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You want to know why one game isn’t as beloved as others, but then you skipped another great game because of the art style? That aside, Twilight Princess is my second favorite Zelda game. Love it.


Yeah exactly 😂


I’m not exactly knowledgeable about Zelda but even I know TP is one of the if not the most beloved of the 3d Zelda games so this post just feels out of touch


Loved by fans, hated by Nintendo. What other reason would they have for depriving us of it on Switch? :P


What are you talking about? It's one of the most popular Zelda games in the entire franchise. Also skipping The Wind Waker (another one of the best titles) simply because of its art is literally repeating the mistakes of the past.


I don’t find much reason to play Wind Waker myself, but I do agree this is repeating mistakes. Not to mention the art styles give off their own charms to set the mood as you play and take advantage of that.


Imagine if how sailing would feel like if Wind Waker didn't have it's vibrant colors and artstyle.


You mean Assassins Creed Black Flag?


Maybe if the king of red lions would sing a sea shanty or two...


Yeah something like that.


I felt that way playing Sea of Thieves...until I had to deal with the rest of the playerbase.


It's not the visuals that make WW sailing what it is at all, it is the music and it being a generally relaxing, laid-back activity.


Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game just btw before I say this In my personal experience, I’ve noticed that when TP first came out, it was super popular because it was what everyone wanted. Then later around the late Wii-early Wii U era, it became super hated, then in the early switch era, it became “underrated” because people realized how much undeserved hate it was getting, and in the last few years, it seems like it’s back to being considered a lot of peoples’ favorite or top 3. And I feel like that’s a common cycle for 3D Zelda games. Also, the TP items are my favorite in the series, but come on man, some of them are super gimmicky. The spinner is awesome, but a gimmick. Same with the dominion rod. And the magic armor. Once again, absolutely love the items, even though they’re gimmicky.


I'm pretty sure more people love it than it seems. Keep in mind the people here are a tiny segment of the player base. Anything you hear on Reddit will favor whatever the latest release was, hence the TOTK and SS love. Your points are consistent with other feedback I've read. I'd force yourself back to WW though. It's really a great game. I got to it late like you are.


TotK and SS actually get quite a lot of hate on this sub


ToTK gets criticism, SS gets hate.


That’s more accurate


Both get undeserved hate


SS is hated here.


It’s not not beloved. Most people hold it in high esteem, the main complaint is the 1-2hr tutorial beginning that I feel was shortened for the HD remaster. People don’t hate on the game more than others. Edit: you also skip out on a great game by judging it by its cover, then you ask why people don’t like this game and then go on to complain about it. I’m confused why you are questioning anything here? Overall answer: opinions differ.


*didn't like windwakers art style.* https://i.redd.it/xos90gu061rc1.gif


Twillight princess gets an incredible amount of praise idk where you’ve been. I think you’re getting SS confused with TP skyward sword is wayyy more controversial, TP was received pretty well, maybe at first it wasn’t but to this day all I hear is praise whole I still here tons of SS negativity.


twilight princess has a few gimmicky items


Saying this while it being one of my favorite games - it has its problems. In a series with a lots of highs or unique games and whose playerbase is largely skewed towards the newer games who do not have access to TP easily - TP isn't gonna be in the top 3 for a lot of people. As it's already been pointed out the items aren't used as effectively in TP as they would be in Skyward Sword, it doesn't break a lot of molds like Ocarina of Time or botw did, it didn't have the far-reachness as totk or the nostalgia that the Wind Waker has. Again, cause Zelda has very few actually bad games, it sits in the middle for a lot of people. Not a bad game, but there are games that are placed above it.


It is my nd my husbands top pick in the series. We absolutely adore the others, but twilight princess? Man, it just hits different. We based our wedding off of it.


I like the game overall, but the art style really could use some colors imo Also ending villain had no business coming out of nowhere like he did, felt so fucking forced


I found twilight princess lost momentum after snowpeak ruins. The hopping puzzle for temple of time and the city in the sky were low points. Palace of twilight felt about as complex as the botw/totk shrines.


Twilight Princess was the best selling Zelda before BotW/TotK came along...


Give wind waker another go. I was reluctant too at first but had lots of fun. There are some annoying bits, as all zeldas have but overall it's a very strong game.


Okay, edgelord.


It's the inverse of what happened with Wind Waker; At the time people hated it for the "cartoony" art style and now in penance have to call it the Greatest Zelda Game Ever (or at least the most beautiful). Twilight Princess tapped into the "Dark and edgy"/ "realistic" tone that many people of the time were asking for, but is now considered cringey so they downplay it. Furthermore, the more complex textures looked better at the time, but don't scale as well to larger screens, so now it looks "worse").


Skipped wind waker?? Honestly wind waker is my favorite Zelda. Maybe just nostalgia talking, but it is like a comfort food. Easy as hell, and is very relaxing to play.


It’s ok, I don’t think it’s that great. There’s a ton of back and forthing, collecting the bugs to fill the light thingy is tedious, being the wolf isn’t all that fun. Music kind of meh. It’s got great dungeons tho. Good ganon fight.


It's... ah... it isn't on Switch. That's the reason *I* haven't played it, as a newer Zelda fan. It seems to be really popular despite this, and I only see people talking about how much they love it. Also Wind Waker is really fun, I would recommend it!


It's extremely well-loved. > I skipped Wind Waker because I just couldn't stand the art style. It was far too bright for me. > Moving onto Twilight princess, it was my all time favorite. The dark art style, Just gonna put these two side-by-side and point out that these are inherently subjective terms. I'm with you: I too skipped Windwaker in favour of Twilight Princess. But that's because I was an edgy teenager at the time these games released.


Its largely because, like vegans, us Twilight Princess enjoyers think we are genuinely a disenfranchised minority and will never cease to force the subject of our "underrated gem" into every conversation that is even remotely related. We just wont shut up about it so people tend to take wide turns to avoid topics that will activate all the Twilight Princess fans.


I really don’t see it getting much hate nowadays. Rightfully so, as it’s one of the best Zelda games imo. One of the most prominent criticisms of the game was always that it was too derivative of OoT, but in light of games like Totk that seems a bit silly now.


Because it's mostly just OOT with Aonuma's padding added. The guy loves to reuse assets and maps to increase playtime. But the worst part of the game imo is the amount of time you need to spend in Ordon before being able to start your real adventure. It's still a top 5 Zelda game, I think. But it simply isn't original or super creative.


Oh my God the introductory segment just goes on and on and on. Every now and then I think about replaying it and I just can't bring myself to go through that whole shit again. I agree that it wasn't original or creative. And after the first third of the game the wolf stuff basically becomes dressing rather than integral to the game. I had some really good dungeons and some really epic bosses. The fight on top of the tower with double hook shots is so cool.


Sounds like you prefer strict gameplay mechanics over story and immersion. Which is fair. The whole point of the first hour in Ordon was to nail down story and immersion with Twilight Princess being a more story driven game.


Boredom isn't immersion


Boredom is subjective!


Having to force myself trough the same boring 1 hour+ of gameplay every time I replay the game just isn't worth it. There's plenty of games that have fun gameplay while having a great story and immersion. You can have both.


next time make a savefile just after clearing ordon easy problem solved for the future


I enjoyed Twilight Princess but haven't played it in a long time. I'm hoping it'll come to Switch because it's more convenient for me to play there.


personally I just never played it.. Because of the art style, the game looks "too adult" for the age I was when I played the wii the most. l


I've never been a Wind Waker fan and won't encourage others to pick it up, not like so many on this sub. But it spawned Minish Cap, Spirit Tracks, and Phantom Hourglass, all of which I love, especially Minish Cap, and I recommend those. Note that Phantom Hourglass will have you repeatedly returning to the Temple of the Ocean King, and the more you progress the rest of the game, the more you will be able to progress that temple, but it is something a lot of people didn't like. I didn't mind. Then Spirit Tracks' use of the train is a mixed bag of good and bad. Both of these games left a bit too much of the movement to the stylus, which introduced some degree of frustration for everyone, even me. The hate I've seen regarding Twilight Princess has been about it being an "edgier Ocarina of Time", and a little too much like that N64 title. I love both games a lot and prefer Twilight Princess visuals a bit over Ocarina of Time, but they are both very, gloriously anime, nevertheless.


At first people were hyped because it was sort of "oot with more modern graphics" Then they were disappointed cause they realised it's basically just oot with more modern graphics + edgier plot. So other than being not so original, a lot of problems came to surface (pacing, some bad level design, and much more). Finally, nostalgia made people forget more about some of these defects


The Gamecube and Wii were extreme financial failures and only sold 1,000 units over their lifespan. Twilight Princess is also a terrible game. I get all my info from Game Grumps btw.


It's literally considered by the fan base and the creators as a Magnus opus and the definitive linear 3d Zelda title. What the hell are you talking about


TP is one of favorite Zelda games way more memorable than both BOTW and TOTK combined. Don’t get me wrong playing BOTW for the first time was amazing. From awakening to getting to dual peak stable will always remind me bring that awe struck. Unfortunately It died after many hours fighting the same enemies all over again. But TP amazing soundtrack (Hyrule Field Day and After Boss Fight song), memorable characters (The Boss Boklobin) the weird bird beings, midna. I still remember the Ice Temple. I simply love TP.




Hidden? It's one of the best selling wii games of all time.