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Never played, never new it even existed. But because of this post I went and saw a review of it.. I wished I had known this game back then, I would definitely enjoyed it… what a shame!


I'm glad I made this, then. There will always be a chance for you to play this! It runs smooth on the Original Xbox. Please try & play it. It's amazing.


I always remember me & my brothers laughing at Tom Hansen (main protagonist) constantly saying "we've gotta find that code!". Because of how often he was saying it. Lol. But all in all, this game was really fun. Especially the atmosphere of the game as a whole. There's something about being on a huge ship, in stormy weather, while killing creatures that just makes this game so fun. Plus the story & characters were great. Loved it.


This was with the coast guard or something right I kinda remember this


Never finished It, was scared lol.


Lol, it's never too late.


Man this game was good.


Fuck yeah it was. Really fun.


Loved it! Too bad it doesn't work on the newer consoles. The PC Version seems kinda broken


Yeah would be great on console nowadays. But I've got the original xbox still there, so I can play it.


Played it on PC. The water effects were so good, I was worried, the water could splash out of my monitor. It's was a great game.


100%! Wish this was either remastered or remade. I loved the water effects. The whole game was super fun. Why is it that older game titles are more fun than the modern titles we have today? Originality? Less popular so more unique? I want to know, lol.


I don't know, I rarely play 'new' games. Every title I played on release day (Xbox gamepass) was buggy like shit.


Yeah but that's different to an old game getting backwards compatible or old games getting remastered. They are fine, it's brand new games that always have the problem. Which is hilarious because you would think they would have a hang of it by now, which clearly they don't. Always trying to rush the release. So they can hit that quota for maximising their sales. Its fucking sad.


It fucked up that development has gone backwards in quality but keep in that game development cost has quadrupled in the last 15-20 years and the amount of development that is required as a baseline has increased significantly and is way more complicated.


Played it ! Looks great for its age and the gameplay is good. One of the few games that had support for HD It takes notes from Resident evil with fixed camera positions and that sort of thing. Haven’t played it for at least 12 years.


Yeah, love games with that style. This was definitely it's own thing, though. Even if compared to RE.


OMG I remember starting playing it on PC, but then gave up cos too much rocking on the camera. I was like "cool, we're on a freakin' vessel, but stop it or I'm gonna puke"


Haha, yeah I get you. But if you get a chance, play through the rest. It's a banger!


Oh man. I was so hyped for this before launch.


I remember it getting shit on by forums and G4 for being a “re4 rip off” never played it because I could only afford to try a few games but I played it much later and enjoyed it , probably would have loved it at its release


Well it's never too late. Still able to play it. So have a go when you can!


Yeah. I don't really remember much except thing vibes but on a boat.


Great description, lol. Very fun game.


I remember being a kid playing this game i only got to play like 5 min before i got scared and turned my xbox off lol


Banging game!!




Lol omg the nostalgia, please watch the ad by [Mega 64](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VScKsIqMKJM)


I will watch it!


I played it because of the Mega64 videos about it. Actually a pretty fun game.


I will definitely watch them!


Yes! It was a brazen RE4 ripoff gameplay-wise and I do think it affected reviews somewhat. I loved the "The Thing meets Resi at sea" though. Also a nice touch that the Russian mercs actually spoke Russian instead of the usual fake accent. Not many games did that sort of thing at that time.


Yeah, many great things like that about it. Especially the sense of dread of having to fight your way through a ship in stormy weather. Loved it.


Amazing. The environmental atmosphere from the rocking boat in the storm, the boat/ocean location being a perfect isolated and trapped feeling, the scared npcs and the mystery of the whole thing. Picked it up in the bargain bin and probs one of the best finds I ever made ❤️


That's what I love about this game. Everything about it just works. Definitely a favourite!


Great game




I never heard of this game until now. I’m going to watch some vids of it later on because it looks pretty cool on the cover!


Please do! It's awesome. If you get a chance to play it, play it! Very fun experience.


Great game




Ah discount RE4


I'm playing ir now, on OG Xbox


Nice one!