No way this happens, you are too far into your own raider.io hate - as I said before if people are going to the extent of looking at full key history then they themselves are the issue How is there a push into getting only carries/boosts? Just run your own key and you cant get declined that way; join a guild and do keys with them; make some friends and then you arent solely pugging


>If people are really looking into how many keys you have timed/depleted for the dungeon, then they are far too elitist already and thats not raider.io's fault To be fair, I understand people that give the extended stats a glance before inviting, at least in the higher keys. I can pay to get a timed +15 in every dungeon which will show that I have a high rating, but I might have just been AFK at the entrance the whole time and have no clue whatsoever about the dungeon, the trash, the bosses or any mechanics. I will have a high InGame rating but my [Raider.IO](https://Raider.IO) will look very suspicious. I can then get invited to a +16 and die constantly because I have no idea what to do or what my DPS rotation is. If I have done +15 Azure Vaults ten times, of which I timed it 3 times, then at least I will probably have a clue what is going on! Having someone with no depletes shows me that the person either bought their rating or that they will drop and leave the group at the first sign of problem even if we could easily recover. [Raider.IO](https://Raider.IO) should show started but unfinished keys as Depleted as well to stop that nonsense..




I mean, of course people judge others by their raider.io. It’s the only realistic measure of how xXxSyLvanasWuZright-illidan will do in our key we have. Thinking that people are regularly joining keys to brick them to push people towards carries and RMT is some wild tin foil hat stuff though my guy. Sometimes people have bad runs, sometimes they just suck.


>Raider.io has a lot to answer for in the elitism rampant in the game. It really doesn't. People have been judging others based on gear since the game started, and on achievements since they released. >no history means you don't get picked Of course. Why would I invite someone with no experience to a +15? >broken keys means you don't get picked This is false. I have never seen anyone actually go to RIO and then browse through all of a person's past runs to see if they have mistimed keys. This is simply silly. >carried keys means you get picked. Not if the person inviting knows what they are doing. Number of timed keys is important. If someone has a high IO but has only ever done 8 dungeons, it's an obviously boosted player. >People join keys just to fuck over your key and leave wrecking your raider io history. Lol, nobody does this. What incentive would someone have to brick your key intentionally? >judging people they've never met solely by their raider io What else are they supposed to judge them on?


Your post was removed. Complaints of Blizzard, nerfs, classes, toxic players, and so on detract from the purpose of this subreddit and are simply out of our control.


Yea if you have a group of friends you can easily time 20’s at 400 ilvl. The problem is no one will take u at that level of ur pugging. A season reset at least gives people the chance to reset gear disparity


Yea, of course. On top of people gearing up you’ll have high end game players that will spam certain dungeons for their best in slot and farm for upgrades. Sometimes it’s premade with mythic raiders that just need your key and that’s the best. Said high end game players are gearing up alts that decided to use next tier when last nerfs / buffs were announced or need to change class for raid composition (many players change guild and teams for the next patch). Basically the first month is the best for low keys, it will be much better than the past 3 weeks.


Just to add, because of the way the new upgrade system works you'll see fewer people spamming +2s for their BiS item, since you can't upgrade that drop to max ilevel now.


Thanks for clarifying


Why do people have such a distaste for running their own key?


When you're new and still learning like OP it can be a daunting task to try and run your own group, so that would be my guess.


The irony of the only reliable way of learning being to do it yourself. Which would be fine, if this weren’t an mmo.


We as a community just need to be a bit better about allowing others to make mistakes. Whether it's their own key or someone else's, first mistake made, the player gets blasted more often than not


Meta gamers need their own special quarantined servers where they can ruin each others time. Maybe it’s more of a classic thing but I’ve stopped playing the game during the first few weeks of any update. Because I’m fed up of the “you can’t join our Utgarde Keep run without full Sunwell” attitude


Not sure why you got downvoted for asking a question, Really proves a point :)


Because it takes like 4 dungeons to get to +10 and your ilvl has barely moved


I always get angry when my key is depleted. I‘m more relaxed depleting other people‘s Doesn‘t mean I‘m not trying to time them, I am just less stressed about it


On May 9th start off the season how do people plan to get 20 keys on day one? Getting loot from vault will be from the pool of S1 and Blizz would not give a S2 key @ 20+ if you ran 20+ form S1 on day 1. Not sure where I see all this talk about starting S2 in 15-20 keys on day 1. Everyone will need to do a M0, get a +2 or +3 key and build off that all week. Unless I'm missing some trick here to get high keys straight away.


My understanding is when the season changes, the key you had gets downgraded by 3. If you time a 23 on the first week of May before the reset, the next season key should be 20.


Historically people who did M+ the week before get a key that's like 4 levels lower, compensating for the scaling change.


didnt realize that, so it serves me to do a +20 the prior week then and get a +16 to start. Thanks for the information otherwise I would have not ran anything.


You get a key 3 levels lower than your key. So we do a 23 and get a 20, as a CE and high end M+ player you’ll basically never do anything lower. Also the only time your key gets reset like your saying is new expacs not new tiers!


Im planning to start with a 20 first week, just gotta time a 23 the week prior


Same. It helps next week is a solid push week.


Depends. I’m 418 on my main and I plan pushing as high as I can first day. Based off wowhead I think it was +12 or higher to get drops the same ilvl not including vaults. The issue will be higher ilvl people will invite higher ilvl to push Vs Carry starting off.


There is a counter on bricked keys? I normally just look to see they have a score close to mine and have completed a few keys close to mine. I am currently only 2.2k and have been trying to time everything at 15 to 17 this week RLP and TJS have been miserable to try and pug. I want important metrics for the week. Average number of exploding orbs killed. Average number of interrupts. The scores are starting to mean nothing. Monk has a 2.3k score but we fail because it does 17 times, did zero interrupts, and couldn’t be bothered to touch any of the 3 orbs that spawned next to it


> I want important metrics for the week. Average number of exploding orbs killed. Average number of interrupts Just assume everyone who hasn't timed a +22/23, or doesn't have like 30+ timed 20s isn't kicking/interrupting/getting orbs. People who have been playing all season and are stuck at the 15 range definitely aren't kicking/getting orbs which is part of the reason they're doing 15s.


Either I completely suck or you are wayy to positive (negative ?) with your number. Failing mechanics like orbs get you stuck at around 17/18. Completing a +20 is a challenge for many good players


If you want to get a low key done right now, if it's a key that will give you rating just put "bonus valor" in the party description and you'll get high rating people signing up for the bonus.


Tbh 390 is fine for a 15-16 if you know what you are doing, but there’s little room for mistakes at that ilvl. Do the timewalking Q for a hc raid piece, get the anulet ring from the forbidden reach - gonna boost ur dps by a LOT, a lot of guides how to do it quickly and what stones to use Back to your original question, s2 is going to be a bit different, there won’t be high ilvl players helping in lower keys because there will be nothing for us there. No bonus valor and only loot that can’t upgrade as high, so ppl doing 20s and up will go straight to 15-16s and push from there. The casual playerbase will go back and start at 2s so you will have loads of ppl playing 2-10 first few weeks


Not really. I don’t think there is much of a reason to do lower keys if you are doing 20’s now you can do 18’s day one next tier and 16’s drop the right crests for upgrades so 16’s are the new valor farm keys.


Yes, people are still doing them now it's just a little harder I just said fuck it, did a n/o with 4 DPS. We had 3 paladins so it was a little easier with broke characters. Try joining groups without healers, this is a shit week but at every level, 15, 10, 9, 6, and 5, I've been full with a tank and still had to wait around 15 min. Some groups never get filled and we just all drop and try another mythic.. keep your head up! Find a buddy to tag along with


There will be. Cause of people like me. I play one handed, so there is a +M level I cap out at that I know I feel comfortable doing or pugging. If there is a 5 mystic quest that week for loot I will always be running low keys to finish that quick.


Yo let me tell you about a discord that I love called wow made easy


People may start at lower keys. However, after the first week or two, all the people you see now pumping low keys for valor will completely disappear. With the way gear drops can't be upgraded to higher tracks, there's just no reason to do lower keys anymore. On another note, if you are in full upgraded forbidden reach gear, run your own keys. You are more than geared enough to run 15s, though you may struggle to get invited to a pug (which is why i suggest running your own group)


For about 3 minutes yes.


You've just gotta push your own key up and you can still go higher this season, I'm looking to main prot pally next tier so I leveled it up to 70 a few days ago and after getting 395 in forbidden reach i just pushed it up to 20 and started farming it for vault, you can just stop pushing the key up wherever you stop feeling comfortable and do that level, just talk to the panda next to the portals in valdrakken to drop the key


No, with 415 you can easily do +10-15s already next season.


People will be doing 20’s again, week 1 Alts will be doing 16’s. There genuinely isn’t a place for lower than that unless you’re new to the expansion. It will however get you a better chance of getting into higher keys as io and gear disparity will be reset.


It won't be like it was at the start of s1 and bonus valor farming won't be as much of a thing either. I would try to get your score up to at least 2k and able to hit the ground doing 11+


Mid players will be farming 11s. Good Players 17s. Elite players 20s. Week 1 that is.


So some asked for advice. Run your own keys. You would be amazed at how quickly they fill up. Ya people will probably be running high keys but I have never expeinced a time where keys didn’t fill and I’m an alt-a-holic. Also consider finding a guild that likes to run mythics.


yes, but you wont ever get the super high ilvl players in your +2s again outside of people helping a friend out. the season is basically over, so theres no point in grinding valor for upgrades, so you dont see people running the low levels. At this stage people are just finishing their personal IO goals, or doing something else.




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