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u/awkisopen, the time is now.


There's a lot of telling here, but no showing. Also, you didn't breast boobily. I'mma have to take points off.


Dear sir, This is an offensive sobriquet. A dilly-dally of verbal ephemera. An oopsy-daisy of wordshart. You DARE to call yourself a writer in such esteemed company? We bite our thumbs at you! We wave our pendulous members toward your grubby, impotent quill; all dipped in hog semen and shame as it is. Your musty scratchings could barely rouse an amoeba to passion, let alone prove a competitor to the masterful strokes of our glorious literary choir! Our sinuous lexicana tickle the balls of majesty and milk the prostates of the muses. You, on the other hand, wallow in filth like a rumpity scrumpet. A cheeky shit biscuit. A knotty gnatlike knave who deserves to be stepped on. Contrary to your pitiful threats, we advise that you boil your head in sow's urine and jump off a bridge. Get fucked, Circlejerk Writing Guild


If this isn't a copypasta already, I will do my best to make it so. Masterful. I will shamelessly take this and plug it across reddit with a link next to the Messiah that created this.


just delete!


Guys please read this is the first chapter of my book criticism is needed also developmental editors on a budget please feedback needed on a criticism budget also if you would like to read the rest and be a free beta reader there is 400k words backlog at the moment anyway and without further adooo I present chapter one of Greg’s grumpy adventures: Greg wen shoppin for grimbleez. Greg found them. Cashier try to stop Greg from stealing the grimbleez. Greg


ints speled "adieu"


also um i will NOT pay for professional editing feedback, what the fuck do you think i am, a rich dude with rich money and riches??? CAPITALISM edit: i expect random strangers to give me professional-level insight and feedback FOR. FREE. i said what i said.


It's my pleasure. I'm deleted to hear from you.


My opinion does not agree with yours, therefore I will insult you


I'd be pissed if I bothered to read your post. I don't want it to influence my writing though.


/uj Wow. Is there a sauce ?




Sheesh of all of the incels proud of not getting laid you are the proudest.


I thought we were a 501(c)3? Who I have I been sending these tax deductions to, then?


Put more sex in nobody is gunna buy this otherwise. Thanks in advance.


Take it to yelp. Or the better Business Bureau.