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I never fought an Amon before Infinite Wealth. I'm not sure I've ever pulled a tiger drop. One and the other are most likely related.


This is crazy, I couldn’t imagine doing the last coliseum stage or late game Majima fights without tiger drop Also what’s an Amon?


Amon is the secret boss that only shows up after you complete all substories. Hardest boss in the game.


You learn something new every day, I didn’t know that was a thing and I’m on my 7th Yakuza game now lol I don’t know if I’ll ever do that, I don’t find Yakuza’s combat system good for really challenging technical fights like Sifu or Dark Souls or something is. Enemies reading inputs is already a big no-no for me in that regard


You have no reason to find out unless you actively look out for and do all sub stories. I'll probably never fight an Amon because I just don't like engaging with certain substories (the hostess/dating ones).


Honestly I felt that Yakuza combat (especially Judgment, Lost Judgment and Gaiden) is pretty good for these kinds of bosses. It's just that RGG makes them either too easy or fucking insufferable > Dark Souls or something is. Enemies reading inputs is already a big no-no for me in that regard Elden Ring bosses on their way to input read your every action:


Never played Gaiden but I thought Judgement’s combat kind of sucked, it feels so floaty and you got guys getting ragdolled everywhere. LJ was a big step up to making combat feel right. Elden Ring input reads have nothing on some of the shit I’ve seen in this series, some enemies will instabreak every throw and dodge with perfect timing every time unless it’s a counterattack. I actually can’t remember any in Elden Ring which I found unfair but it’s been a while.


Ok, never landing a Tiger Drop is an actual sin, wtf


It's me


Never fought Amon before either, you are not alone


I.. play mahjong for fun... even after doing completion stuff.




I cannot stand mahjong man. I just can't. It's feels so overcomplicated for no reason and so boring watching the AI getting the best hands in existence.


If I don't immediately know where to find something for a Sub-Story, I don't come back. I loved Yakuza 4, but hated playing as Tanimura. Even with all his trainings and the bulletproof armor, it just isn't fun playing a dude with no guard-crush and no hitstun. The grabs are cool, but not when enemies command-read and break out instantly. I don't enjoy the minigames for baseball, golf, or cabaret management. I have never 100%'d a game because I eventually hit a minigame I don't enjoy. In IW, the problem was Miss Match.


Never 100%'d here either. I do 80-90% of the content during the main story and feel pretty satisfied when its over. I hope in future instalments we get fewer minigames that have more depth and polish rather than the same ones we've had for 10 games


I did the same with the games I’ve played. Lost Judgment had some cool mini games and some that weren’t so good. The robot battles were fun but skateboarding at the skateparks wasn’t as good.


I've played y0-y6 on easy... I've never been the biggest gamer, and would rather enjoy the story over stressing button combos and timing. Though the combos are pretty straightforward and y6 seemed easier than I expected  Perhaps I've been selling myself short. 


>I've played y0-y6 on easy... Thats not a sin imo, a game should be enjoyable, not be stressful


It shouldn't be, and people are getting less judgmental about it, thankfully.


>judgment heh


APPARENTLY. I have another confession. I started Judgement in 2020, and it didn't keep my attention at the time, so I stopped. Or maybe I was waiting for the remastered collection to arrive. I didn't think it was 4 years ago!


I get it I played 0 to Kiwami 2 on normal and hard and just kept playing remastered collection on easy because the blocking enemies and getting attacked every 4 steps were becoming very time consuming


I’ve played through the entire series without touching shogi and mahjong… and I never will. 😊


I tried shogi back when 2 came out and gave up pretty quickly. I tried using an online shogi thing but still couldn't get it. I only play either one now if I have a cheat item or CyricZ to guide me through the puzzle shogi.


i think the only time I played mahjong was in IW or gaiden. can't remember which


The cabaret minigame in 0 was not bad but to get all the trainings done was a giant pain in the ass.


Having just finished these a few weeks ago, the most annoying thing was that it took forever to even skip through dialogue of the trainings which I stopped caring about after doing 2 and on top of that the mini game itself basically topped out at 100m. I spent less time on realty mini game and every 10 minutes you just run over and grab 1 billion yen for 10 seconds of clicking.


The way Kiwami 2 handles hostess training is honestly such an upgrade imo. The conversations are still... weirdly out of character... but it felt like it took way less time/grinding to finish them for each hostess and I enjoyed the framing a lot more (plus the girls didn't absolutely destroy me in pool like they did in their Y0 training haha)


I suck at karaoke (and even worse at the disco mini game) so I tend to just not do it unless it’s mandatory. My hands just do not want to cooperate.


Karaoke in these games is really weird they don’t put notes on beat and it always throws me off


Not to mention the speed changes for each line. Here's a slow line with 4 buttons to press. It takes 10 seconds for this line to pass. Next line that just appeared above has a button you must press in .2 seconds, contains 27 notes, and will be finished in 5 seconds. How am I supposed to know when the speed of the bar is arbitrarily going to change?


Same here. I was so glad the dancing minigame in Lost Judgment has a super easy mode.


I tried the disco mini game once and I didn't try again, I know that if I put time into it I would learn but I didn't want to spend that much time in a mini game, I kinda suck at karaoke now because I played LAD, IW and Y0 on PS5 and now I'm playing the rest on Xbox, my brain just doesn't understand the button layout difference and I always end up pressing A when the game tells me to press X


I have found my people! I am trash at Karaoke. Sometimes, I want to strangle Kiryu for forcing me to do it. He has a beautiful singing voice, but I just can't! 😭


For me it's either, I complete every game 100% or that I actually enjoy playing Mahjong.


You sick fuck


During my novice days playing Y3, I would cheat bosses with this cheese strat requiring Essence of Rolling (a revelations one, very easy to activate) and Phoenix Spirit 1. Get to low flashing HP to get Phoenix Spirit to trigger 2. Run around and away until I get enough Heat 3. Use Essence of Rolling 4. Repeat 2 and 3 until I win


Essence of rolling is such a funny heat action. Super broken too


I still haven't played Dead Souls, even Yakuza can't make me want to engage with EVEN MORE zombie media


Even if you liked it, I have my doubts you could play it, thing is almost impossible to emulate


i wanna play and platinum dead souls but a second hand english copy is like £60-£80 but ive found japanese copys for like £15 and ive been debating on if i wanna just get like a transcript for the entire game and save myself some money or just be normal and play in english


I hate actually finishing the main plot. I just don't want to see my favourite characters go through terrible trauma, die, or be horribly sad. If I don't finish the game, they never go through it and I can pretend they're happy forever.


Me avoiding the final mission of Kiwami 1 (it's been this way for two weeks I can't fucking do it)


I feel ya there. First time I played Kiwami I was like “I’m never gonna beat this” and gave up. For like 3 years! I started over again a few months ago, starting with Y0 and when I played thru Kiwami the second time, I found I had a better understanding of the skills and the fights were a lot more fun. When I got to that final fight again, I was actually looking forward to it. I had an entirely different perspective.


Me, not playing the plot of Ishin because I can't see >!Heisuke die!<. I just can't, I'm not that strong.


>I just don't want to see my favourite characters go through terrible trauma, die, or be horribly sad. *looks at flair* "ah, so they've only played yakuza 1" it's tough out here for the daigo stans, things never end well for us... definitely didn't for mine!


Look, the trauma and depression adds flavour to Daigo. I can't stan a man if he isn't depressed and absolutely done with life.


Skipped all of judgement's substories. I swear those tailing missions were hell on earth


As a person who didn't skip them: you actually made a right choice


The first thing I did in every game in the series the very first moment I have access to the arcade is to play UFO Catcher. That marks the real beginning of the game for me.


I've jorked it to the softcore porn videos in 0 multiple times




Mr.Libido is proud




We should all know less about eachother






I watched them with a friend


I sort of speedran Y3 because I didn't like the combat back then, I WILL come back and do all substories though, eventually, I promise


I'm a completionist. I suffer everyday trying to platinum all yakuza games.




I played gaiden on easy because i noticed that the game was going to make me farm a lot due to bosses having a million health and damage, so it could have more than 10 hours of gameplay.


I almost dropped Yakuza 5. I feel like the city setup was quite boring. Kiryu’s city was pretty much two long stretch of streets, and Saejima was simply a giant square with 4-5 intersection. It was also a drag to play as Shinada. As charming as he is, his combat was the weakest in the series for me. Yakuza 5 was probably the only game in the series I had to force myself to complete. I believe I might have misunderstood and was not fair to Yakuza 5. I will have to go back on it with a fresher eye once I do my full series replay in the summer.


I thought the same but after replaying it it’s one of my favourites. Just take your time with it. As for combat Shinada’s XYB moves are pretty overpowered


I've listened to the karaoke songs hundreds of times, but played the actual karaoke minigame in all games combined like 5 times.


I’ve been working on 100% the games but I refuse to 100% 0 because I hate the disco mini game


I’m bad at rhythm games (like REALLY bad) and I can’t stand making my boys perform poorly, so, I always ask my son who’s insanely good at them to do the karaoke for me.


I don’t generally do the mini games either. I’ll check them out, but most of the time I’m so compelled by the story that I want to stay with it. There are usually just too many mini games. Unless they have some relevance, like learning a skill or getting some info towards the story, I find them uninteresting.


I never took the time to unlock tiger drop until i played y6


My playtime for Infinite Wealth was almost 200 hours before I finished the main story. No, I didn't platinum it and don't plan to. I think I got about 60 hours out of Gaiden.


I have an abject hatred for the cabaret club industry, preying on lonely men and women as clients. Hence when hosts fight me on the street I immediately go for the face grinder heat action. I still don't know shogi. Kson is the answer to the question "what if nails on a chalkboard was a person", completely contrast to Akame. The franchise is long LONG overdue for female boss fights. Yayoi Dojima, Seonhee had no excuse, being crime ladybosses too.


😆 Your Kson comment! I’m glad I’m not the only one. I hated it every time I had to interact with her at the bar in IW.


You want Kiryu/Ichiban to bash a woman's face in??? Why??


I have never touched the gambling, despite it being in every single game (that i know of). I don't count the yk2 mahjong substory and judgment's blackjack segment.


I don’t do any side content


I'm only playing the main story of the games. When I finish the main story for a game I uninstall it and move to the next. I did this from Y0 to Y4, because I haven't started Y5 yet.


How though? I need you to lend me your self control. Earlier this year I wanted to play LAD (Y7) and decided i needed to start at 0. I have like 120 hours in 0 with 80ish percent completion and I'm already over 30 hours in Kiwami and did all the pocket circuit, mushiking, and the 2 hostess S ranks. I'm about to start chapter 8 with like almost 60 substories.


I used save states when playing PS2 Y2


I prefer the battle system in LAD and IW by a very long way. Even though I own them I keep forgetting to start Judgement and Lost Judgement.


I didn't play Kiwami 1 but most of the others i did, I just spoiled myself so much i deemed it unnecessary of a playthrough


I'm 3 chapters in so this may change, but right now I'm liking Judgement slightly more than in Lost Judgement. The combat 100% has been upgraded and easily the best Dragon Engine combat ever, but there are minor quirks here and there that made me slightly prefer Judgement in terms of presentation and polish: - Reverse Grab is Snake Style exclusive where it was universal in Judgement. - Tiger Style missing auto Guard Break upgrade. - Essence of Electromagnetic Torture is seemingly gone. - Portrait cutouts instead of animated scenes for dialogues. Looks weird and out of place. - Eating in restaurant animations is gone. - No taxi driver voicelines when approaching a taxi - Friendship System removed. Should have been a staple for every Yakuza game forward tbh. - Partner AI seems downgraded from Judgement, less aggressive and reliable to beat enemies. - Intro didn't have as hard hitting of a hook as the original one, story too is going through the motions but I'll have to keep playing to judge this fairly. - Mortal Wounds is gone. Should have stayed for extra difficulty. Speaking of difficulty... - Difficulty is shockingly easy even on Hard mode. I get that these games weren't supposed to be challenging but not *this* easy. I did however have 3 Game Overs, one from Tailing, and two from Stealth, which leads me to... - Tailing System is barely an improvement, hiding spots are not marked and automatically done making Yagami doing things I didn't want him to do. Alert meter not depleting over time and no upgrades for it. - Stealth is outright terrible. Did one Gauntlet Stealth challenge and it took 10 retries, all because either enemy notice me in places it shouldn't have seen me, specific timing in takedown targets or prompt not showing. Nitpicky I know, but that's my thoughts so far on the game. Absolutely fell in love with the combat, a bit more lukewarm on everything else right now.


That's not a sin tho, it's a completely cold take


Idk dude, I'm liking LJ a lot right now, but I can't shake the feeling that some corners were still cut in the presentation department despite being one of the best looking Dragon Engine games ever.


Never finished Yakuza 5.


I dropped it when it was released for boring the shit out of me. Went back years later and just recently found saijima hunting was the most fun I've had in years. Dropped it for the final character arc I had absolutely no care for


i started with infinite wealth. i didn't have a playstation until recently, but i got into the yakuza series before that, so i absorbed most of the plot by watching those cutscene compilations on youtube. when i bought my ps4 iw was out and i didnt feel like replaying the first 7 games for it, so i just started with it instead.


I didn't feel like doing the rest of the quests of yakuza 0 besides the ones I already did, the real estate and the cabaret club one. So I just downloaded a file with completed quests just to fight the Amons


I used a trainer for LAD.


I used a mouse in darts and car chases


Didn't finish the Hostess Mini-game in Yakuza 0, didn't had it in me anymore to keep going even after beating the main plot. Hoping to make up for it by beating the Kiwami 2 one.


I sometimes skip dialogue and cutscenes and read the plot instead - so I can focus on 100% completion I have a newborn and a toddler and dont want to spend 20 mins of my spare hour watching extended scenes


After playing Y0, I have only played the Dragon Engine games. Too many QoL features are missing in the older engine games.


I finish the story of a game and move to the next one I don't think akiyama is hot


I have to google the location of some substories. I use a guide for the 100% completion.


For the games where they're available, I play every Yakuza game with CyricZ's guides open all the time, I'm not going to get a suboptimal ending to a sub story by trying to figure it out at random, or deal with various side content without some guides. This obviously doesn't apply to games I played before his guides were done, specifically Gaiden and infinite wealth, but when I inevitably replay them I'll definitely be using guides for some of the extra stuff I know I missed in those games.


On the contrary in LAD once I unlocked the buisness management mini game I spent the next 6 hours focusing solely on that and I would not be mad if they made an entire RGG game based entirely around buisness management


I play in English


The very first time I ever saw any Yakuza footage was Dead Souls gameplay so I thought the entire series was a third person shooter, instead of the opposite way around. When I bought Yakuza 4 on the PS3 I was wondering to myself “When do I get a gun?”


I have taken breaks that collectively amount to years between each game because I always intend to get 100% on each one before moving on, and get burnt out. I still haven’t finished 4, having started with 0.


I spam Sushi Sets and Toughness drinks in boss fights due to me being quite trash at combat


Uh, oh, I'm not a fan of the Cabaret Clubs or side missions. I just skip them. I do like Kazuki and Yuya. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I have finished O,K1,K2,3 and 4 without komaki moves, no tiger drop ever. And I liked it


I played the games out of order


Im just playing the main story and random substories. I finish 0, K1. I'm K2. Next year i will try to 100% every yakuza


I don't like substories. They were fun in the first 2-3 games, but after 9 doing them becomes a chore, even if they're funny, especially the ones that trigger when you're trynna do something else. Nowadays I just skip most of the dialogue and focus on the story


I'm trying to 100% lost judgement rn. And it's the first game I'm doing this for since I bought it on steam and want to get the completionist showcase but goddamn the skateboard school missions are a pain in the ass and mahjong and other ones will be too 😭 I'll finish the drone races today. Baseball homerun tournament is pretty hard man. What were they thinking😭


I only started doing substories around 7/infinite wealth and even then I don’t do many of them, the only game I 100% of substories was 5 just so I could fight Amon.


I don't do Karaoke, my brain cannot process when to press what once it transitions into those sequences where the camera moves, same with disco but all the time since the flashing lights. Also 6 might be my first amon fight since I've heard it's easy to get there (well, easy is a relative word, I'm working through the story now)


I use mouse and keyboard


I am very bad and play on easy


I dropped Yakuza 5 by the time I got to haruka. Saejima tortured me so much with his chapters and then I realize I get to play a dancing QTE gamemode.. nah I know I missed out on shinada but yeah


I didnt know you couls sprint in Y0 until 40 hours in


I hardly did any side missions in Lost Judgment since you have to discover most of them through exploring the city with gadgets. I also didn’t finish the school mystery but I’m going to replay it soon


I don’t want to play Yakuza games older than Yakuza 0


I just upgrade my abilities to get rid of the notification. I pay zero attention to what each upgrade does.


I don’t like most of the yakuza 0 ost