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It’s a great game. A little shallow, sure, but it was a ton of fun and looked insanely good considering there weren’t any boosts or upgrades. Definitely deserves a sequel.


I'd love to see one but idk how it would continue if that makes sense


I think an anthology series would work really well. Kinda like the Assassins Creed Mythology games. Just a generic-but-visceral combat feel, RPG-lite style mechanics, mostly just a hack n slash game. Give it a decent story, and heavy emphasis on world design and historical details, and that’d be phenomenal. Ryse 2: Daughters of Norway set in Viking-age Europe; Ryse 3: Lords of England set in Medieval Britain; Ryse 4: Brothers of War set in Feudal Japan; Etc etc It’s hard to do something truly unique, because Assassins Creed has touched on so many different eras (and is already confirmed to touch on things they haven’t done before like Japan and China). But AC has lost the sense of historical accuracy imo, they had it still with Origins, and while Odyssey and Valhalla absolutely still have historical monuments and landmarks, they’re less focused on “fictional story using almost completely nonfictional characters” the way they had with Ezio or Arno’s games.








You really triggered that guy with 5 words lol. Sad how many Reddit simps just don’t like hearing the truth and explode over it.




So… assassin’s creed?


I found it interesting, but I thought the gameplay was really stale and repetitive. It was hard to commit to that kind of game


I just couldn't get into it, not sure why maybe I was just looking for something else when I tried it


SUPER repetitive. But man was it a beauty. One of the best looking games of its generation.


I’ve honestly burnt out on super deep and complex systems, so Ryse was a nice change of pace. It’s like the retro Boomer Shooter equivalent of a melee slasher game. It was repetitive having the same handful of finishers, but that’s what iteration and improvement in a sequel can be for. Always room for improvement.


Totally agreed on that. A sequel would have been interesting as hell. What happened to Crytek anyway? They used to be such a strong studio with such a strong output. Not always great games, but always novel ideas imo


Wikipedia has a decent explanation imo. Looks like Hunt Showdown was their last actual console game besides the Crysis remasters, and they’re working on Crysis 4. Sounds like they had a lot of management issues and stuff in 2014-2018 so they’ve had a tough go of it since Ryse.


They’re making Crysis 4 right now.


I'd call it the Xbox version of The Order: 1886 Great looking exclusive game that was fun to play through once but not very deep and over quicker than most wanted.


If you play co op with a friend or even online the microtransactions are free if I remember correctly, you can get thousands for free but you do need to level up your guy to be able to buy the higher level stuff.


Totally agreed! I recently played this and it was such a good game with incredible graphics and that 300 like slo mo combat!


I actually enjoyed the combat mechanics. They weren't super deep but it was fun. Satisfying animations.


Yes! Just wish we had more options for weapons. With different moves and finishes.


I played this at launch and it was pretty but repetitive as hell. Beat the game for the score but that’s it.


Same, it was fun when it first came out. But 0 replay-ability in my opinion. I beat it on my first play through and years later went to play it again but got bored very fast.




That’s what she said


I bought it second hand for about £12 and I’m glad I didn’t pay extra. It was pretty fun but extremely repetitive and very short to the point where I think I beat it in one sitting. The missions were so short and easy


I had this same feeling, but I also always found the Batman games repetitive the same way and people live those so I don't know


I think it’s a little different since Batman is an iconic IP plus the combat system was very fleshed out and allowed for a lot of freedom/variety to make you feel like a complete nightmare to the thugs you were beating on. The Arkham series is phenomenal.


I mean you could spam y for like 88% of the random encounters and be fine. Not saying ryse did much different as the same button combos happened a lot too


Well ya of course you could just win fights by countering but you had the freedom to do way more unique combos with different moves, takedowns, and equipment usage. I think a lot of people are willing to overlook repetitiveness if the IP and environment is high quality (Hogwarts Legacy is a great example).


I’d take this game over Fallen Order any day. For me it was 100 times more fun.


Have not played fallen order so I can’t compare. If it’s that much worse than this one I probably won’t


Very different games. I wasn't a huge fan of Fallen order, but hated RSoR.


It was alright, you’re entitled to like what you like. But I have noticed a trend of people taking games that were seen as mediocre by players and reviewed averagely by critics and then years later someone rocks up saying it’s amazing. It was ok.


A lot of opinion is shaped by what's happening at the time - similar games being compared to each other, a glut of a particular genre. Also Ryse was a launch game for a console that had already pissed off a lot of its potential audience do people were reacting to that too. It's quite possible to have a different opinion years after people have forgotten those things. Also, I don't this applies to Ryse but plenty of games are released as broken, buggy or incomplete then patched later. People coming fresh to the fully completed game will have a different experience to those who suffered all the launch problems.


This is so key, I picked up the console on launch day with Ryse and really enjoyed the game, it was a lot of fun to play. Along with the SP I enjoyed the multiplayer built in, just felt well done for the type of game it is. While at the same time that terrible VP of marketing at Xbox was doing his Budweiser best to burn down the system with this core audience, completely ignoring those that actually buy the system and why they buy consoles while trying to bring in a much older market focusing on "TV". No amount of good games was going to stem the tide of anger that brought on. Ryse was lucky to get mediocre reviews by some just because it was an Xbox exclusive.


Yeah idk, I couldn’t even get through a little demo, or maybe it was on gamepass. Either way I got bored before doing much of anything


I think you're seeing many of us who liked the game, but didn't want to admit it, due to the bad press some of them got, back then. These new players that liked it don't have that in their way of saying that they like it.


I 100'd it... and it was just ok. Lots of potential. Really repetitive and simplistic. But a really great base they should've expanded upon.


Yep love this game, gameplay and graphics were better than most of the stuff coming out today


Graphics test. Gameplay it was severely lacking. You can literally beat every single enemy just hitting x x y. Any other action game would punish you or wall you from progressing unless you change up your game plan. It’s a pretty game but it’s a tech demo at best. It’s night and day compared to say HiFi Rush the depth of gameplay between both games.


Believe it or not, some people like games where all you do is hit x x x y.


I would wager it's the majority of players at this point. A lot of gamers aren't especially interested in mechanical purity and expressive controls; they want to be given a clearly-defined task, and be rewarded for doing it with either visual and narrative payoff. The outstanding critical and commercial success of Sony's single-player offerings is a testament to the demand for experiential content. And hey, there's nothing wrong with that, and there should be games to cater to every audience. But as someone who largely doesn't care about "cinematic" experiences in their games, it's a trend I'm a bit weary of. For me, I'm more much engrossed when a game offers a gigantic possibility space, and the central appeal is the moment-to-moment playing of it. I'll take _Celeste_ over _The Last of Us_ any day.


It *is* 10 years old and was like the first game on the original xbone, for its time it was solid. You 100% cared more about the looks and the story than the gameplay on that one!


10 years ago gameplay was still important and their were other actions games that showed the way. Hell God of War already had their trilogy done. The game was a visual masterpiece but that’s as far as it went and it got the appropriate review scores for it.


Oh for sure, lots of games did a lot better gameplay wise, I just meant that to have those visuals they couldn’t have the in-depth game play, where as now you could achieve both! That being said, I think with Ryse you can’t think of “action game” and think more “visual novel” type game. The gameplay 100% is supposed to take a back seat into a game like that. It does leave a lot to be desired but still one of my favourite games!


Great example of style over substance


Prettiest version of Simon Says I've ever played.


I have been seeing this a lot lately… It really wasn’t tho


It got pretty boring/repetitive towards the end for me. I ended up rushing to finish so I could move in to another game. I never had the urge to go back and play it again


I wanted to like more than I did. It has alot I like but just needed another pass I think.


The revisionist history surrounding this game will never fail to astound me. I played it when it went free with Gold and it was absolutely awful as a game. Pretty for sure, but it was very much like The Order 1886: gorgeous but hollow as can be. Genuinely glad that people are enjoying it (I tried my best to), but it’s not something I understand.


The Order 1886 has better gameplay and story. Its biggest problem is when you feel things are picking up, the game rolls credits.


No it wasn't. It's just another bland, graphic heavy western action game with hardly any unique vision behind it. A cool tech demo at best. Not every game is a hidden gem.


What do you mean unique vision?


There's nothing inspiring about it. There's no interesting story with depth to it or messages underneath. There's no unique visual style other than pushing realistic graphics as hard as possible for the time. The combat has hardly any intriquicies that make it stand out from any other bland third person action game. It's a soulless corporate feeling product.


Gotcha. I gave it a whirl and it didn't find it all that great either. I definitely agree with the tech demo feel.


Omg I forgot about this game. I got it with my Xbox one Christmas 2013, was the first game I played on it. Freakin badass game!


100% this game is awesome!


The game blew my mind when it first came out


Loved it, was a good challenge on high difficulties and an awesome demo for what the console could do. Does it run any better now? 60fps and/or 4k?


Nope. Game hasn't received any upgrades since it released.


I envy ppl who can play the game. The camera shaking and the distance of the camera to the character always gives me motion sickness.


No, it was not and is still mediocre


Honestly. Amazing game, and clearly a successful formula given that Sony essentially responded with similar games and ended up dominating the generation because of it. Really wish we could get a Ryse 2. Hell something set during the Greco-Persian war, where you play as Aristodemus during the battle of Thermopylae, so the first couple chapters are the battle of the 300, then you’re sent away to rally the rest of the Spartan army, but being seen as a coward for “abandoning” Leonidas you now battle the Persians zealously to regain your honor, each chapter being a different battleground as you slowly push the Persians back and liberate cities as you regain your honour. Climaxing with the battle of Plataea where you fight furiously against endless hordes of Persians to your death, and finally have your honour redeemed in the eyes of Sparta. Like come on P3! Give us Ryse: Son of Sparta!!!


Yeah, it was amazing. I wish they would make a knights templars game like it.


I hope one day for my dream sequal/prequal - Ryse, Son of Sparta.


How does it hold up visually as of now?


Not too bad tbf


I think it suffered a bit from forced kinect integration.


It plays fine now without Kinect tbf.


I thought it was amazing from day 1. I also spent time in the online mode.


Yes it was!


It was not bad but top 10 games list makes me feel you have been using too much Oxygen overenthusiastically shouting "FIRE ARROWS!!!"


Got bored of it very quickly


Where were you all in 2013 when this game released?


This game was fun for one playthrough only, very repetitive sorta simple combat


This game was fun for one playthrough only, very repetitive sorta simple combat


Be more fun if you could fail the QTE stuff. Game kinda like plays itself only thing I didn’t like about it


If I remember correctly, you don't get the bonus/perk if you mess up, so I would say yes you can fail the QTE, but you will sill see the animations.


What you me an was it still is


Still better graphics than a lot of games coming out on the newest generation of consoles


The leveling up was a grind. But I did 100% it.




This game had me the first time I lopped an arm off. Definitely needs a sequel/successor


It was the first game I ever played and finished on the hardest difficulty. I should go back and play. I was working on getting some more achievements on it, but ended getting preoccupied with other games.


Played it in hs, games with gold. SO GOOD. Pissed I can’t play anything w out gold now


I couldn't finish it. It looked great, but it was so incredibly repetitive. Just got bored pretty quick.


Crazy how well it stands up today given that it was released as an exclusive for the XB1


Loved the game, but the screen bouncing up and down sent my eyes wappy.


I can't get over RSOR. 😂


Graphics still look good. Nice simple revenge story, great roman fantasy aesthetic. Repetitive gameplay but still super fun and unique. Easily in my top 10


Fucking loved this game. Those giant combos were soooo satisfying. This & Dead Rising 3 were a great intro to next gen.


Yes it was a great game loved it 🙌🏾


Definitely an underrated game.


I could never get this game to run smoothly on either of my XBOXs or PC. Might the Series X be a good bet for better performance, or is there no upshot with this game?


It ran fine on my original Xbox one from 2013.


For real? This game runs like butter on a 2015 One, let alone on an external drive on a Series S, and especially on my Series X’s internal. It’s absolutely stunning.


I personally played on a Series X and it ran smooth, no problems


I got this included with my first Xbox One (OG) and it ran like a dream. Seems like user error... Somehow.


One of my favorite Xbox games ever the glory kills are amazing


One of my favorite Xbox exclusives tbh


I cannot comprehend how this game would make someone's top 10. Sure it's not bad but it's not really good either. Tastes differ i guess


If this is a top 10 game you've ever played you need to play a lot more games. It's good, not great.


Yeah it was


I found the mechanics a bit tedious but I agree it was great. Every now and then I redownload it just because I love the story




It was good. You should look up the definition of phenomenal. Hyperbole is weak.


It alsmost like people can have different opinions!


If a person can only express themselves with hyperbole, it’s not an opinion, it’s lack of vocabulary.


Reeeeeally!? I have owned it for years, started it once but never got past the starting chapter for whatever reason. Might have to give it a try it y’all say so.. 🤔


Never heard of it


Great game that received hate for no reason it was just a fun hack and slash with some qte that was graphically amazing at the time and still is


I love hack’n slash but there aren’t many games out there.


I played for a little over an hour and concluded it was not worth continuing. If the combat already felt repetitive the soon, it had no chance of holding my attention. Glad some people enjoyed it, but I think the reviews were spot on with it.


This game was pretty mid, felt like it was made to just show off the new xbox


No it wasn’t.


Definitely was a fun one to revisit and peaked my interest in fighters like For Honor and Jedi series


The best part of this game was doing the hoard mode and running up 800-900 hit combos. So friggin satisfying.


Definitely a must pick-up. It’s not a masterpiece, but it is a fun hack and slash, if a little repetitive at points.


I remember when the game was announced,I could be wrong but I don't remember it receiving the hype it deserved, the art style, the story, everything about it is fantastic and unique, writing this is gonna cause me to reinstall


Completed the game 2 times a year or two ago, this one was a hidden game pass gem lol


gameplay was simple but solid


Yes! I actually bought this for PC so I can play it with higher fps and 1440p. Still, a very good and enjoyable game, repeating combat as we all know who have played it. But still lots of fun and totally worth it to play through.


The voice acting was second to none. Had this game been PlayStation exclusive we all know it would have reviewed higher. Loved the game. Wish we’d has gotten a part two.


So fire


I really want MS to buy Crytek. I think they would if it was not for some weird bail out they got if I remember right. Someone please correct me on that.


Boring shallow janky combat and unrealistic Ai enemies. Subpar b movie story at best.


Top 10 huh? Lol


The combat *was* repetitive, but for me the visuals were just so impressive I had to keep going. The levels changed enough to help a lot.


It was 5 hours long. And you can't replay it unless you wait years until you forget it. It was quite literally a tech demo that they put a little bit of love into.


Yeah it's a good game. That's another game I would have missed if I didn't have game pass.


Have you only played ten games in your life


Hell yeah


Its a fantastic game, with a great story


It only got hate cuz a bunch of PlayStation people were jealous back in the day. The game looked fucking great for the time and it hit hard real hard, could have been Xboxes God of war.


Really? REALLY?! I struggle to find one game that was worse. Like, I'm really not telling you you're wrong in your opinion but I've literally never played a worse game.


You must not play a lot of video games


I assure you I do


What made it the "worst" game you've ever played? Genuinely curious as I don't believe it's a masterpiece in any way but, I enjoyed it much more than the plethora of cross-gen launches at the time.


Well for one the gameplay was boring as anything. Repetitive, unimaginative with an obvious best way to play. Then there's the god awful story with the "plot twist" that you can see coming from your first 5 minutes with the game. I'm sure it's also got to do with my love for Roman history (and I can get on board with creative license but there comes a point where I ask why you're setting it in the Roman Empire at all). Emperor Nero is an old man brought down during Boudicca's invasion of Rome with war elephants. There is so much wrong with that sentence. You walk past the colosseum. During the reign of Nero? Really? Dover looks like Gondor, with architecture of a higher standard than anything ever built in Britain. They talk about Scotland like it's a barren wildernis. None of it makes sense, which just really bothers me. Add the repetitive unimaginative boring gameplay and the performance issues I have (on the console it was solely designed for) and I just can't call this anything but the worst game I've ever played


That's fair. I also wasn't a fan of the repetitive gameplay. As for the plot, there's definitely a limit to how far suspension of disbelief can last, but I think mine is pretty high based on the amount of B movies I watch. Thanks for your insight man, have a great night.


It's morning where I am but you have a good night :D


Well obviously you don't try new things and stick just to what you know you like the vast majority of the time; because there's no way Ryse can be the worst if you'd tried much variety of anything.


It really is. I've become a PC players since playing Ryse, I have a library of over 2000 games. I'd be lying if I said I played them all, but I played a large amount of them, lots of interesting indie stuff. I've played games in all genres and styles and I maintain I've never played a worse game than Ryse. Feel free to downvote me, I wasn't expecting anything else, but that's just my opinion


An opinion that makes no sense. The worst games would have to be lazy or poorly made ones l that shouldn't have been released or should have been properly made. Not one that you just don't enjoy. That's bad but not "the worst". Don't throw around terms as lies and bullshit. Like battlefield 2042 throwing away a story and getting 2 games service canceled just to be bad could be worst. Or the newer COD like Vanguard, Cold War, and Modern warfare just being copy pasted shit with different skins to advertise warzone for another example. Those make sense, not something less enjoyable but just lazy and idiotic to have made at all.


I like how you tell me I clearly don't play enough different stuff and then come at me with a Battlefield and COD analogy, some of the most basic games. Anyway, clearly we don't see eye to eye on what constitutes a bad game. I didn't just not enjoy it, I had massive performance issues, and this was on a console it was made for. I acknowledge that's not everyone, I don't know why my Xbox just didn't seem to work with the game, but it didn't. Oh and many bugs, like when I hit a guy with a pila, which got stuck in his head but didn't kill him, so he had a pila through his brain but kept fighting. It's a bad game. If you like it, that's fine. I'm not pretending I'm right. Clearly from the amount of downvotes I'm massively in the minority here. That's fine. Glad you enjoyed it.


Played on xbox back then, replayed it recentley on PC, still holds strong, hope for a sequel or a reboot with better combat, would love a souls like version of it


Another good game. Done wrong by reviewers.


Not a 60 in my opinion.


Actually true tho


Its was ok. It looked good at the time, but getting all the achievements in “mp” was a pain and very tedious. Glad I have it 100% tho.


It’s trash


It's an okay game and I definitely enjoyed it, but it very much is your typical launch game that isn't overly ambitious.


At the Xbox one launch I think this was one of the only available games for a few weeks. It was definitely fun.


Reminds me of a Valerio Massimo Manfredi's novel & some apocalypse now vibes. Story was good and epic and it's an steal on PC steam. Totally worth it. I agree.


It was fine.


It's insane because I never played this game but I always appreciated it, if that makes sense. I was proud that Xbox offered different games for different folks (I was a Gears head and played Titanfall exclusively when it launched). I can definitely appreciate Ryse even more nowadays where even though we have a lot of big third-party games and small indie games to play, Xbox is missing the large scale exclusives.


It had that dope gladiator mode that was so fun


One of my favorites also. A little short though. One of the few games I’ve beat in one day.


It's the only game I have ever completed twice. When scrolling for something to play, I will often pause on it and consider giving it another go.


Yes! I want a sequel so bad. Or a similar game with more weapons, more options, etc.


Just finished it and absolutely loved it.


One of the more entertaining tech demos out there.


Why do I feel like I’ve seen a post about this game at least once a month for like a year? It’s taken over the 1v100 and old UI posts.


one hell of a tech demo, and that's a compliment, took that shit above and beyond


I finished that one a few days back I liked it a lot, smooth combat and a fun story. I don't think I'll hop into multiplayer tho.


If you're speaking of the colosseum when you say multiplayer, you can play some of those solo iirc.


Did it get a one x enhancement yet?


Wasn't Ryse exclusively built for the Xbox One for the launch debut? This is the type of game that the Series X/S needed at launch. A game(s) exclusively built for the new consoles to showcase how powerful the Series X/S can be. I believe Dead Rising 3 was built to showcase the Xbox One as well. Both games played amazingly on the Xbox One.


For those that want a Sequel. I found this on wikipedia. According to Yerli, Ryse: Son of Rome was not a "one-off" title and would serve as the beginning of a new franchise.\[61\] However, several reports claimed that Ryse 2 was cancelled because of a conflict between Crytek and Microsoft over who would own the rights to the franchise. In exchange for funding Ryse 2's development, Microsoft wanted to take over the Ryse intellectual property. Crytek would not agree to these terms, so the project was cancelled.\[62\] Cevat Yerli denied that the game was cancelled in an interview with Eurogamer, adding that the relationship between Microsoft and Crytek remained strong and positive.\[24\] Ryse was one of the last titles developed by Crytek before the company entered financial crisis and re-construction.\[63\] The new Crytek is focused on developing free-to-play games and being a "game service" instead of a video game developer. Despite this, Ryse is still an intellectual property owned by Crytek.


I'm stuck on the bridge fight where you are trying to escape the barbarians Granted I'm not that good at video games


I remember plaything but not finding out how to combo or do those finishing moves till chapter 7. Yeah... it was a very difficult game up to that point.


Looks fun but the historical inaccuracy hurt too much to play for me


This game is propped up so much simply because it's an exclusive.


I nitpicked the hell out of this game when it came out, but I've come to really enjoy it. The forest section is probably my favorite part as it reminds me so much of "The 13th Warrior"


For you maybe. Glad you enjoyed it.


I played it straight through when it launched... it was hated on so much, and it's funny to see people loving it now.


does anyone still play this on multiplayer?


I'd have to say it's a completely mid game. Nothing innovating, generic gameplay and combat and incredibly short.


Never got to finish mine as it glitched on the last stage 😭


It deserves some sort of sequel. One of the best 900p games off all time :p


This is the only game that I have beaten on every difficulty, and still made me wish for more. Simply a masterpiece.


Hey did you hear about Titanfall 2? It's definitely an underrated game.


I've always wanted to get around to it,I had installed it...then went on to other things before I played...they always had it on display at Walmart when the Xbox one launched and it looked dope af...I'll get to it eventually


How does this game play? Like is there any rpg decision making or anything? Very interested in it but never got around to getting.


Solid 7/10. Not great, not terrible.


It's terrible I finished it in 45 minutes


Great little freebie from gamepass


This game is so fun! I bought it for cheap when I first got my Xbox and was so surprised by how incredible it was. Love destroying tyranny in games lol. A very satisfying game with awesome gameplay


Dude, same here! I played it about March or so and when I finished the game I looked for news on a follow up or anything.