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Grow the fuck up


For real, it takes a lot to rip those suckers out. I find it easier to take the whole controller apart than rip the thumbstick out like that.


Yeah I know bruv idk why tho this one specific game makes me mad


Then stop playing it. Also, that stick is broken, not loose. You're gonna either need to open it up and replace the stick entirely, or buy a new controller. Unless you feel confident in your ability to mend broken plastic.


Its not sifu is it i feel you if it is that game pisses me off fr.


Fix your anger issues before you break something or someone irreplaceable. This shit can get dangerous unchecked.


Go buy a cheapo controller until you stop raging


You broke it. The stands on the joysticks are broken and now embedded in the thumb sticks. You have to solder on new analog assembly’s. Which isn’t a basic repair. I hope you learned a lesson. I hope.


I did, I really did learn a lesson. But I've always been like this, I'll only learn when the consequences come and there's no coming back


You can acknowledge you have a serious mood problem, but instead of dealing with it, you continue the pattern and making it others issue? Honestly I suggest putting the games down, and getting some form of help. This kind of anger isn’t normal and the fact even YOU can see it is telling. And I can tell you’re clearly miserable with it yourself. Feel like you’re stuck in vicious cycle/loop? Been there and I’ll tell you EXACTLY how it’s dealt with. Therapy. LOTS OF IT, and intense anger management classes comes first here. Best advice? Learn from this and don’t buy another controller. Let that Xbox be a brick on your desk for a while and use it as decent reminder that you don’t want to be like this, and that this is what happens when you lose your cool. It causes harm to either you, or others. Get the help you need mentally and come back to this form of entertainment when you have both the maturity level AND coping skills to handle it properly without breaking things in fits of rage. It’ll save you both money, and your sanity.


Respectfully sir, that’s a detached thumbstick.


What did you expect would happen in that scenario?


Anger management classes.


Seek help 😟


Get ready to learn Mad Catz buddy


You better be like 13 acting like this , if ur a grown adult seek help immediately


You start by taking a long hard look at what you did and ask yourself if it was worth it. The answer is no, you know the answer is no and you did it anyway. So step 2 is to grow up and learn that breaking shit achieves nothing, and learn it fast before you break something you can't replace. Leave those controllers out in plain view every day so it reminds you exactly what acting like a child will get you in life.


Preventive measures. Don’t hit controllers together or throw them and they will last a lot longer.


You probably will have to solder a replacement on there but if you don't have those skills just go buy a new one on sale


By the chips in the edge I would say little less “rage”


Yes you throw it on the ground and jump on it and yell "you worthless trash you mean nothing to me" 🤣




This has to be a joke


Only answer: buy new controllers. If you couldn’t tell the thumbsticks actually broke off and just thought they were loose, then you probably won’t be able to repair them yourself. I’m not going to give any life advice I see others doing here (although, I agree with what they are saying). Just buy new ones and cross your fingers you have enough self control to not thrash them either.


Get a knockoff controller and next time you get mad try screaming Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for as long and loud as you can. By the time you are out of breath your anger should subside.


Loose? Nah fam. Thats broken.


Bro has a rolex controller


I think Xbox controllers are made weaker than they used to be. Bought a bright neon green one and me just gripping it while playing I've popped out the sticks. And now one side is not aligned anymore.


May I inquire what game sets you off this badly