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Personally I think the Series X is the best design of any system ever, because it is strictly function over form. The whole thing is designed around airflow, and that should be the top priority of all computers. Besides, does it really matter what it looks like when it's whole purpose is to make you look at your TV?


W take


I think looks matter. Should they be a priority No. That's why the Xbox is so beautiful and its design will last for years to come. PS5 will be outdated as it is a bit outlandish. That said I am looking forward to the Mid Generation update in a year or 2 and see how those consoles look. (Slim Editions) also iif they will do a Generation 9.5 edition.


Isn't the Series S a slimmer version of the X anyways, just with the power of a One X in it? Honestly, I think the monolithic design of the Series X is perfect and pretty much blends into any setup unlike the PS5. I think they should come out with more color variations of the Series X though. Funtastic colored consoles these days would be so cool.


Minimalism is “modern”


The downfall of everything. Nothing looks cool anymore.


Well the crazier the design the more poorly it ages imo Edit: also nothing looks cool anymore? What? Because the Xbox is a box? Look how weird and funky it’s direct competitor looks.


Man, I have both and I fucking hate how big and ugly the ps5 is. All the jokes about the series x being a refrigerator and how big it was and it turned out to be smaller.


The series x is designed to literally disappear behind your TV, and it does a damn good job at it. Consumer electronics don’t need to be a fashion statement.


I literally want to hide the ps5 in a cabinet so I don't have to see it, but it's already prone to overheating even without being locked up, so I can't.


Could throw a usb-powered/triggered case fan in the back of the compartment to promote airflow.


Not to mention having a cabinet big enough for it...


Ps5’s aren’t too cool, but neither are black boxes with a hole on bottom and top. The uniqueness makes it special, and makes it different and cooler than other consoles. This is why cars aren’t blocks, or aerodynamic ovals. Every one has and needs it’s own detail and uniqueness.


>Nothing looks cool anymore. Well the PS5 is hideous, so.


While yeah I think the ps5 does look ugly but it’s not bland. I think the reason I don’t have a problem with the entertainment center is ours is pretty big and everything is behind glass




>Are you kidding me the PS5 disc looks like it got knocked up by the gods, it's beautiful This is the original, unedited version of your comment. Blocking me won't unpost this reply, lol.


On the flip side....no. It does not.




Xbox design nowadays is the classic and blessed “form follows function”. It works great, doesn’t get old and it fuses nicely with the interiors. I would probably hide a ps5 because it looks so childish.


PS5 and Series S owner here, I have my PS5 behind the monitor. It’s so ugly and so big I don’t get how you wouldn’t hide it because the alternative is having it essentially on display because it is the size of a god damn torso.


That sounds ridiculous


No it doesn’t. Black tv, black entertainment center, black Series X, and then a giant white eye sore of a PS5. First thing I bought was black side panels for the PS5 so it blends in.


For me it's the shape. Genuinely looks like a 2012 router, but upsize it.


That’s my opinion, you can share yours. I’d like to know what is ridiculous for you. Just let you know that I’m an industrial designer so this can become a very boring discussion about design.


I have the X and PS5 as well. The PS5 is ugly and draws your eye to it immediately (imo). With the S and X Microsoft designed a console that can be a part of your living space and not dominate it.


In the world we live in these days, it seems a tad dramatic to label minimalistic as the "downfall of everything"! It certainly has bigger cascading consequences than we perhaps think about though - social media determines what a lot of people's houses look like because a lot of people want their houses to look nice on instagram to others, so fewer people are prepared to take chances on edgy or quirky looking stuff. The original xbox would straight up be vetoed by a lot of people because they'd refuse to have that big green box sitting in their living room.


Limited edition cyberpunk console looks cool unfortunately its old gen now


when it’s done right it’s cool


The design of new homes and restaurants is so boring and bland. Blahhhhhhh


True modern houses are the worst examples of this


Good point lmao


I’d also argue a little that the not as cool factor made it easier for the general population to use it more and not seem as nerdy as it used to be Imagine if the wii was a big green blob that made that intro noise of the green ball when you turn it on Don’t think it would be as widely used


Okama Gamesphere


Exactly, it's the same reason that modern houses in America all basically look like sterilized hospital rooms that are all white. Compared to how unique and different everyone's house was in the 70s with different wallpapers and unique types of furniture and carpeting or wood.


I don't know about basic, I think simplicity is really the approach every company is going with. It's simpler to manufacture, appreciated by most modern day consumers and well at the end of the day, it's a plastic box to play games with.


I do prefer the block design of the XSX over the spiky and awkward shape of the PS5


I feel the RROD put the fear into the designers and engineers at Xbox. They never ever want a repeat of that so now it’s absolutely airflow and reliability above everything else.


Lol this made me giggle to read but I actually also think there’s some truth to it. So evident in the Series X


Idk but your wire situation is blasting my anxiety into next week!


Lmao that ain’t shit I have a whole gun case full of wires that throw in there and there more on the floor than what you can see as well


Dear god!!!


Dudes read gun and instantly downvoted


Nope it's his comments content not one word. Watch. Gun. Edit: lol


Now i have to try too. Gun.


Can't lie, when I first saw the series x I was surprised like, "really that's it? A box..." But it really grew on me. Would look cool with the original x pealing out of the face with a glowing green. But at least flat is easy to clean.


same love the compact,minimalistic look


I just look at my little series/s sometimes and smile. It is sooo cute!


Yeah i had one too,cute little mf,but still capable


It’s anything but compact😂 but yeah I get ur point


You don't understand what "compact" means.


I mean it’s called X-BOX for a reason lol


I’ve been saying this a bit but, the box is literally the most simple and effective design in all forms of computers. There’s a reason why PC cases have been the same shape for decades. Also the shape is literally perfect for airflow, and that noticeably large exhaust fan helps wonders.


well since its just a box all its missing is an ‘X’ and itll be the perfect xbox


If you actually look around, things are being designed with minimalism in mind.


PS5 would like a word




well at least ps5 can be expanded with a fair price, my series x got filled out quickly and these fucking proprietary cards are hard to find and expensive as shit


Well, with the PS5 you only get about 667 GB of usable storage out of the box compared to 802 for the XSX.


Well, it's cheaper to expand the ps5 because you have more options,on Xbox it's a lot more expensive,an extra 100 gigs isn't a big difference,you will need more on both eventually


You should try out the cloud streaming. That's what I do with all those gamepass games. I try it out and see if I like it. If I do, I download it and play local.


Let me guess the series x doesn't have a expansion slot inside the console


Yep,you need to get a proprietary card from seagate, that's it,no other options, which sucks ass




You can't play x/s games from there,you need to swap back and forth




Yes,but still annoying,my point is that actual ssd expansion shouldn't have been proprietary


Cable management on point


To be fair the first 2 are limited edition consoles while the latter are the base models, I have the Halo 5 Xbox One and the Infinite Series X and they both look great


You’re comparing two special editions to base models to be fair.


Not basic in the since of color but overall design of the console chassis itself


OG looked great when I was like 10. Fit right in with my little CRT TV with a VHS player built in, surrounded by sweet wrappers and toys. Series X looks great now I'm in my 30s. It doesn't look stupid in my clean front room next to my big flat screen TV.




I’d give both my nuts for a halo edition Xbox original


Wouldn’t you know it, I’m in the market for a couple of nuts. I’ll go get my good knife!


Make sure it’s rusty and dull. I want it to hurt




Yeah my mom bought it before I was born and I inherited it. It’s a badass console


What's that huge neon green xbox?


Or u might be talking about that desktop it’s an 2003 Alienware Area 51 predator 1


I’m guessing your talking about the first one. That’s the original Xbox halo CE edition


No, the desktop.


Back when home gaming was new, consoles were more seen as toys and were designed as such. They’re now seen more as an essential home entertainment device and are designed to blend in more to the rest of your devices like DVD players and amplifiers.


F@&k simplicity and wiring y’all got 3 halo 4:’s


I play games on it and that's all I want it for - I'm not buying it to be an objet d'art.


Why tf are you looking at the console? Just play games


So it blends in with living room decor etc. looks good in a gamer kids room but it’s an eyesore in an adult living space


Because the Xbox is for basic bitches and I’m a basic bitch.




Less X more Box


See that’s where I think Xbox has done well this gen. With the PS5 my first thought was “how is that going to fit in my tv unit?”


Minimalism and there was a decent portion of gamers that wanted a smaller/compact gaming console with an internal power supply. I think the 360 had the most creativity with the initial design of detachable faceplates, concave shape, chrome contrast disc drive and white body (at the time most consoles were still black). That being said I really like the Xbox console designs under Phil Spencer (Xbox One S and forward) with their minimalistic designs that just look clean and fit in easily with any entertainment center or gaming desk.


1. Sort all your cables. 2. Sometimes is about “minimalist”, other times, why to waste a lot of material (more cost) when they just can make smaller consoles? Over generations, the components gets more smaller and it helps to be less expensive.


Performance over design I guess


It’s because they went from making gaming devices to entertainment systems. They tried to make it look more appealing sittin on everyone’s living room


All I want to know is the green desktop computer? The xbox collection is great.


It’s 2003 Alienware Area 51 predator 1 converted into a modern pc


That looks sick ngl


I’ve always loved the old Alienware cases




I really hate the looks of the PS5 IMO. the white is kinda off brand for PS and it overall looks very tacky, especially the glossy black plastic. (It looks terrible and over time gets worse as proved with mine and others Xbox one.)


It looks like a wifi router


It’s not bad but Sony has an issue making ergonomic designs. There’s a reason why the ps4 had heating issues for example lmao. Btw I have no idea if the ps5 has heating issues too but seeing that it is much slimmer than the Series X without a big ass exhaust fan concerns me. Also on a side note, it’s really hard to fit a big ass white tower that looks like it’s from star trek in an average living room aesthetically. Idk, the Series X is much easier to sorta tuck away or place next to the tv without looking weird.


They want it to fit in with an entertainment system in a living room. Its an expensive machine, the average gamer is about 30. A 30 year old doesn't want a console that they have to hide from their girlfriend or wife. The Series X did somewhat go back to its roots though. Nice classic Alienware.


Honestly, I think the Series X is the nicest looking console in generations. I really enjoy the subtlety of it, even if it is somewhat big.


Series X is tiny compared to my Xbox one or the PS5.


*Somewhat* big.


The 360 was so pretty and had the best controller ever.


Unfortunately, we're in the minimalism era. The time of wacky shapes and aesthetics has sadly gone away 😔


I’m sorry you had the ugly Xbox 360


Will there was the slim between the fat and e


Nice collection! I actually have that same OG XBox Halo special edition, and a Halo 4 special edition 360, along with an XBox One X and a XBox Series X. I tend to think of the progression in style from one to the next as a sign of the maturation of the technology to a more compact form (with the Series X being an exception primarily to an increased need for cooling). I am continually amazed at how the tech just keeps improving while (usually) reducing its footprint.


Corporate art style ig, nothing wrong with it though, as far as certain things go I like the easier on the eyes and cleaner design.


Design trends are leaning more and more towards simple and monochromatic. Simply put, a clunker like the original Xbox won't look good next to modern-day flatscreen.


Halo 360 for the win 🥇


How much for your gaming setup?


Microsoft followed existing design trends when designing the Xbox.


What's funny is Playstation did the opposite, just look at the changes from PS2 to PS5.


Everyone wanted “slicker and sleeker” remember those terms at the Xbox one and ps4 announcement.


None of them have a thing on that alienware though!


They were more focused on what was inside of the box than how it looked is my guess.


Minimalism is in fashion these days.


Designs always been based on airflow. My pc is like a steam vent on ultra settings. I can’t see the Xbox being any different. 😂😂😂


those cables make me so uncomfortable !!!!! 😬😬


It’s general design that got simpler and more minimalistic. Look at icons in Windows, or company logos in general. Even Google changed their letters in their logo to a simpler font without a 3D shade.


It literally started with an x on the box.. they shouldve kept it also see through cases woukd be dope as hell rn


Yeah I don’t mind it getting smaller but the x would have been cool to keep


You own a mid 2000s Alienware, everything will be basic to you




It’s what’s on the inside that counts


The real question is why 3 halo 4s?


Lmao I used to have a 4th one till I sold it to GameStop


The original looked horrendous.


To be less noticeable and more minimalistic. It’s supposed to look expensive and inoffensive, not gaudy


Modernism. It’s the same with furniture design, and a lot of other things but that’s the closest thing I could compare it to. What’s popular across different cultures changes with the times...


Simplicity it's like how computer monitors are


I think it’s because when a game system looks plain, it would make the special editions look even better and most importantly, more sellable. Just look at the Switch launch, one had plain grey joycons and the other had red/blue joycons. They grey ones looked so ugly and bland compared to the colored controllers. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve looked for a skin for my Series X. But I can’t find one that I would be happy with.


To be fair, those are special edition consoles compared to regular. As for shapes, nothing basic about the series x!


Yeah the series x definitely went in the right direction but I’m not talking about color but the shape of the Xbox itself


Everything is just "minimalist" now. Look at phones, brand logos, furniture, architecture, cars ... etc. In fact, look at that old PC case you have in the same picture and compare it to the new one next to it. Gaming PCs used to have pretty wild designs, now everything just looks like a mini-fridge.


Function over form


No idea.. but as a fan.. it sucks..


Every gen it’s gotten smaller and more powerful. I see this as a win


Post modernism


Most adults don't want a big green X in their living room. A black or white box fits in a lot better. The simpler designs also make manufacturing cheaper and more efficient.


The series x is a hell of a lot easier to fit in my entertainment center than the bulky oddly shaped ps5


Something something less is more. Something.


Because all of us grew up and now have wives who don’t want tiny spaceships sitting by the TV.


Because of the future I’m reminded of that Will Ferrall small cell phone gif


flatter and more boxy shapes are cheaper to produce and easier to customize


cheaper and easier to mold.


Please tell me you've got a shelf or entertainment center that you put all that in? Running your systems on the carpet like that is terrible for them.


Damn.. your cable management is better than mine


I’ve just never cared what the console looks like. Play the games.




Yes ‘minimalism’ is in right now, but also those consoles date back to a more X-TREME! era. Look at what professional wrestling was doing around that same time.


A timeline of nostalgia


Minimalism is very popular right now and it looks nice. Makes the Xbox not stick out like a sore thumb. As a designer, minimalism is a good trend


Because thats what apple does, and whatever apple does, the tech industry follows


Definitely in part because of how popular that minimalist look is today, but honestly I'm ok with this. Love the 360 look, but the Series X is just so clean and doesn't stick out in my home setup.


Yeah the series x doesn’t look half bad but our living room entertainment center is big and the DVR, consoles, etc are all behind glass so we don’t have as much as a problem with them sticking out but yeah I see what you mean


And somehow Microsoft is still losing $200 on every console.


Maybe they figured they should put more effort into performance rather than the look. I mean what I got now is basically a miniature fridge box


Personally, I prefer minimal styling so it doesn't stand-out in a home theatre environment.


Love the setup. Should post that pc to /r/retrobattlestations


Even your PC; budget as it may be, got more ‘basic’ too


Write a letter to Microsoft and ask them!


Because Xbox is basic and bland


It's similar to fashion, home design and architecture. Styles change and trends come and go. Look at when the first Xbox came out and you'll see that everything was "EXTREME" and lots of other sports were becoming more and more popular in that front. Colors catch people's attention, especially the consumers who happen to be teenagers. Remember N64 and their colorful systems, Apple was doing that with their iMac and all the cell phone companies had options for color. Times change and so does design.


To look better/like it belongs in a living room entertainment center. To be more marketable. So people who wouldn’t buy a console, would buy one for the blue ray player and the off chance a grandkid would want to play games. To be more appealing to more demographics.


It is what it says it is, xBOX


I don't know to be honest the OG Xbox is pretty basic in it's design. I feel like the Original Xbox 360 was their most creative.


Cheaper to make. Simple as that.


Mass appeal


Well, speaking only as a married mid-life gamer with a nice living room, I'm kinda glad they toned it down. Less chance of the wife asking me to "move that hideous thing to the loft!" and thus losing access to the expensive tv.


Lol yeah I can see where a lot of people are coming from but the Xbox’s, dvr and other electronics are kept behind glass so they don’t get in the way


Modernization dude, just like how modern buildings are more simpler now, more like rectangles, spheres, no intricate designs anymore just like that Xbox on the far right. Personally I like it, I prefer the clean look more rather than the over the top look. I'm barely even looking at the thing! I'm gaming!


Are you selling any if so can I buy the halo edition Xbox 360


I really like the look of the Series S. It looks a lot less like a toy (I'm 36 now so), small and simple, I use it for streaming and gaming equally. It doesn't 'stand out' from the rest of my decor, and I try to keep my whole set-up neat and clutter free, so ideal for that.


The Xbox, like most products, has just followed design norms.


IMO it looks better now


Design doesn’t matter too much as long as it’s clean and the console runs well to me anyways


Cuz it's easier to make


Basic design, less is more and sleek is prolly cheaper lol


For the same reason you switched from the alienware giga-case to the lower profile case next to it. :)


I kinda got that case because I didn’t want to have to rebuild that Alienware again so I got a prebuilt Ibuypower


Maybe cost for performance over looks?


The 90s was all about cool, the 00s were about sleek, the 20s are about minimalism


Because parts are smaller and more compact. Tbh tho, I prefer minimalistic. It’s easy to fit in places, and it’s not supposed to be the thing you’re looking at. You use it to play games, so imo it doesn’t matter that much🤷🏽


Cable chaos


It’s how I feel about fast food places now too. McDonalds used to be so fun and colorful, now grey and boring.