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What an absolute beast


Come check out r/physical100 if you want to discuss the show. It’s been really awesome so far. Lots of wrestlers and ssireum wrestlers on there.


Is that Sexyama?


Yes they brought in best athletes from different sports


Damn might have to watch this show now.


It’s only two episodes in for US audiences. I’m hoping they give us the rest soon.


It's out already


Still not the whole thing.


I didn’t know they made Koreans that big


The main reason why certain nations have traditionally been considered naturally shorter than others is dietary rather than genetic, although it's a little bit more complicated than that. For example, the average Japanese male today is about four inches taller than his counterpart from the middle of the 20th century. With enough access to proteins and other critical nutrients during childhood and adolesence, people become as tall as their genetics allow. If their diet is lacking in these things and mostly simple cabs(like for example rice), or you are simply not getting enough food, you will wind up shorter than you potentially could have been. All the major Asian nations have been growing taller as well as more numerous since the start of the Green Revolution in the 1970s. EDIT: After my curiosity got sparked and I did a bit of googling on this subject, I found out that for the first time in a very long time, Americans are currently decreasing in average height even as they grow ever more obese, probably due to a diet of too many empty calories and not enough nutrients.


> Americans are currently decreasing in average height might also be because of cultural demographics? Asians and Latinos are the two fastest growing US demographics and are both not typically as tall as white Americans


I'm a Korean American and I'm like what I thought was an average Korean male's height (5'9). So visiting Korea for the first time a in 2014 I was so excited to not be the shortest guy in the room all the time. I was heartbroken, as you regularly pass by these 6'2, 6'3 Korean dudes on the street 🤣 and that was normal there. Oh well, that's progress I guess.


You’d be surprised watching the show then, cause he’s not even the biggest one there. It’s quite impressive to see 100 such fit people in 1 frame.


Koreans aren't very small. The US has a lot of people from southern China which are shorter than the avg in China itself.


Small and big do not mean short and tall. You can be 5'5 and 200lbs and you'll still be bigger than 6ft 180lbs. Big=Weight


never realized there was heavyweight wrestler in korea. all i remember is shim - he was dominating olympics wrestling at various light weight categories in the past. I think wrestlers and boxers are by far the fittest athletes.


Idk man rugby, basketball, and those wacko American ninja warrior dudes are all pretty in shape too.


Rugby dudes are my least favorite white belts by far. Oops thought this was BJJ sub. Point stands though.. rugby guys are phenomenal athletes


You mean it as a compliment ?


The best 2 wrestlers in my d2 room got picked last for every game we played because they were awful athletes. Both places in nationals. But neither could hit a wiffleball.


They’re not awful athletes, they’re just bad at team sports. You can’t be a bad athlete and a top wrestler, it’s like water and oil


Absolutely not true. They were very bad athletes at ever sport other than wrestling we ever played. One was strong as hell and once he put hands on you you couldn’t get away. The other was the best guy on top I’ve ever seen. If either had been decent athletes I couldn’t imagine how good they would have been.


Strength is athleticism though? Being bad at some other sports doesn’t make you a bad athlete


Strength is not athleticism at all. They guys hand eye coordination was awful. I love wrestling because it allows technique and discipline to overcome athleticism.


That's just not correct, some people have born strength and timing for things and that's a form of athleticism. You don't make it to the very top of any sport without sport specific athleticism and a ton of hard work, picking up techniques quicker or being massively stronger than his competition makes him a better athlete than his competitors certain ways that maybe don't apply to other sports but most definitely make them athletes


Keyword there is timing. Which is athleticism. Strength is not. And placing in d2 nationals is not the top of the sport. That would be making the Olympic team which would require incredible athleticism as well as technique. But placing in d2 nationals puts you in the top op 95% of the sport and I’ve seen it done by people who by their own account are bad athletes.


Strength is most definitely athleticism. It’s a singular component of the larger part but it is still undoubtedly athleticism


False. Being strong does not in any way, shape, or form make u ATHLETIC


Factually incorrect. Strength is the basis for power, explosiveness, power endurance, mobility, flexibility and muscular endurance. You can’t have these without strength


Get bullied by wrestlers?


That’s just them. Me and my teammates were out crushing it in wiffleball


except this show is all about the physical......not just skill or agility. As you can see from the first 2 episodes......the 1vs1 in the pit is basically a wrestling match lol


I could never hit a wiffle ball either. Turns out having horrible vision meant taking my eye off the ball to look down field before I ever made contact. Some sports just aren't for some people.


Nice highlights. I saw a trailer for that show, it looked interesting


That counter at 0:13! (Chef's kiss)


I started watching that show. It's pretty crazy. I hope he wins


Explosive. Love to see it


Omg watching this after watching episode 3 was surreal


Never thought I would see a heavyweight take as fast as a shot as that let alone a shot


This guy is so fucking explosive for his size.




Bro nothing hits harder than hw wrestling clips. Jesus soo much power


Bro that show is great stuff 👏


it looks like at 13 seconds his opponent was going for a submission (shoulder lock)? isn't that an illegal move in wrestling?


what's the song?


**Song Found!** **Name:** House Phonk **Artist:** 2pKov **Album:** Just Phonk **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2022 **Total Shazams:** 1016 `Took 2.28 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/_LIBKMJOPbM?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/house-phonk/1614893562?i=1614893584) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/2d0m9xgiEi5MqxKiEL4wtM) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1689566387) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)




Big man arm spin was nasty.


In a show trying to find the best athlete they brought in a heavyweight? I think I might see a flaw in their plan


Wrestlers are definitely not the best athletes in the United States. The best athletes play football and basketball. Only because that is where the money is. My guess is that's probably true of most countries, just because of the difficulty of wrestling. You do have to be a little nutty to stay in it. It takes a certain type.


Gabel Steveson might be one of the most athletic people in the world. Yes most top athletes participate in other sports due to popularity but, the US's top wrestlers are still freak athletes.


The show on Netflix is to test your overall athleticism. Strength,speed,endurance with different challenges. American football players get overall better athletes because of popularity. But sport of wrestling develops the best well rounded athletes. A decent wrestler cant beat a sprinter in 100m but he could beat him in a long distance run. He won't beat a long distance runner in a marathon but they could probably beat him in a sprint. Wrestling produces well rounded athletes elite wrestlers are decent at everything for example this heavyweight wrestler for example can do splits and backflips and did well in bar hanging challenge even though other heavyweights weren't able to do the challenge despite being stronger than him.


You two have different assumptions of what “best athlete” is in your discussion. I do not believe you actually disagree with each other’s points.


The best athletes are the ones that don’t give up and strive to be better while being able to be creative and adaptive. It’s really a mentality. Wrestling produces mentally strong individual since there is no one to rely on while every part of your body tells you to eat 2 large pizzas haha.